#!/bin/sh #-*-tcl-*- # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" -- ${1+"$@"} ############################################################################### # # TkDiff -- A graphical front-end to diff for Unix and Windows. # Copyright (C) 1994-1998 by John M. Klassa. # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by AccuRev Inc. # Copyright (C) 2002-2005 by John M. Klassa. # # TkDiff Home Page: http://tkdiff.sourceforge.net # # Usage: see "tkdiff -h" or "tkdiff --help" # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################### package require Tk 8.0 # Change to t for trace info on stderr set g(debug) f # get this out of the way -- we want to draw the whole user interface # behind the scenes, then pop up in all of its well-laid-out glory set screenWidth [winfo vrootwidth .] set screenHeight [winfo vrootheight .] wm withdraw . # set a couple o' globals that we might need sooner than later set g(name) "TkDiff" set g(version) "4.1.4" set g(started) 0 # FIXME - move to preferences option add "*TearOff" false 100 option add "*BorderWidth" 1 100 option add "*ToolTip.background" LightGoldenrod1 option add "*ToolTip.foreground" black # determine the windowing platform, since there are different ways to # do this for different versions of tcl if {[catch {tk windowingsystem} g(windowingSystem)]} { if {"$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows"} { set g(windowingSystem) "win32" } elseif {"$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "unix"} { set g(windowingSystem) "x11" } elseif {"$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "macintosh"} { set g(windowingSystem) "classic" } else { # this should never happen, but just to be sure... set g(windowingSystem) "x11" } } # determine the name of the temporary directory and the name of # the rc file, both of which are dependent on the platform. # This is overridden by the preference in .tkdiffrc except for the very first # time you run switch -- $::tcl_platform(platform) { windows { if {[info exists env(TEMP)]} { set opts(tmpdir) [file nativename $env(TEMP)] } else { set opts(tmpdir) C:/temp } set basercfile "_tkdiff.rc" # Native look for toolbar set opts(fancyButtons) 1 set opts(relief) flat } default { if {[info exists env(TMPDIR)]} { set opts(tmpdir) $env(TMPDIR) } else { set opts(tmpdir) /tmp } set basercfile ".tkdiffrc" # Native look for toolbar set opts(fancyButtons) 0 set opts(relief) raised } } # compute preferences file location. Note that TKDIFFRC can hold either # a directory or a file, though we document it as being a file name if {[info exists env(TKDIFFRC)]} { set rcfile $env(TKDIFFRC) if {[file isdirectory $rcfile]} { set rcfile [file join $rcfile $basercfile] } } elseif {[info exists env(HOME)]} { set rcfile [file join $env(HOME) $basercfile] } else { set rcfile [file join "/" $basercfile] } # Try to find a pleasing native look for each platform. # Fonts. set sysfont [font actual system] #debug-info "system font: $sysfont" # See what the native menu font is . configure -menu .native menu .native set menufont [lindex [.native configure -font] 3] destroy .native # Find out what the tk default is label .testlbl -text "LABEL" set labelfont [lindex [.testlbl configure -font] 3] destroy .testlbl text .testtext set textfont [lindex [.testtext configure -font] 3] destroy .testtext entry .testent set w(selcolor) [lindex [.testent configure -selectbackground] 4] set entryfont [lindex [.testent configure -font] 3] destroy .testent # the above results in a nearly undistinguishable darker gray for the # selected color (rh8 with tk 8.3.3-74) "#c3c3c3" set w(selcolor) "#b03060" #debug-info "menufont $menufont" #debug-info "labelfont $labelfont" #debug-info "textfont $textfont" #debug-info "entryfont $entryfont" set fs [lindex $textfont 1] if {$fs == ""} { # This happens on Windows in tk8.5 # You get {TkDefaultFont} instead of {fixed 12} or whatever # Then when you add "bold" to it you have a bad spec set fa [font actual $textfont] # puts " actual font: $fa" set fm [lindex $fa 1] set fs [lindex $fa 3] set textfont [list $fm $fs] } set font [list $textfont] set bold [list [concat $textfont bold]] #debug-info "font: $font" #debug-info "bold: $bold\n" option add *Label.font $labelfont userDefault option add *Button.font $labelfont userDefault option add *Menu.font $menufont userDefault option add *Entry.font $entryfont userDefault # This makes tk_messageBox use our font. The default tends to be terrible # no matter what platform option add *Dialog.msg.font $labelfont userDefault # Initialize arrays array set g { ancfileset 0 conflictset 0 ancfile "" changefile "tkdiff-change-bars.out" destroy "" ignore_event,1 0 ignore_event,2 0 ignore_hevent,1 0 ignore_hevent,2 0 initOK 0 mapborder 0 mapheight 0 mergefile "" returnValue 0 showmerge 0 started 0 mergefileset 0 tempfiles "" thumbMinHeight 10 thumbHeight 10 thumbDeltaY 0 } array set finfo { f,1 "" f,2 "" pth,1 "" pth,2 "" revs,1 "" revs,2 "" lbl,1 "" lbl,2 "" userlbl,1 "" userlbl,2 "" title {} tmp,1 0 tmp,2 0 } set uniq 0 # These options may be changed at runtime array set opts { autocenter 1 autoselect 0 colorcbs 0 customCode {} diffcmd "diff" ignoreblanksopt "-b" ignoreblanks 0 editor "" geometry "80x30" showcbs 1 showln 1 showmap 1 showlineview 0 showinline1 0 showinline2 1 syncscroll 1 toolbarIcons 1 tagcbs 0 tagln 0 tagtext 1 tabstops 8 } # reporting options array set report { doSideLeft 0 doLineNumbersLeft 1 doChangeMarkersLeft 1 doTextLeft 1 doSideRight 1 doLineNumbersRight 1 doChangeMarkersRight 1 doTextRight 1 filename "tkdiff.out" } if {[string first "color" [winfo visual .]] >= 0} { # We have color # (but, let's not go crazy...) set colordel Tomato set colorins PaleGreen set colorchg DodgerBlue array set opts [subst { textopt "-background white -foreground black -font $font" currtag "-background Khaki" difftag "-background gray" deltag "-background $colordel -font $bold" instag "-background $colorins -font $bold" chgtag "-background LightSteelBlue" overlaptag "-background yellow" bytetag "-background blue -foreground white" inlinetag "-background $colorchg -font $bold" - "-background $colordel -foreground $colorins" + "-background $colorins -foreground $colordel" ! "-background $colorchg -foreground $colorchg" ? "-background yellow -foreground yellow" mapins "$colorins" mapdel "$colordel" mapchg "$colorchg" }] } else { # Assume only black and white set bg "black" array set opts [subst { textopt "-background white -foreground black -font $font" currtag "-background black -foreground white" difftag "-background white -foreground black -font $bold" deltag "-background black -foreground white" instag "-background black -foreground white" chgtag "-background black -foreground white" overlaptag "-background black -foreground white" bytetag "-underline 1" inlinetag "-underline 1" - "-background black -foreground white" + "-background black -foreground white" ! "-background black -foreground white" ? "-background black -foreground white" mapins "black" mapdel "black" mapchg "black" }] } # make sure wrapping is turned off. This might piss off a few people, # but it would screw up the display to have things wrap set opts(textopt) "$opts(textopt) -wrap none" # This proc is used in the rc file proc define {name value} { global opts set opts($name) $value } # Source the rc file, which may override some of the defaults # Any errors will be reported. Before doing so, we need to define the # "define" proc, which lets the rc file have a slightly more human-friendly # interface. Old-style .rc files should still load just fine for now, though # it ought to be noted new .rc files won't be able to be processed by older # versions of TkDiff. That shouldn't be a problem. if {[file exists $rcfile]} { if {[catch {source $rcfile} error]} { set startupError [join [list "There was an error in processing your \ startup file." "\n$g(name) will still run, but some of your \ preferences" "\nmay not be in effect." "\n\nFile: $rcfile" \ "\nError: $error"] " "] } } # a hack to handle older preferences files... # if the user has a diffopt defined in their rc file, we'll magically # convert that to diffcmd... if {[info exists opts(diffopt)]} { set opts(diffcmd) "diff $opts(diffopt)" } # Work-around for bad font approximations, # as suggested by Don Libes (libes@nist.gov). catch {tk scaling [expr {100.0 / 72}]} ############################################################################### # # HERE BEGIN THE PROCS ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Exit with proper code ############################################################################### proc do-exit {{returncode {}}} { debug-info "do-exit ($returncode)" global g # we don't particularly care if del-tmp fails. catch {del-tmp} if {$returncode == ""} { set returncode $g(returnValue) } # exit with an appropriate return value exit $returncode } ############################################################################### # Modal error dialog. ############################################################################### proc do-error {msg} { global g debug-info "do-error ($msg)" tk_messageBox -message "$msg" -title "$g(name): Error" -icon error -type ok } ############################################################################### # Throw up a modal error dialog or print a message to stderr. For # Unix we print to stderr and exit if the main window hasn't been # created, otherwise put up a dialog and throw an exception. ############################################################################### proc fatal-error {msg} { debug-info "fatal-error ($msg)" global g tcl_platform if {$g(started)} { tk_messageBox -title "Error" -icon error -type ok -message $msg do-exit 2 } else { puts stderr $msg del-tmp do-exit 2 } } ############################################################################### # Return the name of a temporary file ############################################################################### proc tmpfile {n} { debug-info "tmpfile ($n)" global g opts global uniq set uniq [expr ($uniq + 1) ] set tmpdir [file nativename $opts(tmpdir)] set tmpfile [file join $tmpdir "[pid]-$n-$uniq"] set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC] set perm 0600 if {[catch {open $tmpfile $access $perm} fid ]} { # something went wrong error "Failed creating temporary file: $fid" } close $fid lappend g(tempfiles) $tmpfile return $tmpfile } ############################################################################### # Execute a command. # Returns "$stdout $stderr $exitcode" if exit code != 0 ############################################################################### proc run-command {cmd} { debug-info "run-command ($cmd)" global opts errorCode set stderr "" set exitcode 0 set errfile [tmpfile "r"] set failed [catch "$cmd \"2>$errfile\"" stdout] # Read stderr output catch { set hndl [open "$errfile" r] set stderr [read $hndl] close $hndl } if {$failed} { switch -- [lindex $errorCode 0] { "CHILDSTATUS" { set exitcode [lindex $errorCode 2] } "POSIX" { if {$stderr == ""} { set stderr $stdout } set exitcode -1 } default { set exitcode -1 } } } catch {file delete $errfile} return [list "$stdout" "$stderr" "$exitcode"] } ############################################################################### # Execute a command. Die if unsuccessful. ############################################################################### proc die-unless {cmd file} { #debug-info "die-unless ($cmd $file)" global opts errorCode set file [string trim $file "\""] set result [run-command "$cmd \">$file\""] set stdout [lindex $result 0] set stderr [lindex $result 1] set exitcode [lindex $result 2] if {$exitcode != 0} { fatal-error "$stderr\n$stdout" } } ############################################################################### # Filter PVCS output files that have CR-CR-LF end-of-lines ############################################################################### proc filterCRCRLF {file} { debug-info "filterCRCLF ($file)" set outfile [tmpfile 9] set inp [open $file r] set out [open $outfile w] fconfigure $inp -translation binary fconfigure $out -translation binary set CR [format %c 13] while {![eof $inp]} { set line [gets $inp] if {[string length $line] && ![eof $inp]} { regsub -all "$CR$CR" $line $CR line puts $out $line } } close $inp close $out file rename -force $outfile $file } ############################################################################### # Return the smallest of two values ############################################################################### proc min {a b} { return [expr {$a < $b ? $a : $b}] } ############################################################################### # Return the largest of two values ############################################################################### proc max {a b} { return [expr {$a > $b ? $a : $b}] } ############################################################################### # Toggle change bars ############################################################################### proc do-show-changebars {{show {}}} { debug-info "do-show-changebars ($show)" global opts global w if {$show != {}} { set opts(showcbs) $show } if {$opts(showcbs)} { grid $w(LeftCB) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ns grid $w(RightCB) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns } else { grid forget $w(LeftCB) grid forget $w(RightCB) } } ############################################################################### # Toggle ignore white spaces ############################################################################### proc do-show-ignoreblanks {{showIgn {}}} { global opts global finfo if {$showIgn != {}} { set opts(ignoreblanks) $showIgn } if {$finfo(pth,1) != {} && $finfo(pth,2) != {}} { recompute-diff } } ############################################################################### # Toggle line numbers. ############################################################################### proc do-show-linenumbers {{showLn {}}} { global opts global w if {$showLn != {}} { set opts(showln) $showLn } if {$opts(showln)} { grid $w(LeftInfo) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew grid $w(RightInfo) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew } else { grid forget $w(LeftInfo) grid forget $w(RightInfo) } } ############################################################################### # Show line numbers in info windows ############################################################################### proc draw-line-numbers {} { global g global w $w(LeftInfo) configure -state normal $w(RightInfo) configure -state normal $w(LeftCB) configure -state normal $w(RightCB) configure -state normal set lines(Left) [lindex [split [$w(LeftText) index end-1lines] .] 0] set lines(Right) [lindex [split [$w(RightText) index end-1lines] .] 0] # Smallest line count set minlines [min $lines(Left) $lines(Right)] # cache all the blank lines for the info and cb windows, and do # one big insert after we're done. This seems to be much quicker # than inserting them in the widgets one line at a time. set linestuff {} set cbstuff {} for {set i 1} {$i < $minlines} {incr i} { append linestuff "$i\n" append cbstuff " \n" ;# for now, just put in place holders... } $w(LeftInfo) insert end $linestuff $w(RightInfo) insert end $linestuff $w(LeftCB) insert end $cbstuff $w(RightCB) insert end $cbstuff # Insert remaining line numbers. We'll cache the stuff to be # inserted so we can do just one call in to the widget. This # should be much faster, relatively speaking, then inserting # data one line at a time. foreach mod {Left Right} { set linestuff {} set cbstuff {} for {set i $minlines} {$i < $lines($mod)} {incr i} { append linestuff "$i\n" append cbstuff " \n" ;# for now, just put in place holders... } $w(${mod}Info) insert end $linestuff $w(${mod}CB) insert end $cbstuff } $w(LeftCB) configure -state disabled $w(RightCB) configure -state disabled $w(LeftInfo) configure -state disabled $w(RightInfo) configure -state disabled } ############################################################################### # Pop up a window for file merge. ############################################################################### proc popup-merge {{writeproc merge-write-file}} { debug-info "popup-merge ($writeproc)" global g global w if {$g(mergefileset)} { $writeproc return } set types { {{Text Files} {.txt}} {{All Files} {*}} } set path [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension "" -filetypes $types \ -initialfile [file nativename $g(mergefile)]] if {[string length $path] > 0} { set g(mergefile) $path $writeproc } } ############################################################################### # Split a file containing CVS conflict markers into two temporary files # name Name of file containing conflict markers # Returns the names of the two temporary files and the names of the # files that were merged ############################################################################### proc split-conflictfile {name} { debug-info "conflicts ($name)" global g opts set first ${name}.1 set second ${name}.2 set temp1 [tmpfile 1] set temp2 [tmpfile 2] if {[catch {set input [open $name r]}]} { fatal-error "Couldn't open file '$name'" } set first [open $temp1 w] set second [open $temp2 w] set firstname "" set secondname "" set output 3 set firstMatch "" set secondMatch "" set thirdMatch "" while {[gets $input line] >= 0} { if {$firstMatch == ""} { if {[regexp {^<<<<<<<* +(.*)} $line]} { set firstMatch {^<<<<<<<* +(.*)} set secondMatch {^=======*} set thirdMatch {^>>>>>>>* +(.*)} } elseif {[regexp {^>>>>>>>* +(.*)} $line]} { set firstMatch {^>>>>>>>* +(.*)} set secondMatch {^<<<<<<<* +(.*)} set thirdMatch {^=======*} } } if {$firstMatch != ""} { if {[regexp $firstMatch $line]} { set output 2 if {$secondname == ""} { regexp $firstMatch $line all secondname } } elseif {[regexp $secondMatch $line]} { set output 1 if {$firstname == ""} { regexp $secondMatch $line all firstname } } elseif {[regexp $thirdMatch $line]} { set output 3 if {$firstname == ""} { regexp $thirdMatch $line all firstname } } else { if {$output & 1} { puts $first $line } if {$output & 2} { puts $second $line } } } else { puts $first $line puts $second $line } } close $input close $first close $second if {$firstname == ""} { set firstname "old" } if {$secondname == ""} { set secondname "new" } return "{$temp1} {$temp2} {$firstname} {$secondname}" } ############################################################################### # Get a revision of a file # f file name # index index in finfo array # r revision, "" for head revision ############################################################################### proc get-file-rev {f index {r ""}} { debug-info "get-file-rev ($f $index \"$r\")" global finfo global opts global tcl_platform if {"$r" == ""} { set rev "HEAD" set acrev "HEAD" set acopt "" set cvsopt "" set svnopt "" set rcsopt "" set sccsopt "" set bkopt "" set pvcsopt "" set p4file "$f" } else { set rev "r$r" set acrev "\"$r\"" set acopt "-v \"$r\"" set cvsopt "-r $r" set svnopt "-r $r" set rcsopt "$r" set sccsopt "-r$r" set bkopt "-r$r" set pvcsopt "-r$r" set p4file "$f#$r" } set finfo(pth,$index) [tmpfile $index] set finfo(tmp,$index) 1 # NB: it would probably be a Good Thing to move the definition # of the various command to exec, to the preferences dialog. regsub -all {\$} $f {\$} f set dirname [file dirname $f] set tailname [file tail $f] debug-info " $f" # For CVS, if it isn't checked out there is neither a CVS nor RCS # directory. It will however have a ,v suffix just like rcs. # There is not necessarily a RCS directory for RCS, either. The file # always has a ,v suffix. if {[file isdirectory [file join $dirname CVS]]} { set cmd "cvs" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (CVS $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd update -p $cvsopt \"$f\"" "\"$finfo(pth,$index)\"" } elseif {[file isdirectory [file join $dirname .svn]]} { set cmd "svn" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } if {"$r" == "" || "$rev" == "rBASE"} { set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (SVN BASE)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec cat \"$dirname/.svn/text-base/$tailname.svn-base\"" \ $finfo(pth,$index) } else { set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (SVN $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd cat $svnopt \"$f\"" $finfo(pth,$index) } } elseif {[regexp {://} $f]} { # Subversion command can have the form # svn diff OLD-URL[@OLDREV] NEW-URL[@NEWREV] if {![regsub {^.*@} $f {} rev]} { set rev "HEAD" } regsub {@\d+$} $f {} path set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f" set cmd "svn" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } if {"$rev" == ""} { set command "$cmd cat $path" } else { set command "$cmd cat -r$rev $path" } die-unless "exec $command" $finfo(pth,$index) } elseif {[file isdirectory [file join $dirname SCCS]]} { if {[sccs-is-bk]} { set cmd "bk" set opt $bkopt set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (bitkeeper $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" } else { set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (SCCS $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" set opt $sccsopt set cmd "sccs" } if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } die-unless "exec $cmd get -p $opt \"$f\"" "\"$finfo(pth,$index)\"" } elseif {[file isdirectory [file join $dirname RCS]]} { set cmd "co" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (RCS $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd -p$rcsopt \"$f\"" "\"$finfo(pth,$index)\"" } elseif {[file exists [file join $dirname $tailname,v]]} { set cmd "co" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (RCS $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd -p$rcsopt \"$f\"" \""$finfo(pth,$index)\"" } elseif {[file exists [file join $dirname vcs.cfg]]} { set cmd "get" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (PVCS $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd -p $pvcsopt \"$f\"" "\"$finfo(pth,$index)\"" filterCRCRLF $finfo(pth,$index) } elseif {[info exists ::env(P4CLIENT)] || [info exists ::env(P4CONFIG)]} { set cmd "p4" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (Perforce $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd print -q \"$p4file\"" "\"$finfo(pth,$index)\"" } elseif {[info exists ::env(ACCUREV_BIN)]} { set cmd "accurev" if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append cmd ".exe" } set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f ($acrev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" die-unless "exec $cmd cat $acopt \"$f\"" "\"$finfo(pth,$index)\"" } elseif {[info exists ::env(CLEARCASE_ROOT)]} { set cmd "cleartool" set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f (ClearCase $rev)" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" catch {exec $cmd ls -s $f} ctls # get the path name to file minus the revision info # (either CHECKEDOUT or a number) if {![regexp {(\S+)/([^/]+)$} $ctls dummy path checkedout]} { puts "Couldn't parse ct ls output '$ctls'" exit } catch {exec $cmd lshistory -last 50 $f} ctlshistory set lines [split $ctlshistory "\n"] set predecessor "" # find the previous version if {$checkedout == "CHECKEDOUT" || $checkedout == 0} { if {$checkedout == 0} { set path [file dirname $path] } set pattern "create version \"($path/\[^/\]+)\"" } else { incr checkedout -1 set pattern "create version \"($path/$checkedout)\"" } # search the history of the file for the latest version on our branch foreach l $lines { if {[regexp $pattern $l dummy predecessor]} { break } } if {$predecessor != ""} { set finfo(pth,$index) $predecessor debug-info " Setting lbl from predecessor $finfo(lbl,$index)" } else { puts "Couldn't deal with $f, exiting..." exit } } else { fatal-error "File '$f' is not part of a revision control system" } # Header above each file - if user has specified -L, override #debug-info " $finfo(lbl,$index)" if {$finfo(userlbl,$index) != {}} { set finfo(lbl,$index) $finfo(userlbl,$index) debug-info " User label: $finfo(lbl,$index)" } } proc sccs-is-bk {} { set cmd [auto_execok "bk"] set result 0 if {[string length $cmd] > 0} { if {![catch {exec bk root} error]} { set result 1 } } return $result } ############################################################################### # Setup ordinary file # f file name # index index in finfo array ############################################################################### proc get-file {f index} { debug-info "get-file ($f $index)" global finfo #set finfo(f,$index) $f if {[file exists $f] != 1} { fatal-error "File '$f' does not exist" return 1 } if {[file isdirectory $f]} { fatal-error "'$f' is a directory" return 1 } # Header above each file - use filename unless # user has specified one with -L set finfo(lbl,$index) "$f" debug-info " Setting lbl $finfo(lbl,$index)" if {$finfo(userlbl,$index) != {}} { set finfo(lbl,$index) $finfo(userlbl,$index) debug-info " User label: $finfo(lbl,$index)" } set finfo(pth,$index) "$f" set finfo(tmp,$index) 0 return 0 } ############################################################################### # Read the commandline ############################################################################### proc commandline {} { debug-info "commandline" global argv global argc debug-info " argv: $argv" global finfo global opts global g set g(initOK) 0 set argindex 0 set revs 0 set pths 0 set lbls 0 # Loop through argv, storing revision args in rev and file args in # finfo. revs and pths are counters. while {$argindex < $argc} { set arg [lindex $argv $argindex] switch -regexp -- $arg { "^-h" - "^--help" { do-usage cline exit 0 } "^-a$" { incr argindex set g(ancfile) [lindex $argv $argindex] } "^-a.*" { set g(ancfile) [string range $arg 2 end] } "^-v$" - "^-r$" { incr argindex incr revs set finfo(revs,$revs) [lindex $argv $argindex] } "^-v.*" - "^-r.*" { incr revs set finfo(revs,$revs) [string range $arg 2 end] } "^-L$" { incr argindex incr lbls set finfo(userlbl,$lbls) [lindex $argv $argindex] } "^-L.*" { incr lbls set finfo(userlbl,$lbls) [string range $arg 2 end] } "^-conflict$" { set g(conflictset) 1 } "^-o$" { incr argindex set g(mergefile) [lindex $argv $argindex] } "^-o.*" { set g(mergefile) [string range $arg 2 end] } "^-u$" { # Ignore flag from "svn diff --diff-cmd=tkdiff" } "^-psn" { # Ignore the Carbon Process Serial Number set argv [lreplace $argv $argindex $argindex] incr argc -1 incr argindex } "^-" { append opts(diffcmd) " $arg " } default { incr pths set finfo(pth,$pths) $arg set finfo(f,$pths) $arg } } incr argindex } # Add our counters to the global array # Now check how many revision and file args we have. debug-info " $pths files, $revs revisions" # Maybe adjustment is needed if {$revs == 1 && $pths == 0} { # tkdiff -r FILE; same as tkdiff FILE set finfo(pths,1) $finfo(revs,1) set finfo(f,1) $finfo(revs,1) incr pths 1 incr revs -1 unset finfo(revs,1) } elseif {$revs == 2 && $pths == 0} { # tkdiff -rREV -r FILE; same as tkdiff -rREV FILE set finfo(pths,1) $finfo(revs,2) set finfo(f,1) $finfo(revs,2) incr pths 1 incr revs -1 unset finfo(revs,2) } # What have we got now? debug-info " $pths files, $revs revisions" if {$revs == 0 && $pths == 0} { # Return "empty" flag, and we'll do a pop-up return 1 } elseif {$revs > 1 && $pths != 1} { puts stderr "Error: you specified $pths file(s) and $revs revision(s)" do-usage cline exit 1 } if {$g(mergefile) != ""} { set g(mergefileset) 1 } return 0 } ############################################################################### # Process the arguments, whether from the command line or from the dialog ############################################################################### proc assemble-args {} { debug-info "assemble-args" global finfo global opts global g if {$g(ancfile) != ""} { set g(ancfileset) 1 } debug-info " conflict: $g(conflictset)" debug-info " ancestor: $g(ancfileset) $g(ancfile)" debug-info " mergefile set: $g(mergefileset) $g(mergefile)" debug-info " diff command: $opts(diffcmd) " # Count up how many files and revs we got from the GUI or commandline set pths 0 foreach p [array names finfo f,*] { if {$finfo($p) != ""} { incr pths } } set revs 0 foreach r [array names finfo revs,*] { if {$finfo($r) != ""} { incr revs } } debug-info " $pths files, $revs revisions" if {$revs == 0 && $pths == 0} { return } if {$g(conflictset)} { if {$revs == 0 && $pths == 1} { ############################################################ # tkdiff -conflict FILE ############################################################ set files [split-conflictfile "$finfo(f,1)"] if {[get-file [lindex "$files" 0] 1]} {return} if {[get-file [lindex "$files" 1] 2]} {return} # A conflict file may come from merge, cvs, or vmrg. The # names of the files/revisions depend on how it was made and # are taken from the <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> lines inside it. set finfo(lbl,1) [lindex "$files" 2] set finfo(lbl,2) [lindex "$files" 3] } else { fatal-error "Usage: tkdiff -conflict FILE" } } else { if {$revs == 2 && $pths == 1} { ############################################################ # tkdiff -rREV1 -rREV2 FILE ############################################################ set f $finfo(f,1) get-file-rev "$f" 1 "$finfo(revs,1)" get-file-rev "$f" 2 "$finfo(revs,2)" } elseif {$revs == 1 && $pths == 1} { ############################################################ # tkdiff -rREV FILE ############################################################ set f $finfo(f,1) get-file-rev "$f" 1 "$finfo(revs,1)" if {[get-file "$f" 2]} {return} } elseif {$revs == 0 && $pths == 2} { ############################################################ # tkdiff FILE1 FILE2 ############################################################ set f1 $finfo(f,1) set f2 $finfo(f,2) if {[file isdirectory $f1] && [file isdirectory $f2]} { fatal-error "Cannot diff two directories" } if {[file isdirectory $f1]} { set f1 [file join $f1 [file tail $f2]] } elseif {[file isdirectory $f2]} { set f2 [file join $f2 [file tail $f1]] } # Maybe they're Subversion URL paths, not local files if {[regexp {://} $f1]} { get-file-rev "$f1" 1 } else { if {[get-file "$f1" 1]} {return} } if {[regexp {://} $f2]} { get-file-rev "$f2" 2 } else { if {[get-file "$f2" 2]} {return} } } elseif {$revs == 0 && $pths == 1} { ############################################################ # tkdiff FILE ############################################################ set f $finfo(f,1) get-file-rev "$f" 1 if {[get-file "$f" 2]} {return} } else { do-error "Error: you specified $pths file(s) and $revs revision(s)" do-usage gui tkwait window .usage return 1 } } set finfo(title) "[file tail $finfo(lbl,1)] vs. [file tail $finfo(lbl,2)]" debug-info " Setting title $finfo(title)" set rootname [file rootname $finfo(pth,1)] # set path [file dirname $finfo(pth,1)] set path [pwd] set suffix [file extension $finfo(pth,1)] if {! $g(mergefileset)} { set g(mergefile) [file join $path "${rootname}-merge$suffix"] } set g(initOK) 1 foreach inf [lsort [array names finfo]] { debug-info " $inf: $finfo($inf)" } debug-info " $revs revs $pths files" wm title . "$finfo(title) - $g(name) $g(version)" return 0 } ############################################################################### # Set up the display ############################################################################### proc create-display {} { debug-info "create-display" global g opts bg tk_version global w global tmpopts # these are the four major areas of the GUI: # menubar - the menubar (duh) # toolbar - the toolbar (duh, again) # client - the area with the text widgets and the graphical map # status us - a bottom status line # this block of destroys is only for stand-alone testing of # the GUI code, and can be blown away (or not, if we want to # be able to call this routine to recreate the display...) catch { destroy .menubar destroy .toolbar destroy .client destroy .map destroy .status } # create the top level frames and store them in a global # array.. set w(client) .client set w(menubar) .menubar set w(toolbar) .toolbar set w(status) .status # other random windows... set w(preferences) .pref set w(findDialog) .findDialog set w(popupMenu) .popupMenu # now, simply build all the pieces build-menubar build-toolbar build-client build-status build-popupMenu frame .separator1 -height 2 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove frame .separator2 -height 2 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove # ... and fit it all together... . configure -menu $w(menubar) pack $w(toolbar) -side top -fill x -expand n pack .separator1 -side top -fill x -expand n pack $w(client) -side top -fill both -expand y pack .separator2 -side top -fill x -expand n pack $w(status) -side bottom -fill x -expand n # apply user preferences by calling the proc that gets # called when the user presses "Apply" from the preferences # window. That proc uses a global variable named "tmpopts" # which should have the values from the dialog. Since we # aren't using the dialog, we need to populate this array # manually foreach key [array names opts] { set ::tmpopts($key) $opts($key) } apply 0 # Make sure temporary files get deleted #bind . {del-tmp} # other misc. bindings common-navigation $w(LeftText) $w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftCB) $w(RightText) \ $w(RightInfo) $w(RightCB) # normally, keyboard traversal using tab and shift-tab isn't # enabled for text widgets, since the default binding for these # keys is to actually insert the tab character. Because all of # our text widgets are for display only, let's redefine the # default binding so the global and bindings # are used. bind Text {continue} bind Text {continue} # if the user toggles scrollbar syncing, we want to make sure # they sync up immediately trace variable opts(syncscroll) w toggleSyncScroll wm deiconify . focus -force $w(RightText) update idletasks # Need this to make the pane-resizing behave grid propagate $w(client) f } ############################################################################### # when the user changes the "sync scrollbars" option, we want to # sync up the left scrollbar with the right if they turn the option on ############################################################################### proc toggleSyncScroll {args} { global opts global w if {$opts(syncscroll) == 1} { eval vscroll-sync {{}} 2 [$w(RightText) yview] } } ############################################################################### # show the popup menu, optionally changing some of the entries based on # where the user clicked ############################################################################### proc show-popupMenu {x y} { global w global g set window [winfo containing $x $y] if {[winfo class $window] == "Text"} { $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find..." -state normal $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find Nearest*" -state normal $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Edit*" -state normal if {$window == $w(LeftText) || $window == $w(LeftInfo) || $window == \ $w(LeftCB)} { $w(popupMenu) configure -title "File 1" set g(activeWindow) $w(LeftText) } else { $w(popupMenu) configure -title "File 2" set g(activeWindow) $w(RightText) } } else { $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find..." -state disabled $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find Nearest*" -state disabled $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Edit*" -state disabled } tk_popup $w(popupMenu) $x $y } ############################################################################### # build the right-click popup menu ############################################################################### proc build-popupMenu {} { debug-info "build-popupMenu" global w g # this routine assumes the other windows already exist... menu $w(popupMenu) foreach win [list LeftText RightText LeftInfo RightInfo LeftCB RightCB \ mapCanvas] { bind $w($win) <3> {show-popupMenu %X %Y} } set m $w(popupMenu) $m add command -label "First Diff" -underline 0 -command [list popupMenu \ first] -accelerator "f" $m add command -label "Previous Diff" -underline 0 -command \ [list popupMenu previous] -accelerator "p" $m add command -label "Center Current Diff" -underline 0 -command \ [list popupMenu center] -accelerator "c" $m add command -label "Next Diff" -underline 0 -command [list popupMenu \ next] -accelerator "n" $m add command -label "Last Diff" -underline 0 -command [list popupMenu \ last] -accelerator "l" $m add separator $m add command -label "Find Nearest Diff" -underline 0 -command \ [list popupMenu nearest] -accelerator "Double-Click" $m add separator $m add command -label "Find..." -underline 0 -command [list popupMenu find] $m add command -label "Edit" -underline 0 -command [list popupMenu edit] } ############################################################################### # handle popup menu commands ############################################################################### proc popupMenu {command args} { debug-info "popupMenu ($command $args)" global g global w switch -- $command { center { center } edit { do-edit } find { do-find } first { move first } last { move last } next { move 1 } previous { move -1 } nearest { moveNearest $g(activeWindow) xy [winfo pointerx $g(activeWindow)] \ [winfo pointery $g(activeWindow)] } } } # Resize the text windows relative to each other. The 8.4 method works # much better. proc pane_drag {win x} { global w global finfo global tk_version set relX [expr $x - [winfo rootx $win]] set maxX [winfo width $win] set frac [expr int((double($relX) / $maxX) * 100)] if {$tk_version < 8.4} { if {$frac < 15} { set frac 15 } if {$frac > 85} { set frac 85 } #debug-info "frac $frac" set L $frac set R [expr 100 - $frac] .client.leftlabel configure -width [expr $L * 2] .client.rightlabel configure -width [expr $R * 2] } else { if {$frac < 5} { set frac 5 } if {$frac > 95} { set frac 95 } #debug-info "frac $frac" set L $frac set R [expr 100 - $frac] grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight $L grid columnconfigure $win 2 -weight $R } #debug-info " new: $L $R" } ############################################################################### # build the main client display (the text widgets, scrollbars, that # sort of fluff) ############################################################################### proc build-client {} { debug-info "build-client" global g global w global opts global map global tk_version frame $w(client) -bd 2 -relief flat # set up global variables to reference the widgets, so # we don't have to use hardcoded widget paths elsewhere # in the code # # Text - holds the text of the file # Info - sort-of "invisible" text widget which is kept in sync # with the text widget and holds line numbers # CB - contains changebars or status or something like that... # VSB - vertical scrollbar # HSB - horizontal scrollbar # Label - label to hold the name of the file set w(LeftText) $w(client).left.text set w(LeftInfo) $w(client).left.info set w(LeftCB) $w(client).left.changeBars set w(LeftVSB) $w(client).left.vsb set w(LeftHSB) $w(client).left.hsb set w(LeftLabel) $w(client).leftlabel set w(RightText) $w(client).right.text set w(RightInfo) $w(client).right.info set w(RightCB) $w(client).right.changeBars set w(RightVSB) $w(client).right.vsb set w(RightHSB) $w(client).right.hsb set w(RightLabel) $w(client).rightlabel set w(BottomText) $w(client).bottomtext set w(map) $w(client).map set w(mapCanvas) $w(map).canvas # these don't need to be global... set leftFrame $w(client).left set rightFrame $w(client).right # we'll create each widget twice; once for the left side # and once for the right. debug-info " Assigning labels to headers" scan $opts(geometry) "%dx%d" width height label $w(LeftLabel) -bd 1 -relief flat -textvariable finfo(lbl,1) -width $width label $w(RightLabel) -bd 1 -relief flat -textvariable finfo(lbl,2) -width $width # this holds the text widgets and the scrollbars. The reason # for the frame is purely for aesthetics. It just looks # nicer, IMHO, to "embed" the scrollbars within the text # widget frame $leftFrame -bd 1 -relief sunken frame $rightFrame -bd 1 -relief sunken scrollbar $w(LeftHSB) -borderwidth 1 -orient horizontal -command \ [list $w(LeftText) xview] scrollbar $w(RightHSB) -borderwidth 1 -orient horizontal -command \ [list $w(RightText) xview] scrollbar $w(LeftVSB) -borderwidth 1 -orient vertical -command \ [list $w(LeftText) yview] scrollbar $w(RightVSB) -borderwidth 1 -orient vertical -command \ [list $w(RightText) yview] text $w(LeftText) -padx 0 -wrap none -width $width -height $height \ -borderwidth 0 -setgrid 1 -yscrollcommand [list vscroll-sync \ "$w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftCB)" 1] -xscrollcommand [list hscroll-sync 1] text $w(RightText) -padx 0 -wrap none -width $width -height $height \ -borderwidth 0 -setgrid 1 -yscrollcommand [list vscroll-sync \ "$w(RightInfo) $w(RightCB)" 2] -xscrollcommand [list hscroll-sync 2] text $w(LeftInfo) -height 0 -padx 0 -width 6 -borderwidth 0 -setgrid 1 \ -yscrollcommand [list vscroll-sync "$w(LeftCB) $w(LeftText)" 1] text $w(RightInfo) -height 0 -padx 0 -width 6 -borderwidth 0 -setgrid 1 \ -yscrollcommand [list vscroll-sync "$w(RightCB) $w(RightText)" 2] # each and every line in a text window will have a corresponding line # in this widget. And each line in this widget will be composed of # a single character (either "+", "-" or "!" for insertion, deletion # or change, respectively text $w(LeftCB) -height 0 -padx 0 -highlightthickness 0 -wrap none \ -foreground white -width 1 -borderwidth 0 -yscrollcommand \ [list vscroll-sync "$w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftText)" 1] text $w(RightCB) -height 0 -padx 0 -highlightthickness 0 -wrap none \ -background white -foreground white -width 1 -borderwidth 0 \ -yscrollcommand [list vscroll-sync "$w(RightInfo) $w(RightText)" 2] # this widget is the two line display showing the current line, so # one can compare character by character if necessary. text $w(BottomText) -wrap none -borderwidth 1 -height 2 -width 0 # this is how we highlight bytes that are different... # the bottom window (lineview) uses reverse video to highlight # diffs, so we need to figure out what reverse video is, and # define the tag appropriately eval $w(BottomText) tag configure diff $opts(bytetag) # Set up text tags for the 'current diff' (the one chosen by the 'next' # and 'prev' buttons) and any ol' diff region. All diff regions are # given the 'diff' tag initially... As 'next' and 'prev' are \ pressed, # to scroll through the differences, one particular diff region is # always chosen as the 'current diff', and is set off from the others # via the 'diff' tag -- in particular, so that it's obvious which diffs # in the left and right-hand text widgets match. foreach widget [list $w(LeftText) $w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftCB) $w(RightText) \ $w(RightInfo) $w(RightCB)] { eval "$widget configure $opts(textopt)" foreach tag {difftag currtag inlinetag deltag instag chgtag \ overlaptag + - ! ?} { eval "$widget tag configure $tag $opts($tag)" } } # adjust the tag priorities a bit... foreach window [list LeftText RightText LeftCB RightCB LeftInfo RightInfo] { $w($window) tag raise deltag currtag $w($window) tag raise chgtag currtag $w($window) tag raise instag currtag $w($window) tag raise currtag difftag $w($window) tag raise inlinetag } # these tags are specific to change bars foreach widget [list $w(LeftCB) $w(RightCB)] { eval "$widget tag configure + $opts(+)" eval "$widget tag configure - $opts(-)" eval "$widget tag configure ! $opts(!)" eval "$widget tag configure ? $opts(?)" } # build the map... # we want the map to be the same width as a scrollbar, so we'll # steal some information from one of the scrollbars we just # created... set cwidth [winfo reqwidth $w(LeftVSB)] set ht [$w(LeftVSB) cget -highlightthickness] set cwidth [expr {$cwidth -($ht*2)}] set color [$w(LeftVSB) cget -troughcolor] set map [frame $w(client).map -bd 1 -relief sunken -takefocus 0 \ -highlightthickness 0] # now for the real map... image create photo map canvas $w(mapCanvas) -width [expr {$cwidth + 1}] \ -yscrollcommand map-resize -background $color -borderwidth 0 \ -relief sunken -highlightthickness 0 $w(mapCanvas) create image 1 1 -image map -anchor nw pack $w(mapCanvas) -side top -fill both -expand y # I'm not too pleased with these bindings -- it results in a rather # jerky, cpu-intensive maneuver since with each move of the mouse # we are finding and tagging the nearest diff. But, what *should* # it do? # # I think what I *want* it to do is update the combobox and status # bar so the user can see where in the scheme of things they are, # but not actually select anything until they release the mouse. bind $w(mapCanvas) [list handleMapEvent B1-Press %y] bind $w(mapCanvas) [list handleMapEvent B1-Motion %y] bind $w(mapCanvas) [list handleMapEvent B1-Release %y] # this is a grip for resizing the sides relative to each other. button $w(client).grip -borderwidth 3 -relief raised \ -cursor sb_h_double_arrow -image resize bind $w(client).grip {pane_drag $w(client) %X} # use grid to manage the widgets in the left side frame grid $w(LeftVSB) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ns grid $w(LeftInfo) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew grid $w(LeftCB) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ns grid $w(LeftText) -row 0 -column 3 -sticky nsew grid $w(LeftHSB) -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ew -columnspan 3 grid rowconfigure $leftFrame 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $leftFrame 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $leftFrame 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $leftFrame 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $leftFrame 2 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $leftFrame 3 -weight 1 # likewise for the right... grid $w(RightVSB) -row 0 -column 3 -sticky ns grid $w(RightInfo) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $w(RightCB) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $w(RightText) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky nsew grid $w(RightHSB) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 3 grid rowconfigure $rightFrame 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $rightFrame 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $rightFrame 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $rightFrame 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $rightFrame 2 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $rightFrame 3 -weight 0 # use grid to manage the labels, frames and map. We're going to # toss in an extra row just for the benefit of our dummy frame. # the intent is that the dummy frame will match the height of # the horizontal scrollbars so the map stops at the right place... grid $w(LeftLabel) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew grid $w(RightLabel) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew grid $leftFrame -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nsew -rowspan 2 grid $map -row 1 -column 1 -stick ns grid $w(client).grip -row 2 -column 1 grid $rightFrame -row 1 -column 2 -sticky nsew -rowspan 2 grid rowconfigure $w(client) 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $w(client) 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w(client) 2 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $w(client) 3 -weight 0 if {$tk_version < 8.4} { grid columnconfigure $w(client) 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w(client) 2 -weight 1 } else { grid columnconfigure $w(client) 0 -weight 100 -uniform a grid columnconfigure $w(client) 2 -weight 100 -uniform a } grid columnconfigure $w(client) 1 -weight 0 # this adjusts the variable g(activeWindow) to be whatever text # widget has the focus... bind $w(LeftText) <1> {set g(activeWindow) $w(LeftText)} bind $w(RightText) <1> {set g(activeWindow) $w(RightText)} set g(activeWindow) $w(LeftText) ;# establish a default rename $w(RightText) $w(RightText)_ rename $w(LeftText) $w(LeftText)_ proc $w(RightText) {command args} $::text_widget_proc proc $w(LeftText) {command args} $::text_widget_proc } ############################################################################### # Functionality: Inline diffs # Athr: Michael D. Beynon : mdb - beynon@yahoo.com # Date: 04/08/2003 : mdb - Added inline character diffs. # 04/16/2003 : mdb - Rewrote longest-common-substring to be faster. # - Added byte-by-byte algorithm. # # the recursive version is derived from the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern # recognition algorithm (Dr Dobbs July 1988), where we search for a # longest common substring between two strings. This match is used as # an archor, around which we recursively do the same for the two left # and two right remaining pieces (omitting the anchor). This # precisely determines the location of the intraline tags. ################################################################################# proc longest-common-substring {s1 off1 len1 s2 off2 len2 lcsoff1_ref \ lcsoff2_ref} { upvar $lcsoff1_ref lcsoff1 upvar $lcsoff2_ref lcsoff2 set snippet "" set snippetlen 0 set longestlen 0 # extract just the search regions for efficiency in string searching set s1 [string range $s1 $off1 [expr $off1+$len1-1]] set s2 [string range $s2 $off2 [expr $off2+$len2-1]] set j 0 while {1} { # increase size of matching snippet while {$snippetlen < $len2-$j} { set tmp "$snippet[string index $s2 [expr $j+$snippetlen]]" if {[string first $tmp $s1] == -1} { break } set snippet $tmp incr snippetlen } if {$snippetlen == 0} { # nothing starting at this position incr j if {$snippetlen >= $len2-$j} { break } } else { set tmpoff [string first $snippet $s1] if {$tmpoff != -1 && $snippetlen > $longestlen} { # new longest? set longest $snippet set longestlen $snippetlen set lcsoff1 [expr $off1+$tmpoff] set lcsoff2 [expr $off2+$j] } # drop 1st char of prefix, but keep size the same as longest if {$snippetlen >= $len2-$j} { break } set snippet "[string range $snippet 1 end][string index $s2 \ [expr $j+$snippetlen]]" incr j } } return $longestlen } proc fid-ratcliff-aux {pos l1 l2 s1 off1 len1 s2 off2 len2} { global g if {$len1 <= 0 || $len2 <= 0} { if {$len1 == 0} { set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list r $l2 $off2 \ [expr $off2+$len2]] incr g(scrinline,$pos) } elseif {$len2 == 0} { set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list l $l1 $off1 \ [expr $off1+$len1]] incr g(scrinline,$pos) } return 0 } set cnt 0 set lcsoff1 -1 set lcsoff2 -1 set ret [longest-common-substring $s1 $off1 $len1 $s2 $off2 $len2 lcsoff1 \ lcsoff2] if {$ret > 0} { set rightoff1 [expr $lcsoff1+$ret] set rightoff2 [expr $lcsoff2+$ret] incr cnt [expr 2*$ret] if {$lcsoff1 > $off1 || $lcsoff2 > $off2} { # left incr cnt [fid-ratcliff-aux $pos $l1 $l2 $s1 $off1 \ [expr $lcsoff1-$off1] $s2 $off2 [expr $lcsoff2-$off2]] } if {$rightoff1<$off1+$len1 || $rightoff2<$off2+$len2} { # right incr cnt [fid-ratcliff-aux $pos $l1 $l2 $s1 $rightoff1 \ [expr $off1+$len1-$rightoff1] $s2 $rightoff2 \ [expr $off2+$len2-$rightoff2]] } } else { set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list r $l2 $off2 \ [expr $off2+$len2]] incr g(scrinline,$pos) set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list l $l1 $off1 \ [expr $off1+$len1]] incr g(scrinline,$pos) } return $cnt } proc find-inline-diff-ratcliff {pos l1 l2 s1 s2} { global g set len1 [string length $s1] set len2 [string length $s2] if {$len1 == 0 || $len2 == 0} { return 0 } return [fid-ratcliff-aux $pos $l1 $l2 $s1 0 $len1 $s2 0 $len2] } proc find-inline-diff-byte {pos l1 l2 s1 s2} { global g set len1 [string length $s1] set len2 [string length $s2] if {$len1 == 0 || $len2 == 0} { return 0 } set cnt 0 set lenmin [min $len1 $len2] set size 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $lenmin} {incr i} { if {$size > 0} { # in a diff section if {[string index $s1 $i] == [string index $s2 $i]} { # end of diff region set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list r $l2 \ [expr $i-$size] $i] incr g(scrinline,$pos) set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list l $l1 \ [expr $i-$size] $i] incr g(scrinline,$pos) set size 0 incr cnt } else { incr size } } else { if {[string index $s1 $i] != [string index $s2 $i]} { set size 1 } } } if {$size > 0} { # end of diff region set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list r $l2 [expr $i-$size] \ $len2] incr g(scrinline,$pos) set g(scrinline,$pos,$g(scrinline,$pos)) [list l $l1 [expr $i-$size] \ $len1] incr g(scrinline,$pos) incr cnt } return $cnt } ############################################################################### # the following code is used as the replacement body for the left and # right widget procs. The purpose is to catch when the insertion point # changes so we can update the line comparison window ############################################################################### set text_widget_proc { global w set real "[lindex [info level [info level]] 0]_" set result [eval $real $command $args] if {$command == "mark"} { if {[lindex $args 0] == "set" && [lindex $args 1] == "insert"} { set i [lindex $args 2] set i0 "$i linestart" set i1 "$i lineend" set left [$w(LeftText)_ get $i0 $i1] set right [$w(RightText)_ get $i0 $i1] $w(BottomText) delete 1.0 end $w(BottomText) insert end "< $left\n> $right" # find characters that are different, and underline them if {$left != $right} { set left [split $left {}] set right [split $right {}] # n.b. we set c to an offset equal to whatever we have # prepended to the data... set c 2 foreach l $left r $right { if {[string compare $l $r] != 0} { $w(BottomText) tag add diff 1.$c "1.$c+1c" $w(BottomText) tag add diff 2.$c "2.$c+1c" } incr c } $w(BottomText) tag remove diff "1.0 lineend" $w(BottomText) tag remove diff "2.0 lineend" } } } return $result } ############################################################################### # create (if necessary) and show the find dialog ############################################################################### proc show-find {} { debug-info "show-find" global w g global tcl_platform if {![winfo exists $w(findDialog)]} { toplevel $w(findDialog) wm group $w(findDialog) . wm transient $w(findDialog) . wm title $w(findDialog) "$g(name) Find" if {$g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { setAquaDialogStyle $w(findDialog) } # we don't want the window to be deleted, just hidden from view wm protocol $w(findDialog) WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list wm withdraw \ $w(findDialog)] wm withdraw $w(findDialog) update idletasks frame $w(findDialog).content -bd 2 -relief groove pack $w(findDialog).content -side top -fill both -expand y -padx 0 \ -pady 5 frame $w(findDialog).buttons pack $w(findDialog).buttons -side bottom -fill x -expand n button $w(findDialog).buttons.doit -text "Find Next" -command do-find button $w(findDialog).buttons.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command \ "wm withdraw $w(findDialog)" pack $w(findDialog).buttons.dismiss -side right -pady 5 -padx 0 pack $w(findDialog).buttons.doit -side right -pady 5 -padx 1 set ff $w(findDialog).content.findFrame frame $ff -height 100 -bd 2 -relief flat pack $ff -side top -fill x -expand n -padx 0 -pady 5 label $ff.label -text "Find what:" -underline 2 entry $ff.entry -textvariable g(findString) checkbutton $ff.searchCase -text "Ignore Case" -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 \ -indicatoron true -variable g(findIgnoreCase) grid $ff.label -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e grid $ff.entry -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ew grid $ff.searchCase -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w grid columnconfigure $ff 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $ff 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $ff 2 -weight 0 # we need this in other places... set w(findEntry) $ff.entry bind $ff.entry do-find set of $w(findDialog).content.optionsFrame frame $of -bd 2 -relief flat pack $of -side top -fill y -expand y -padx 10 -pady 10 label $of.directionLabel -text "Search Direction:" -anchor e radiobutton $of.directionForward -indicatoron true -text "Down" \ -value "-forward" -variable g(findDirection) radiobutton $of.directionBackward -text "Up" -value "-backward" \ -indicatoron true -variable g(findDirection) label $of.windowLabel -text "Window:" -anchor e radiobutton $of.windowLeft -indicatoron true -text "Left" \ -value $w(LeftText) -variable g(activeWindow) radiobutton $of.windowRight -indicatoron true -text "Right" \ -value $w(RightText) -variable g(activeWindow) label $of.searchLabel -text "Search Type:" -anchor e radiobutton $of.searchExact -indicatoron true -text "Exact" \ -value "-exact" -variable g(findType) radiobutton $of.searchRegexp -text "Regexp" -value "-regexp" \ -indicatoron true -variable g(findType) grid $of.directionLabel -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w grid $of.directionForward -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w grid $of.directionBackward -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w grid $of.windowLabel -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w grid $of.windowLeft -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w grid $of.windowRight -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w grid $of.searchLabel -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w grid $of.searchExact -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w grid $of.searchRegexp -row 2 -column 2 -sticky w grid columnconfigure $of 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $of 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $of 2 -weight 1 set g(findDirection) "-forward" set g(findType) "-exact" set g(findIgnoreCase) 1 set g(lastSearch) "" if {$g(activeWindow) == ""} { set g(activeWindow) [focus] if {$g(activeWindow) != $w(LeftText) && $g(activeWindow) != \ $w(RightText)} { set g(activeWindow) $w(LeftText) } } } centerWindow $w(findDialog) wm deiconify $w(findDialog) raise $w(findDialog) after idle focus $w(findEntry) } ############################################################################### # do the "Edit->Copy" functionality, by copying the current selection # to the clipboard ############################################################################### proc do-copy {} { clipboard clear -displayof . # figure out which window has the selection... catch { clipboard append [selection get -displayof .] } } ############################################################################### # search for the text in the find dialog ############################################################################### proc do-find {} { global g global w if {![winfo exists $w(findDialog)] || ![winfo ismapped $w(findDialog)]} { show-find return } set win $g(activeWindow) if {$win == ""} { set win $w(LeftText) } if {$g(lastSearch) != ""} { if {$g(findDirection) == "-forward"} { set start [$win index "insert +1c"] } else { set start insert } } else { set start 1.0 } if {$g(findIgnoreCase)} { set result [$win search $g(findDirection) $g(findType) -nocase \ -- $g(findString) $start] } else { set result [$win search $g(findDirection) $g(findType) \ -- $g(findString) $start] } if {[string length $result] > 0} { # if this is a regular expression search, get the whole line and try # to figure out exactly what matched; otherwise we know we must # have matched the whole string... if {$g(findType) == "-regexp"} { set line [$win get $result "$result lineend"] regexp $g(findString) $line matchVar set length [string length $matchVar] } else { set length [string length $g(findString)] } set g(lastSearch) $result $win mark set insert $result $win tag remove sel 1.0 end $win tag add sel $result "$result + ${length}c" $win see $result focus $win # should I somehow snap to the nearest diff? Probably not... } else { bell } } ############################################################################### # Build the menu bar ############################################################################### proc build-menubar {} { debug-info "build-menubar" global g global opts global w menu $w(menubar) # this is just temporary shorthand ... set menubar $w(menubar) # First, the menu buttons... set fileMenu $w(menubar).file set viewMenu $w(menubar).view set helpMenu $w(menubar).help set editMenu $w(menubar).edit set mergeMenu $w(menubar).window set markMenu $w(menubar).marks $w(menubar) add cascade -label "File" -menu $fileMenu -underline 0 $w(menubar) add cascade -label "Edit" -menu $editMenu -underline 0 $w(menubar) add cascade -label "View" -menu $viewMenu -underline 0 $w(menubar) add cascade -label "Mark" -menu $markMenu -underline 3 $w(menubar) add cascade -label "Merge" -menu $mergeMenu -underline 0 $w(menubar) add cascade -label "Help" -menu $helpMenu -underline 0 # these, however, are used in other places.. set w(fileMenu) $fileMenu set w(viewMenu) $viewMenu set w(helpMenu) $helpMenu set w(editMenu) $editMenu set w(mergeMenu) $mergeMenu set w(markMenu) $markMenu # Now, the menus... # Mark menu... menu $markMenu $markMenu add command -label "Mark Current Diff" -command [list diffmark \ mark] -underline 0 $markMenu add command -label "Clear Current Diff Mark" -command \ [list diffmark clear] -underline 0 set "g(tooltip,Mark Current Diff)" "Create a marker for the current \ difference record" set "g(tooltip,Clear Current Diff Mark)" "Clear the marker for the \ current difference record" # File menu... menu $fileMenu $fileMenu add command -label "New..." -underline 0 -command {do-new-diff} $fileMenu add separator $fileMenu add command -label "Recompute Diffs" -underline 0 \ -accelerator r -command recompute-diff $fileMenu add command -label "Write Report..." -command \ [list write-report popup] -underline 0 $fileMenu add separator $fileMenu add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 -accelerator q \ -command do-exit # Edit menu... If you change, add or remove labels, be sure and # update the tooltips. menu $editMenu $editMenu add command -label "Copy" -underline 0 -command do-copy $editMenu add separator $editMenu add command -label "Find..." -underline 0 -command show-find $editMenu add separator $editMenu add command -label "Edit File 1" -command { set g(activeWindow) $w(LeftText) do-edit } -underline 10 $editMenu add command -label "Edit File 2" -command { set g(activeWindow) $w(RightText) do-edit } -underline 10 $editMenu add separator $editMenu add command -label "Preferences..." -underline 0 \ -command customize set "g(tooltip,Copy)" "Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard" set "g(tooltip,Find...)" "Pop up a dialog to search for a string within \ either file" set "g(tooltip,Edit File 1)" "Launch an editor on the file on the left \ side of the window" set "g(tooltip,Edit File 2)" "Launch an editor on the file on the right \ side of the window" set "g(tooltip,Preferences...)" "Pop up a window to customize $g(name)" # View menu... If you change, add or remove labels, be sure and # update the tooltips. menu $viewMenu $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Ignore White Spaces" -underline 8 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(ignoreblanks) \ -command do-show-ignoreblanks $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Line Numbers" -underline 12 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(showln) \ -command do-show-linenumbers $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Change Bars" -underline 12 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(showcbs) \ -command do-show-changebars $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Diff Map" -underline 5 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(showmap) -command do-show-map $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Line Comparison Window" \ -underline 11 -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(showlineview) \ -command do-show-lineview $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Inline Comparison (byte)" \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(showinline1) \ -command do-show-inline1 $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Inline Comparison (recursive)" \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(showinline2) \ -command do-show-inline2 $viewMenu add separator $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Synchronize Scrollbars" -underline 0 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(syncscroll) $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Auto Center" -underline 0 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(autocenter) -command {if \ {$opts(autocenter)} {center}} $viewMenu add checkbutton -label "Auto Select" -underline 1 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable opts(autoselect) $viewMenu add separator $viewMenu add command -label "First Diff" -underline 0 -command \ {move first} -accelerator "F" $viewMenu add command -label "Previous Diff" -underline 0 -command {move \ -1} -accelerator "P" $viewMenu add command -label "Center Current Diff" -underline 0 \ -command {center} -accelerator "C" $viewMenu add command -label "Next Diff" -underline 0 -command {move 1} \ -accelerator "N" $viewMenu add command -label "Last Diff" -underline 0 -command \ {move last} -accelerator "L" set "g(tooltip,Show Change Bars)" "If set, show the changebar column for \ each line of each file" set "g(tooltip,Show Line Numbers)" "If set, show line numbers beside each \ line of each file" set "g(tooltip,Synchronize Scrollbars)" "If set, scrolling either window \ will scroll both windows" set "g(tooltip,Diff Map)" "If set, display the graphical \"Difference \ Map\" in the center of the display" set "g(tooltip,Show Line Comparison Window)" "If set, display the window \ with byte-by-byte differences" set "g(tooltip,Show Inline Comparison (byte))" "If set, display inline \ byte-by-byte differences" set "g(tooltip,Show Inline Comparison (recursive))" "If set, display \ inline differences based on recursive matching regions" set "g(tooltip,Auto Select)" "If set, automatically selects the nearest \ diff record while scrolling" set "g(tooltip,Auto Center)" "If set, moving to another diff record will \ center the diff on the screen" set "g(tooltip,Center Current Diff)" "Center the display around the \ current diff record" set "g(tooltip,First Diff)" "Go to the first difference" set "g(tooltip,Last Diff)" "Go to the last difference" set "g(tooltip,Previous Diff)" "Go to the diff record just prior to the \ current diff record" set "g(tooltip,Next Diff)" "Go to the diff record just after the current \ diff record" set "g(tooltip,Ignore White Spaces)" "If set, changes in whitespaces are \ ignored" # Merge menu. If you change, add or remove labels, be sure and # update the tooltips. menu $mergeMenu $mergeMenu add checkbutton -label "Show Merge Window" -underline 9 \ -selectcolor $w(selcolor) -variable g(showmerge) -command "do-show-merge 1" $mergeMenu add command -label "Write Merge File..." -underline 6 \ -command popup-merge set "g(tooltip,Show Merge Window)" "Pops up a window showing the current \ merge results" set "g(tooltip,Write Merge File)" "Write the merge file to disk. You will \ be prompted for a filename" # Help menu. If you change, add or remove labels, be sure and # update the tooltips. menu $helpMenu $helpMenu add command -label "On GUI" -underline 3 -command do-help $helpMenu add command -label "On Command Line" -underline 3 \ -command "do-usage gui" $helpMenu add command -label "On Preferences" -underline 3 \ -command do-help-preferences $helpMenu add separator $helpMenu add command -label "About $g(name)" -underline 0 -command do-about bind $fileMenu <> {showTooltip menu %W} bind $editMenu <> {showTooltip menu %W} bind $viewMenu <> {showTooltip menu %W} bind $markMenu <> {showTooltip menu %W} bind $mergeMenu <> {showTooltip menu %W} bind $helpMenu <> {showTooltip menu %W} set "g(tooltip,On Preferences)" "Show help on the user-settable preferences" set "g(tooltip,On GUI)" "Show help on how to use the Graphical User \ Interface" set "g(tooltip,On Command Line)" "Show help on the command line arguments" set "g(tooltip,About $g(name))" "Show information about this application" } ############################################################################### # Show explanation of item in the status bar at the bottom. # Now used only for menu items ############################################################################### proc showTooltip {which w} { global tooltip global g switch -- $which { menu { if {[catch {$w entrycget active -label} label]} { set label "" } if {[info exists g(tooltip,$label)]} { set g(statusInfo) $g(tooltip,$label) } else { set g(statusInfo) $label } update idletasks } button { if {[info exists g(tooltip,$w)]} { set g(statusInfo) $g(tooltip,$w) } else { set g(statusInfo) "" } update idletasks } } } ############################################################################### # Build the toolbar, in text or image mode ############################################################################### proc build-toolbar {} { debug-info "build-toolbar" global w g global opts frame $w(toolbar) -bd 0 set toolbar $w(toolbar) # these are used in other places.. set w(combo) $toolbar.combo set w(rediff_im) $toolbar.rediff_im set w(rediff_tx) $toolbar.rediff_tx set w(find_im) $toolbar.find_im set w(find_tx) $toolbar.find_tx set w(mergeChoiceLabel) $toolbar.mergechoicelbl set w(mergeChoice1_im) $toolbar.m1_im set w(mergeChoice1_tx) $toolbar.m1_tx set w(mergeChoice2_im) $toolbar.m2_im set w(mergeChoice2_tx) $toolbar.m2_tx set w(mergeChoice12_im) $toolbar.m12_im set w(mergeChoice12_tx) $toolbar.m12_tx set w(mergeChoice21_im) $toolbar.m21_im set w(mergeChoice21_tx) $toolbar.m21_tx set w(diffNavLabel) $toolbar.diffnavlbl set w(prevDiff_im) $toolbar.prev_im set w(prevDiff_tx) $toolbar.prev_tx set w(firstDiff_im) $toolbar.first_im set w(firstDiff_tx) $toolbar.first_tx set w(lastDiff_im) $toolbar.last_im set w(lastDiff_tx) $toolbar.last_tx set w(nextDiff_im) $toolbar.next_im set w(nextDiff_tx) $toolbar.next_tx set w(centerDiffs_im) $toolbar.center_im set w(centerDiffs_tx) $toolbar.center_tx set w(markLabel) $toolbar.bkmklbl set w(markSet_im) $toolbar.bkmkset_im set w(markSet_tx) $toolbar.bkmkset_tx set w(markClear_im) $toolbar.bkmkclear_im set w(markClear_tx) $toolbar.bkmkclear_tx # separators toolsep $toolbar.sep1 toolsep $toolbar.sep2 toolsep $toolbar.sep3 toolsep $toolbar.sep4 toolsep $toolbar.sep5 toolsep $toolbar.sep6 # The combo box ::combobox::combobox $toolbar.combo -borderwidth 1 -editable false \ -command moveTo -width 20 # rediff... toolbutton $toolbar.rediff_im -image rediffImage -command recompute-diff \ -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.rediff_tx -text "Rediff" -command recompute-diff \ -bd 1 -pady 1 # find... toolbutton $toolbar.find_im -image findImage -command do-find -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.find_tx -text "Find" -command do-find -bd 1 -pady 1 # navigation widgets label $toolbar.diffnavlbl -text "Diff:" -pady 0 -bd 2 -relief groove toolbutton $toolbar.prev_im -image prevDiffImage -command [list move -1] \ -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.prev_tx -text "Prev" -command [list move -1] -bd 1 \ -pady 1 toolbutton $toolbar.next_im -image nextDiffImage -command [list move 1] \ -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.next_tx -text "Next" -command [list move 1] -bd 1 \ -pady 1 toolbutton $toolbar.first_im -image firstDiffImage -command [list move \ first] -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.first_tx -text "First" -command [list move first] \ -bd 1 -pady 1 toolbutton $toolbar.last_im -image lastDiffImage -command [list move \ last] -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.last_tx -text "Last" -command [list move last] -bd 1 \ -pady 1 toolbutton $toolbar.center_im -image centerDiffsImage -command center -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.center_tx -text "Center" -command center -bd 1 -pady 1 # the merge widgets label $toolbar.mergechoicelbl -text "Merge:" -pady 0 -bd 2 -relief groove radiobutton $toolbar.m2_im -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron false \ -image mergeChoice2Image -value 2 -variable g(toggle) -command \ [list do-merge-choice 2] -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m2_tx -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron true -text "R" \ -value 2 -variable g(toggle) -command [list do-merge-choice 2] \ -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m1_im -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron false \ -image mergeChoice1Image -value 1 -variable g(toggle) -command \ [list do-merge-choice 1] -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m1_tx -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron true -text "L" \ -value 1 -variable g(toggle) -command [list do-merge-choice 1] \ -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m12_im -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron false \ -image mergeChoice12Image -value 12 -variable g(toggle) -command \ [list do-merge-choice 12] -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m12_tx -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron true -text "LR" \ -value 12 -variable g(toggle) -command [list do-merge-choice 12] \ -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m21_im -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron false \ -image mergeChoice21Image -value 21 -variable g(toggle) -command \ [list do-merge-choice 21] -takefocus 0 radiobutton $toolbar.m21_tx -borderwidth 1 -indicatoron true -text "RL" \ -value 21 -variable g(toggle) -command [list do-merge-choice 21] \ -takefocus 0 # The bookmarks label $toolbar.bkmklbl -text "Mark:" -pady 0 -bd 2 -relief groove toolbutton $toolbar.bkmkset_im -image markSetImage -command \ [list diffmark mark] -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.bkmkset_tx -text "Set" -command [list diffmark mark] \ -bd 1 -pady 1 toolbutton $toolbar.bkmkclear_im -image markClearImage -command \ [list diffmark clear] -bd 1 toolbutton $toolbar.bkmkclear_tx -text "Clear" -command [list diffmark \ clear] -bd 1 -pady 1 set_tooltips $w(find_im) {"Pop up a dialog to search for a string within \ either file"} set_tooltips $w(find_tx) {"Pop up a dialog to search for a string within \ either file"} set_tooltips $w(rediff_im) {"Recompute and redisplay the difference \ records"} set_tooltips $w(rediff_tx) {"Recompute and redisplay the difference \ records"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice12_im) {"select the diff on the left then \ right for merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice12_tx) {"select the diff on the left then \ right for merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice1_im) {"select the diff on the left for merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice1_tx) {"select the diff on the left for merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice2_im) {"select the diff on the right for \ merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice2_tx) {"select the diff on the right for \ merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice21_im) {"select the diff on the right then \ left for merging"} set_tooltips $w(mergeChoice21_tx) {"select the diff on the right then \ left for merging"} set_tooltips $w(prevDiff_im) {"Previous Diff"} set_tooltips $w(prevDiff_tx) {"Previous Diff"} set_tooltips $w(nextDiff_im) {"Next Diff"} set_tooltips $w(nextDiff_tx) {"Next Diff"} set_tooltips $w(firstDiff_im) {"First Diff"} set_tooltips $w(firstDiff_tx) {"First Diff"} set_tooltips $w(lastDiff_im) {"Last Diff"} set_tooltips $w(lastDiff_tx) {"Last Diff"} set_tooltips $w(markSet_im) {"Mark current diff"} set_tooltips $w(markSet_tx) {"Mark current diff"} set_tooltips $w(markClear_im) {"Clear current diff mark"} set_tooltips $w(markClear_tx) {"Clear current diff mark"} set_tooltips $w(centerDiffs_im) {"Center Current Diff"} set_tooltips $w(centerDiffs_tx) {"Center Current Diff"} pack-toolbuttons $toolbar } proc pack-toolbuttons {toolbar} { #debug-info "pack-toolbuttons ($toolbar)" global opts if {$opts(toolbarIcons)} { set bp "im" } else { set bp "tx" } pack $toolbar.combo -side left -padx 2 pack $toolbar.sep1 -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.rediff_$bp -side left -padx 2 pack $toolbar.find_$bp -side left -padx 2 pack $toolbar.sep2 -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.mergechoicelbl -side left -padx 2 pack $toolbar.m12_$bp $toolbar.m1_$bp $toolbar.m2_$bp $toolbar.m21_$bp \ -side left -padx 2 pack $toolbar.sep3 -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.diffnavlbl -side left -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.first_$bp $toolbar.last_$bp $toolbar.prev_$bp \ $toolbar.next_$bp -side left -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.sep4 -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.center_$bp -side left -pady 2 -padx 1 pack $toolbar.sep5 -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.bkmklbl -side left -padx 2 pack $toolbar.bkmkset_$bp $toolbar.bkmkclear_$bp -side left -pady 2 -padx 2 pack $toolbar.sep6 -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 foreach b [info commands $toolbar.mark*] { pack $b -side left -fill y -pady 2 -padx 2 } foreach b [info commands $toolbar.mark*] { $b configure -relief $opts(relief) } foreach b [info commands $toolbar.*_$bp] { $b configure -relief $opts(relief) } # Radiobuttons ignore relief configuration if they have an image, so we # set their borderwidth to 0 if we want them flat. if {$opts(relief) == "flat" && $opts(toolbarIcons)} { set bord 0 } else { set bord 1 } foreach b [info commands $toolbar.m1*] { $b configure -bd $bord } foreach b [info commands $toolbar.m2*] { $b configure -bd $bord } } proc reconfigure-toolbar {} { debug-info "reconfigure-toolbar" global w foreach button [winfo children $w(toolbar)] { pack forget $button } pack-toolbuttons $w(toolbar) } proc build-status {} { debug-info "build-status" global w global g frame $w(status) -bd 0 set w(statusLabel) $w(status).label set w(statusCurrent) $w(status).current # MacOS has a resize handle in the bottom right which will sit # on top of whatever is placed there. So, we'll add a little bit # of whitespace there. It's harmless, so we'll do it on all of the # platforms. label $w(status).blank -image nullImage -width 16 -bd 1 -relief sunken label $w(statusCurrent) -textvariable g(statusCurrent) -anchor e \ -width 14 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken -padx 4 -pady 2 label $w(statusLabel) -textvariable g(statusInfo) -anchor w -width 1 \ -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken -pady 2 pack $w(status).blank -side right -fill y pack $w(statusCurrent) -side right -fill y -expand n pack $w(statusLabel) -side left -fill both -expand y } ############################################################################### # handles events over the map ############################################################################### proc handleMapEvent {event y} { global opts global w global g #debug-info "handleMapEvent $event $y" switch -- $event { B1-Press { set ty1 [lindex $g(thumbBbox) 1] set ty2 [lindex $g(thumbBbox) 3] if {$y >= $ty1 && $y <= $ty2} { set g(mapScrolling) 1 # this captures the negative delta between the mouse press \ and the top # of the thumbbox. It's used so when we scroll by moving the # mouse, we can keep this distance constant. This is how all # scrollbars work, and it's what the user expects. set g(thumbDeltaY) [expr -1 * ($y - $ty1 - 2)] } } B1-Motion { if {[info exists g(mapScrolling)]} { incr y $g(thumbDeltaY) map-seek $y } } B1-Release { show-info "" set ty1 [lindex $g(thumbBbox) 1] set ty2 [lindex $g(thumbBbox) 3] # if we release over the trough (*not* over the thumb) # just scroll by the size of the thumb if {$y < $ty1 || $y > $ty2} { if {$y < $ty1} { # if vertical scrollbar syncing is turned on, # all the other windows should toe the line # appropriately... $w(RightText) yview scroll -1 pages } else { $w(RightText) yview scroll 1 pages } } else { # do nothing } catch {unset g(mapScrolling)} } } } # makes a toolbar "separator" proc toolsep {w} { label $w -image [image create photo] -highlightthickness 0 -bd 1 -width 0 \ -relief groove return $w } proc toolbutton {w args} { global tcl_platform global opts global g # create the button eval button $w $args # add minimal tooltip-like support bind $w [list toolbutton:handleEvent %W] bind $w [list toolbutton:handleEvent %W] bind $w [list toolbutton:handleEvent %W] bind $w [list toolbutton:handleEvent %W] $w configure -relief $opts(relief) return $w } # handle events in our fancy toolbuttons... proc toolbutton:handleEvent {event w {isToolbutton 1}} { global g global opts switch -- $event { "" { showTooltip button $w if {$opts(fancyButtons) && $isToolbutton && [$w cget -state] == \ "normal"} { $w configure -relief raised } } "" { set g(statusInfo) "" if {$opts(fancyButtons) && $isToolbutton} { $w configure -relief flat } } "" { showTooltip button $w if {$opts(fancyButtons) && $isToolbutton && [$w cget -state] == \ "normal"} { $w configure -relief raised } } "" { set g(statusInfo) "" if {$opts(fancyButtons) && $isToolbutton} { $w configure -relief flat } } } } ############################################################################### # move the map thumb to correspond to current shown merge... ############################################################################### proc map-move-thumb {y1 y2} { global g global w set thumbheight [expr {($y2 - $y1) * $g(mapheight)}] if {$thumbheight < $g(thumbMinHeight)} { set thumbheight $g(thumbMinHeight) } if {![info exists g(mapwidth)]} { set g(mapwidth) 0 } set x1 1 set x2 [expr {$g(mapwidth) - 3}] # why -2? it's the thickness of our border... set y1 [expr {int(($y1 * $g(mapheight)) - 2)}] if {$y1 < 0} { set y1 0 } set y2 [expr {$y1 + $thumbheight}] if {$y2 > $g(mapheight)} { set y2 $g(mapheight) set y1 [expr {$y2 - $thumbheight}] } set dx1 [expr {$x1 + 1}] set dx2 [expr {$x2 - 1}] set dy1 [expr {$y1 + 1}] set dy2 [expr {$y2 - 1}] $w(mapCanvas) coords thumbUL $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $dx2 $dy1 $dx1 $dy1 \ $dx1 $dy2 $w(mapCanvas) coords thumbLR $dx1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $x2 $dy1 $dx2 $dy1 $dx2 \ $dy2 $dx1 $dy2 set g(thumbBbox) [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] set g(thumbHeight) $thumbheight } ############################################################################### # Bind keys for Next, Prev, Center, Merge choices 1 and 2 # # N.B. This is GROSS! It might have been necessary in earlier versions, # but now I think it needs a serious rewriite. We are now overriding # the text widget, so we can probably just disable the insert and delete # commands, and use something like insert_ and delete_ internally. ############################################################################### proc common-navigation {args} { global w bind . do-find foreach widget $args { # this effectively disables the widget, without having to # resort to actually disabling the widget (the latter which # has some annoying side effects). What we really want is to # only disable keys that get inserted, but that's difficult # to do, and this works almost as well... bind $widget {break} bind $widget {continue} bind $widget <> {break} # ... but now we need to restore some navigation key bindings # which got lost because we disable all keys. Since we are # attaching bindings that duplicate class bindings, we need # to be sure and include the break, so the events don't fire # twice (once for the widget, once for the class). There is # probably a much better way to do all this, but I'm too # lazy to figure it out... foreach event [list Next Prior Up Down Left Right Home End] { foreach modifier [list {} Shift Control Shift-Control] { set binding [bind Text <${modifier}${event}>] if {[string length $binding] > 0} { bind $widget "<${modifier}${event}>" " ${binding} break " } } } # these bindings allow control-f, tab and shift-tab to work # in spite of the fact we bound Any-KeyPress to a null action bind $widget continue bind $widget continue bind $widget continue bind $widget " center break " bind $widget " move 1 break " bind $widget

" move -1 break " bind $widget " move first break " bind $widget " move last break " bind $widget " do-exit break " bind $widget " recompute-diff break " bind $widget " moveNearest $widget mark insert break " # these bindings keep Alt- modified keys from triggering # the above actions. This way, any Alt combinations that # should open a menu will... foreach key [list c n p f l] { bind $widget {continue} } bind $widget " moveNearest $widget xy %x %y break " bind $widget " do-merge-choice 1 break " bind $widget " do-merge-choice 2 break " bind $widget " do-merge-choice 12 break " bind $widget " do-merge-choice 21 break " } } ############################################################################### # set or clear a "diff mark" -- a hot button to move to a particular diff ############################################################################### proc diffmark {option {diff -1}} { debug-info "diffmark ($option $diff)" global g global w if {$diff == -1} { set diff $g(pos) } set widget $w(toolbar).mark$diff switch -- $option { activate { move $diff 0 1 } mark { if {![winfo exists $widget]} { toolbutton $widget -text "\[$diff\]" -command [list diffmark \ activate $diff] -bd 1 -pady 1 pack $widget -side left -padx 2 set g(tooltip,$widget) "Diff Marker: Jump to diff record \ number $diff" } update-display } clear { if {[winfo exists $widget]} { destroy $widget catch {unset g(tooltip,$widget)} } update-display } clearall { set bookmarks [info commands $w(toolbar).mark*] if {[llength $bookmarks] > 0} { foreach widget $bookmarks { destroy $widget catch {unset g(tooltip,$widget)} } } update-display } } } ############################################################################### # Customize the display (among other things). ############################################################################### proc customize {} { debug-info "customize" global pref global g global w global opts global tmpopts global tcl_platform catch {destroy $w(preferences)} toplevel $w(preferences) wm title $w(preferences) "$g(name) Preferences" wm transient $w(preferences) . wm group $w(preferences) . if {$g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { setAquaDialogStyle $w(preferences) } wm withdraw $w(preferences) # the button frame... frame $w(preferences).buttons -bd 0 button $w(preferences).buttons.dismiss -width 8 -text "Dismiss" \ -command {destroy $w(preferences)} button $w(preferences).buttons.apply -width 8 -text "Apply" \ -command {apply 1} button $w(preferences).buttons.save -width 8 -text "Save" -command save button $w(preferences).buttons.help -width 8 -text "Help" \ -command do-help-preferences pack $w(preferences).buttons -side bottom -fill x pack $w(preferences).buttons.dismiss -side right -padx 10 -pady 5 pack $w(preferences).buttons.help -side right -padx 10 -pady 5 pack $w(preferences).buttons.save -side right -padx 1 -pady 5 pack $w(preferences).buttons.apply -side right -padx 1 -pady 5 # a series of checkbuttons to act as a poor mans notebook tab frame $w(preferences).notebook -bd 0 pack $w(preferences).notebook -side top -fill x -pady 4 set pagelist {} # Radiobuttons without indicators look rather sucky on MacOSX, so # we'll tweak the style for that platform if {$::tcl_platform(os) == "Darwin"} { set indicatoron true } else { set indicatoron false } foreach page [list General Display Appearance] { set frame $w(preferences).f$page lappend pagelist $frame set rb $w(preferences).notebook.f$page radiobutton $rb -command "customize-selectPage $frame" \ -variable g(prefPage) -value $frame -height 2 -text $page \ -indicatoron $indicatoron -width 10 -borderwidth 1 pack $rb -side left frame $frame -bd 2 -relief groove -width 400 -height 300 } set g(prefPage) $w(preferences).fGeneral # make sure our labels are defined customize-initLabels # this is an option that we support internally, but don't give # the user a way to directly edit (right now, anyway). But we # need to make sure tmpopts knows about it set tmpopts(customCode) $opts(customCode) # General set count 0 set frame $w(preferences).fGeneral foreach key {diffcmd ignoreblanksopt tmpdir editor geometry} { label $frame.l$count -text "$pref($key): " -anchor w set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) entry $frame.e$count -textvariable tmpopts($key) -width 50 -bd 2 \ -relief sunken grid $frame.l$count -row $count -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 2 grid $frame.e$count -row $count -column 1 -sticky ew -padx 5 -pady 2 incr count } # this is just for filler... label $frame.filler -text {} grid $frame.filler -row $count incr count foreach key {fancyButtons toolbarIcons autocenter syncscroll autoselect} { label $frame.l$count -text "$pref($key): " -anchor w set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) checkbutton $frame.c$count -indicatoron true -text "$pref($key)" \ -justify left -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable tmpopts($key) set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) if {$key == "fancyButtons" && $g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { # Skipit - nothing to do incr count continue } grid $frame.c$count -row $count -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w \ -padx 5 incr count } grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $frame 1 -weight 1 # this, in effect, adds a hidden row at the bottom which takes # up any extra room grid rowconfigure $frame $count -weight 1 # pack this window for a brief moment, and compute the window # size. We'll do this for each "page" and find the largest # size to be the size of the dialog pack $frame -side right -fill both -expand y update idletasks set maxwidth [winfo reqwidth $w(preferences)] set maxheight [winfo reqheight $w(preferences)] pack forget $frame # Appearance set frame $w(preferences).fAppearance set count 0 foreach key {textopt difftag deltag instag chgtag currtag bytetag \ inlinetag overlaptag} { label $frame.l$count -text "$pref($key): " -anchor w set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) entry $frame.e$count -textvariable tmpopts($key) -bd 2 -relief sunken grid $frame.l$count -row $count -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 2 grid $frame.e$count -row $count -column 1 -sticky ew -padx 5 -pady 2 incr count } grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $frame 1 -weight 1 # tabstops are placed after a little extra whitespace, since it is # slightly different than all of the other options (ie: it's not # a list of widget options) frame $frame.sep$count -bd 0 -height 4 grid $frame.sep$count -row $count -column 0 -stick ew -columnspan 2 \ -padx 5 -pady 2 incr count set key "tabstops" set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) label $frame.l$count -text "$pref($key):" -anchor w set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) entry $frame.e$count -textvariable tmpopts($key) -bd 2 -relief sunken \ -width 3 grid $frame.l$count -row $count -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 2 grid $frame.e$count -row $count -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 2 incr count # add a tiny bit of validation, so the user can only enter numbers trace variable tmpopts($key) w [list validate integer] # this, in effect, adds a hidden row at the bottom which takes # up any extra room grid rowconfigure $frame $count -weight 1 pack $frame -side right -fill both -expand y update idletasks set maxwidth [max $maxwidth [winfo reqwidth $w(preferences)]] set maxheight [max $maxheight [winfo reqheight $w(preferences)]] pack forget $frame # Display set frame $w(preferences).fDisplay set row 0 # Option fields # Note that the order of the list is used to determine # the layout. So, if you add something to the list pay # attention to how it affects things. # # an x means an empty column; a - means an empty row set col 0 foreach key [list showln tagln showcbs tagcbs showmap colorcbs \ showlineview tagtext ignoreblanks showinline1 x showinline2 x] { if {$key == "x"} { set col [expr {$col ? 0 : 1}] if {$col == 0} { incr row } continue } if {$key == "-"} { frame $frame.f${row} -bd 0 -height 4 grid $frame.f${row} -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 2 -padx 20 \ -pady 4 -sticky nsew set col 1 ;# will force next column to zero and incr row } else { checkbutton $frame.c${row}${col} -indicatoron true \ -text "$pref($key)" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable tmpopts($key) set tmpopts($key) $opts($key) grid $frame.c${row}$col -row $row -column $col -sticky w -padx 5 } set col [expr {$col ? 0 : 1}] if {$col == 0} { incr row } } grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $frame 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $frame 2 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $frame 3 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $frame 4 -weight 1 # add validation to make only one of the showinline# options are set trace variable tmpopts(showinline1) w [list validate-inline showinline1] trace variable tmpopts(showinline2) w [list validate-inline showinline2] # this, in effect, adds a hidden row at the bottom which takes # up any extra room grid rowconfigure $frame $row -weight 1 pack $frame -side right -fill both -expand y update idletasks set maxwidth [max $maxwidth [winfo reqwidth $w(preferences)]] set maxheight [max $maxheight [winfo reqheight $w(preferences)]] pack forget $frame customize-selectPage # compute a reasonable location for the window... centerWindow $w(preferences) [list $maxwidth $maxheight] wm deiconify $w(preferences) } proc validate {type name index op} { global tmpopts # if we fail the check, attempt to do something clever if {![string is $type $tmpopts($index)]} { bell switch -- $type { integer { regsub -all {[^0-9]} $tmpopts($index) {} tmpopts($index) } default { # this should never happen. If you use this routine, # make sure you add cases to handle all possible # values of $type used by this program. set tmpopts($index) "" } } } } proc validate-inline {option name index op} { global tmpopts if {$tmpopts($index)} { if {$index == "showinline1"} { set tmpopts(showinline2) 0 } elseif {$index == "showinline2"} { set tmpopts(showinline1) 0 } } } proc customize-selectPage {{frame {}}} { global g w if {$frame == ""} { set frame $g(prefPage) } pack forget $w(preferences).fGeneral pack forget $w(preferences).fAppearance pack forget $w(preferences).fDisplay pack forget $w(preferences).fBehavior pack $frame -side right -fill both -expand y } ############################################################################### # define the labels for the preferences. This is done outside of # the customize proc since the labels are used in the help text. ############################################################################### proc customize-initLabels {} { global pref set pref(diffcmd) {diff command} set pref(ignoreblanksopt) {Ignore blanks option} set pref(ignoreblanks) {Ignore blanks when diffing} set pref(textopt) {Text widget options} set pref(bytetag) {Tag options for characters in line view} set pref(difftag) {Tag options for diff regions} set pref(currtag) {Tag options for the current diff region} set pref(inlinetag) {Tag options for diff region inline differences} set pref(deltag) {Tag options for deleted diff region} set pref(instag) {Tag options for inserted diff region} set pref(chgtag) {Tag options for changed diff region} set pref(overlaptag) {Tag options for overlap diff region} set pref(geometry) {Text window size} set pref(tmpdir) {Directory for scratch files} set pref(editor) {Program for editing files} set pref(fancyButtons) {Windows-style toolbar buttons} set pref(showlineview) {Show current line comparison window} set pref(showinline1) {Show inline diffs (byte comparisons)} set pref(showinline2) {Show inline diffs (recursive matching algorithm)} set pref(showmap) {Show graphical map of diffs} set pref(showln) {Show line numbers} set pref(showcbs) {Show change bars} set pref(autocenter) {Automatically center current diff region} set pref(syncscroll) {Synchronize scrollbars} set pref(toolbarIcons) {Use icons instead of labels in the toolbar} set pref(colorcbs) {Color change bars to match the diff map} set pref(tagtext) {Highlight file contents} set pref(tagcbs) {Highlight change bars} set pref(tagln) {Highlight line numbers} set pref(tabstops) {Tab stops} set pref(autoselect) "Automatically select the nearest diff region while \ scrolling" } ############################################################################### # Apply customization changes. ############################################################################### proc apply {{remark 0}} { debug-info "apply ($remark)" global opts global tmpopts global w global pref global screenWidth global screenHeight global tk_version grid propagate $w(client) t if {! [file isdirectory $tmpopts(tmpdir)]} { do-error "Invalid temporary directory $tmpopts(tmpdir)" } if {[catch " $w(LeftText) configure $tmpopts(textopt) $w(RightText) configure $tmpopts(textopt) $w(BottomText) configure $tmpopts(textopt) "]} { do-error "Invalid text widget setting: \n\n'$tmpopts(textopt)'" eval "$w(LeftText) configure $opts(textopt)" eval "$w(RightText) configure $opts(textopt)" eval "$w(BottomText) configure $opts(textopt)" return } # the text options must be ok. Configure the other text widgets # similarly eval "$w(LeftCB) configure $tmpopts(textopt)" eval "$w(LeftInfo) configure $tmpopts(textopt)" eval "$w(RightCB) configure $tmpopts(textopt)" eval "$w(RightInfo) configure $tmpopts(textopt)" set gridsize [wm grid .] set gridx [lindex $gridsize 2] set gridy [lindex $gridsize 3] debug-info " wm grid is $gridx x $gridy" set maxunitsx [expr {$screenWidth / $gridx}] set maxunitsy [expr {$screenHeight / $gridy}] debug-info " max X is $maxunitsx units" debug-info " max Y is $maxunitsy units" set halfmax [expr {$maxunitsx / 2}] if {$tmpopts(geometry) == "" || [catch {scan $tmpopts(geometry) \ "%dx%d" width height} result]} { do-error "invalid geometry setting: $tmpopts(geometry)" return } debug-info " width $width halfmax $halfmax" set maxw [expr {$halfmax - 18}] debug-info " maxw $maxw" if {$width > $maxw} { set width $maxw } # re-center map if {$tk_version < 8.4} { grid columnconfigure $w(client) 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w(client) 2 -weight 1 } else { grid columnconfigure $w(client) 0 -weight 100 -uniform a grid columnconfigure $w(client) 2 -weight 100 -uniform a } if {[catch {$w(LeftText) configure -width $width -height $height} result]} { do-error "invalid geometry setting: $tmpopts(geometry)" return } $w(RightText) configure -width $width -height $height $w(LeftLabel) configure -width $width $w(RightLabel) configure -width $width grid forget $w(LeftLabel) grid forget $w(RightLabel) grid $w(LeftLabel) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew grid $w(RightLabel) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew foreach tag {difftag currtag inlinetag deltag instag chgtag overlaptag} { foreach win [list $w(LeftText) $w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftCB) $w(RightText) \ $w(RightInfo) $w(RightCB)] { if {[catch "$win tag configure $tag $tmpopts($tag)"]} { do-error "Invalid settings for \"$pref($tag)\": \ \n\n'$tmpopts($tag)' is not a valid option string" eval "$win tag configure $tag $opts($tag)" return } } } if {[catch "$w(BottomText) tag configure diff $tmpopts(bytetag)"]} { do-error "Invalid settings for \"$pref(bytetag)\": \ \n\n'$tmpopts(bytetag)' is not a valid option string" eval "$w(BottomText) tag configure diff $opts(bytetag)" return } # tabstops require a little extra work. We need to figure out # the width of an "m" in the widget's font, then multiply that # by the tab stop width. For the bottom text widget the first tabstop # is adjusted by two to take into consideration the fact that we # add two bytes to each line (ie: "< " or "> "). set cwidth [font measure [$w(LeftText) cget -font] "m"] set tabstops [expr {$cwidth * $tmpopts(tabstops)}] $w(LeftText) configure -tabs $tabstops $w(RightText) configure -tabs $tabstops $w(BottomText) configure -tabs [list [expr {$tabstops +($cwidth * 2)}] \ [expr {2*$tabstops +($cwidth * 2)}]] if {[info exists w(mergeText)] && [winfo exists $w(mergeText)]} { $w(mergeText) configure -tabs $tabstops } # set opts to the values from tmpopts foreach key {autocenter autoselect chgtag colorcbs currtag deltag diffcmd \ difftag inlinetag editor fancyButtons geometry ignoreblanks \ ignoreblanksopt instag overlaptag showcbs showlineview showln showmap \ syncscroll tabstops tagcbs tagln tagtext textopt tmpdir toolbarIcons} { set opts($key) $tmpopts($key) } if {$opts(fancyButtons)} { set opts(relief) flat } else { set opts(relief) raised } # determine if we need to redo the inline diffs to avoid needless rediff if {$opts(showinline1) != $tmpopts(showinline1) || $opts(showinline2) != \ $tmpopts(showinline2)} { set opts(showinline1) $tmpopts(showinline1) set opts(showinline2) $tmpopts(showinline2) recompute-diff } # reconfigure the toolbar buttons reconfigure-toolbar # remark all the diff regions, show (or hide) the line numbers, # change bars and diff map, and we are done if {$remark} { remark-diffs } do-show-linenumbers do-show-changebars do-show-map do-show-lineview do-show-ignoreblanks grid propagate $w(client) f } ############################################################################### # Save customization changes. ############################################################################### proc save {} { debug-info "save" global g global tmpopts rcfile tcl_platform global pref if {[file exists $rcfile]} { file rename -force $rcfile "$rcfile~" } set fid [open $rcfile w] # put the tkdiff version in the file. It might be handy later puts $fid "# This file was generated by $g(name) $g(version)" puts $fid "# [clock format [clock seconds]]\n" puts $fid "set prefsFileVersion {$g(version)}\n" # now, put all of the preferences in the file foreach key [lsort [array names pref]] { regsub "\n" $pref($key) "\n# " comment puts $fid "# $comment" puts $fid "define $key {$tmpopts($key)}\n" } # ... and any custom code puts $fid "# custom code" puts $fid "# put any custom code you want to be executed in the" puts $fid "# following block. This code will be automatically executed" puts $fid "# after the GUI has been set up but before the diff is " puts $fid "# performed. Use this code to customize the interface if" puts $fid "# you so desire." puts $fid "# " puts $fid "# Even though you can't (as of version 3.09) edit this " puts $fid "# code via the preferences dialog, it will be automatically" puts $fid "# saved and restored if you do a SAVE from that dialog." puts $fid "" puts $fid "# Unless you really know what you are doing, it is probably" puts $fid "# wise to leave this unmodified." puts $fid "" puts $fid "define customCode {\n[string trim $tmpopts(customCode) \n]\n}\n" close $fid if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { file attribute $rcfile -hidden 1 } } ############################################################################### # Text has scrolled, update scrollbars and synchronize windows ############################################################################### proc hscroll-sync {id args} { global g opts global w # If ignore_event is true, we've already taken care of scrolling. # We're only interested in the first event. if {$g(ignore_hevent,$id)} { return } # Scrollbar sizes set size1 [expr {[lindex [$w(LeftText) xview] 1] - [lindex \ [$w(LeftText) xview] 0]}] set size2 [expr {[lindex [$w(RightText) xview] 1] - [lindex \ [$w(RightText) xview] 0]}] if {$opts(syncscroll) || $id == 1} { set start [lindex $args 0] if {$id != 1} { set start [expr {$start * $size2 / $size1}] } $w(LeftHSB) set $start [expr {$start + $size1}] $w(LeftText) xview moveto $start set g(ignore_hevent,1) 1 } if {$opts(syncscroll) || $id == 2} { set start [lindex $args 0] if {$id != 2} { set start [expr {$start * $size1 / $size2}] } $w(RightHSB) set $start [expr {$start + $size2}] $w(RightText) xview moveto $start set g(ignore_hevent,2) 1 } # This forces all the event handlers for the view alterations # above to trigger, and we lock out the recursive (redundant) # events using ignore_event. update idletasks # Restore to normal set g(ignore_hevent,1) 0 set g(ignore_hevent,2) 0 } ############################################################################### # Text has scrolled, update scrollbars and synchronize windows ############################################################################### proc vscroll-sync {windowlist id y0 y1} { global g opts global w if {$id == 1} { $w(LeftVSB) set $y0 $y1 } else { $w(RightVSB) set $y0 $y1 } # if syncing is disabled, we're done. This prevents a nasty # set of recursive calls if {[info exists g(disableSyncing)]} { return } # set the flag; this makes sure we only get called once set g(disableSyncing) 1 # scroll the other windows on the same side as this window foreach window $windowlist { $window yview moveto $y0 } eval map-move-thumb $y0 $y1 # Select nearest visible diff region, if the appropriate # options are set if {$opts(syncscroll) && $opts(autoselect) && $g(count) > 0} { set winhalf [expr {[winfo height $w(RightText)] / 2}] set result [find-diff [expr {int([$w(RightText) index @1,$winhalf])}]] set i [lindex $result 0] # have we found a diff other than the current diff? if {$i != $g(pos)} { # Also, make sure the diff is visible. If not, we won't # change the current diff region... set topline [$w(RightText) index @0,0] set bottomline [$w(RightText) index @0,10000] foreach {line s1 e1 s2 e2 type} $g(scrdiff,$i) { } if {$s1 >= $topline && $s1 <= $bottomline} { move $i 0 1 } } } # if syncing is turned on, scroll other windows. # Annoyingly, sometimes the *Text windows won't scroll properly, # at least under windows. And I can't for the life of me figure # out why. Maybe a bug in tk? if {$opts(syncscroll)} { if {$id == 1} { $w(RightText) yview moveto $y0 $w(RightInfo) yview moveto $y0 $w(RightCB) yview moveto $y0 $w(RightVSB) set $y0 $y1 } else { $w(LeftText) yview moveto $y0 $w(LeftInfo) yview moveto $y0 $w(LeftCB) yview moveto $y0 $w(LeftVSB) set $y0 $y1 } } # we apparently automatically process idle events after this # proc is called. Once that is done we'll unset our flag after idle {catch {unset g(disableSyncing)}} } ############################################################################### # Make a miniature map of the diff regions ############################################################################### proc create-map {name mapwidth mapheight} { global g global w global map global opts set map $name # Text widget always contains blank line at the end set lines [expr {double([$w(LeftText) index end]) - 2}] set factor [expr {$mapheight / $lines}] # We add some transparent stuff to make the map fill the canvas # in order to receive mouse events at the very bottom. $map blank $map put \#000 -to 0 $mapheight $mapwidth $mapheight # Line numbers start at 1, not at 0. for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { # scan $g(scrdiff,$i) "%s %d %d %d %d %s" line s1 e1 s2 e2 type foreach {line s1 e1 s2 e2 type} $g(scrdiff,$i) { } set y [expr {int(($s2 - 1) * $factor) + $g(mapborder)}] set size [expr {round(($e2 - $s2 + 1) * $factor)}] if {$size < 1} { set size 1 } switch -- $type { "d" { set color $opts(mapdel) } "a" { set color $opts(mapins) } "c" { set color $opts(mapchg) } } if {[info exists g(overlap$i)]} { set color yellow } $map put $color -to 0 $y $mapwidth [expr {$y + $size}] } # let's draw a rectangle to simulate a scrollbar thumb. The size # isn't important since it will get resized when map-move-thumb # is called... $w(mapCanvas) create line 0 0 0 0 -width 1 -tags thumbUL -fill white $w(mapCanvas) create line 1 1 1 1 -width 1 -tags thumbLR -fill black $w(mapCanvas) raise thumb # now, move the thumb eval map-move-thumb [$w(LeftText) yview] } ############################################################################### # Resize map to fit window size ############################################################################### proc map-resize {args} { global g opts global w set mapwidth [winfo width $w(map)] set g(mapborder) [expr {[$w(map) cget -borderwidth] + [$w(map) cget \ -highlightthickness]}] set mapheight [expr {[winfo height $w(map)] - $g(mapborder) * 2}] # We'll get a couple of "resize" events, so don't draw a map # unless we've got the diffs and the map size has changed if {$g(count) == 0 || $mapheight == $g(mapheight)} { return } # If we don't have a map and don't want one, don't make one if {$g(mapheight) == 0 && $opts(showmap) == 0} { return } # This seems to happen on Windows!? _After_ the map is drawn the first time # another event triggers and [winfo height $w(map)] is then 0... if {$mapheight < 1} { return } set g(mapheight) $mapheight set g(mapwidth) $mapwidth create-map map $mapwidth $mapheight } ############################################################################### # scroll to diff region nearest to y ############################################################################### proc map-scroll {y} { global g global w global opts set yview [expr {double($y) / double($g(mapheight))}] # Show text corresponding to map catch {$w(RightText) yview moveto $yview} result update idletasks # Select the diff region closest to the middle of the screen set winhalf [expr {[winfo height $w(RightText)] / 2}] set result [find-diff [expr {int([$w(RightText) index @1,$winhalf])}]] move [lindex $result 0] 0 0 if {$opts(autocenter)} { center } if {$g(showmerge)} { merge-center } } ############################################################################### # Toggle showing the line comparison window ############################################################################### proc do-show-lineview {{showLineview {}}} { global opts global w if {$showLineview != {}} { set opts(showlineview) $showLineview } if {$opts(showlineview)} { grid $w(BottomText) -row 3 -column 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 4 } else { grid forget $w(BottomText) } } ############################################################################### # Toggle showing inline comparison ############################################################################### proc do-show-inline1 {{showInline1 {}}} { global opts if {$showInline1 != {}} { puts "passed in value=$showInline1" set opts(showinline1) $showInline1 } # mutually disjoint options if {$opts(showinline1)} { set opts(showinline2) 0 } recompute-diff } proc do-show-inline2 {{showInline2 {}}} { global opts if {$showInline2 != {}} { set opts(showinline2) $showInline2 } # mutually disjoint options if {$opts(showinline2)} { set opts(showinline1) 0 } recompute-diff } ############################################################################### # Toggle showing map or not ############################################################################### proc do-show-map {{showMap {}}} { global opts global w if {$showMap != {}} { set opts(showmap) $showMap } if {$opts(showmap)} { grid $w(map) -row 1 -column 1 -stick ns } else { grid forget $w(map) } } ############################################################################### # Find the diff nearest to $line. # Returns "$i $newtop" where $i is the index of the diff region # and $newtop is the new top line in the window to the right. ############################################################################### proc find-diff {line} { global g global w set top $line set newtop [expr {$top - int([$w(LeftText) index end]) + \ int([$w(RightText) index end])}] for {set low 1; set high $g(count); set i [expr {($low + $high) / 2}]} \ {$i >= $low} {set i [expr {($low + $high) / 2}]} { foreach {line s1 e1 s2 e2 type} $g(scrdiff,$i) { } if {$s1 > $top} { set newtop [expr {$top - $s1 + $s2}] set high [expr {$i-1}] } else { set low [expr {$i+1}] } } # do some range checking... set i [max 1 [min $i $g(count)]] # If next diff is closer than the one found, use it instead if {$i > 0 && $i < $g(count)} { set nexts1 [lindex $g(scrdiff,[expr {$i + 1}]) 1] set e1 [lindex $g(scrdiff,$i) 2] if {$nexts1 - $top < $top - $e1} { incr i } } return [list $i $newtop] } ############################################################################### # Calculate number of lines in diff region # pos Diff number # version 1 or 2, left or right window version # screen 1 for screen size, 0 for original diff size ############################################################################### proc diff-size {pos version {screen 0}} { global g if {$screen} { set diff scrdiff } else { set diff pdiff } foreach {thisdiff s(1) e(1) s(2) e(2) type} $g($diff,$pos) { } switch -- $version { 1 { set lines [expr {$e(1) - $s(1) + 1}] if {$type == "a"} { incr lines -1 } } 2 { set lines [expr {$e(2) - $s(2) + 1}] if {$type == "d"} { incr lines -1 } } 12 - 21 { set lines [expr {$e(1) - $s(1) + $e(2) - $s(2) + 1}] } } return $lines } ############################################################################### # Toggle showing merge preview or not ############################################################################### proc do-show-merge {{showMerge ""}} { debug-info "do-show-merge ($showMerge)" global g global w if {$showMerge != ""} { set g(showmerge) $showMerge } if {$g(showmerge)} { watch-cursor if {! [info exists w(mergeText]} { merge-read-file merge-add-marks } wm deiconify .merge $w(mergeText) configure -state disabled focus -force $w(mergeText) merge-center } else { wm withdraw $w(merge) } debug-info " ...restore-cursor from do-show-merge" restore-cursor } ############################################################################### # Create Merge preview window ############################################################################### proc merge-create-window {} { debug-info "merge-create-window" global opts global w global g set top .merge set w(merge) $top catch {destroy $top} toplevel $top set rx [winfo rootx .] set ry [winfo rooty .] set px [winfo width .] set py [winfo height .] #debug-info " rx $rx ry $ry px $px py $py" set x [expr {$rx + $px / 4}] set y [expr {$ry + $py / 2}] wm geometry $top "+${x}+$y" wm group $top . wm title $top "$g(name) Merge Preview" frame $top.frame -bd 1 -relief sunken pack $top.frame -side top -fill both -expand y -padx 10 -pady 10 set w(mergeText) $top.frame.text set w(mergeVSB) $top.frame.vsb set w(mergeHSB) $top.frame.hsb set w(mergeDismiss) $top.dismiss set w(mergeWrite) $top.mergeWrite set w(mergeWriteAndExit) $top.mergeWriteAndExit set w(mergeExit) $top.mergeExit set w(mergeRecenter) $top.mergeRecenter # Window and scrollbars scrollbar $w(mergeHSB) -orient horizontal -command [list $w(mergeText) \ xview] scrollbar $w(mergeVSB) -orient vertical -command [list $w(mergeText) yview] text $w(mergeText) -bd 0 -takefocus 1 -yscrollcommand [list $w(mergeVSB) \ set] -xscrollcommand [list $w(mergeHSB) set] grid $w(mergeText) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $w(mergeVSB) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $w(mergeHSB) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $top.frame 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $top.frame 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $top.frame 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $top.frame 1 -weight 0 # buttons button $w(mergeRecenter) -width 8 -text "ReCenter" -underline 0 \ -command merge-center button $w(mergeDismiss) -width 8 -text "Dismiss" -underline 0 \ -command "do-show-merge 0" if {$g(mergefileset)} { button $w(mergeWrite) -width 8 -text "Save" -underline 0 \ -command [list popup-merge merge-write-file] button $w(mergeWriteAndExit) -width 8 -text "Save & Exit" \ -underline 8 -command { popup-merge merge-write-file exit } } else { button $w(mergeWrite) -width 8 -text "Save..." -underline 0 \ -command [list popup-merge merge-write-file] button $w(mergeWriteAndExit) -width 10 -text "Save & Exit..." \ -underline 8 -command { popup-merge merge-write-file exit } } button $w(mergeExit) -width 8 -text "Exit $g(name)" -underline 0 \ -command {exit} pack $w(mergeDismiss) -side right -pady 5 -padx 10 pack $w(mergeRecenter) -side right -pady 5 -padx 1 pack $w(mergeWrite) -side right -pady 5 -padx 1 pack $w(mergeWriteAndExit) -side right -pady 5 -padx 1 pack $w(mergeExit) -side right -pady 5 -padx 1 eval $w(mergeText) configure $opts(textopt) foreach tag {difftag currtag} { eval $w(mergeText) tag configure $tag $opts($tag) } # adjust the tabstops set cwidth [font measure [$w(mergeText) cget -font] "m"] set tabstops [expr {$cwidth * $opts(tabstops)}] $w(mergeText) configure -tabs $tabstops wm protocol $w(merge) WM_DELETE_WINDOW {do-show-merge 0} # adjust the tag priorities a bit... $w(mergeText) tag raise sel $w(mergeText) tag raise currtag difftag common-navigation $w(mergeText) if {! $g(showmerge)} { wm withdraw $w(merge) } } ############################################################################### # Read original file (Left window file) into merge preview window. # Not so good if it has changed. ############################################################################### proc merge-read-file {} { debug-info "merge-read-file" global finfo global w # hack; need to find a cleaner way... catch {destroy .merge} merge-create-window set hndl [open "$finfo(pth,1)" r] $w(mergeText) configure -state normal $w(mergeText) delete 1.0 end $w(mergeText) insert 1.0 [read $hndl] close $hndl # If last line doesn't end with a newline, add one. Important when # writing out the merge preview. if {![regexp {\.0$} [$w(mergeText) index "end-1lines lineend"]]} { $w(mergeText) insert end "\n" } $w(mergeText) configure -state disabled } ############################################################################### # Write merge preview to file ############################################################################### proc merge-write-file {} { global g global w set hndl [open "$g(mergefile)" w] set text [$w(mergeText) get 1.0 end-1lines] puts -nonewline $hndl $text close $hndl } ############################################################################### # Add a mark where each diff begins and tag diff regions so they are visible. # Assumes text is initially the bare original (Left) version. ############################################################################### proc merge-add-marks {} { global g global w # mark all lines first, so selection won't mess up line numbers for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { foreach [list thisdiff s1 e1 s2 e2 type] $g(pdiff,$i) { } # set delta [expr {$type == "a" ? 1 : 0}] # $w(mergeText) mark set mark$i $s1.0+${delta}lines if {$type == "a"} { incr s1 } $w(mergeText) mark set mark$i $s1.0 $w(mergeText) mark gravity mark$i left } # if a 3-way merge, select right window as needed if {$g(ancfileset) && $g(count) > 0} { # # If there was something different between file1 # and the ancestor, pick the left window, but... # for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { set s1 [lindex $g(pdiff,$i) 1] set s2 [lindex $g(pdiff,$i) 2] for {set p $s1} {$p <= $s2} {incr p} { if {[info exists g(diff3l$p)]} { set g(merge$i) 1 break } } } # # ... if there was a diff between file2 and the ancestor, # then file2 takes precedence # for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { set s1 [lindex $g(pdiff,$i) 3] set s2 [lindex $g(pdiff,$i) 4] for {set p $s1} {$p <= $s2} {incr p} { if {[info exists g(diff3r$p)]} { set g(merge$i) 2 break } } } } # select merged lines for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { foreach [list thisdiff s1 e1 s2 e2 type] $g(pdiff,$i) { } if {$g(merge$i) == 1} { # (If it's an insert it's not visible) if {$type != "a"} { set lines [expr {$e1 - $s1 + 1}] $w(mergeText) tag add difftag mark$i mark$i+${lines}lines } } else { # Insert right window version merge-select-version $i 1 2 } } # Tag current if {$g(count) > 0} { set pos $g(pos) set lines [diff-size $pos $g(merge$pos)] $w(mergeText) tag add currtag mark$pos "mark$pos+${lines}lines" } } ############################################################################### # Add a mark where each diff begins # pos diff index # oldversion 1 or 2, previous merge choice # newversion 1 or 2, new merge choice ############################################################################### proc merge-select-version {pos oldversion newversion} { global g global w catch { switch -- $oldversion { 1 - 2 {set oldlines [diff-size $pos $oldversion]} 12 - 21 {set oldlines [expr {[diff-size $pos 1] + [diff-size $pos 2]}]} } $w(mergeText) configure -state normal $w(mergeText) delete mark$pos "mark${pos}+${oldlines}lines" $w(mergeText) configure -state disabled } # Screen coordinates foreach {thisdiff s(1) e(1) s(2) e(2) type} $g(scrdiff,$pos) { } # Get the text directly from window switch -- $newversion { 1 { set newlines [diff-size $pos 1] set newtext [$w(LeftText) get $s(1).0 $s(1).0+${newlines}lines] } 2 { set newlines [diff-size $pos 2] set newtext [$w(RightText) get $s(2).0 $s(2).0+${newlines}lines] } 12 { set newlines [diff-size $pos 1] set newtext [$w(LeftText) get $s(1).0 $s(1).0+${newlines}lines] set newlines [diff-size $pos 2] append newtext [$w(RightText) get $s(2).0 $s(2).0+${newlines}lines] incr newlines [diff-size $pos 1] } 21 { set newlines [diff-size $pos 2] set newtext [$w(RightText) get $s(2).0 $s(2).0+${newlines}lines] set newlines [diff-size $pos 1] append newtext [$w(LeftText) get $s(1).0 $s(1).0+${newlines}lines] incr newlines [diff-size $pos 2] } } # Insert it $w(mergeText) configure -state normal $w(mergeText) insert mark$pos $newtext diff $w(mergeText) configure -state disabled if {$pos == $g(pos)} { $w(mergeText) tag add currtag mark$pos "mark${pos}+${newlines}lines" } } ############################################################################### # Center the merge region in the merge window ############################################################################### proc merge-center {} { global g global w # bail if there are no diffs if {$g(count) == 0} { return } # Size of diff in lines of text set difflines [diff-size $g(pos) $g(merge$g(pos))] set yview [$w(mergeText) yview] # Window height in percent set ywindow [expr {[lindex $yview 1] - [lindex $yview 0]}] # First line of diff set firstline [$w(mergeText) index mark$g(pos)] # Total number of lines in window set totallines [$w(mergeText) index end] if {$difflines / $totallines < $ywindow} { # Diff fits in window, center it $w(mergeText) yview moveto [expr {($firstline + $difflines / 2) / \ $totallines - $ywindow / 2}] } else { # Diff too big, show top part $w(mergeText) yview moveto [expr {($firstline - 1) / $totallines}] } } ############################################################################### # Update the merge preview window with the current merge choice # newversion 1 or 2, new merge choice ############################################################################### proc do-merge-choice {newversion} { debug-info "do-merge-choice ($newversion)" global g opts global w if {! [info exists w(mergeText)] || ! [winfo exists $w(mergeText)]} { return } $w(mergeText) configure -state normal merge-select-version $g(pos) $g(merge$g(pos)) $newversion $w(mergeText) configure -state disabled set g(merge$g(pos)) $newversion if {$g(showmerge) && $opts(autocenter)} { merge-center } set g(toggle) $newversion } ############################################################################### # Extract the start and end lines for file1 and file2 from the diff # stored in "line". ############################################################################### proc extract {line} { # the line darn well better be of the form , # where op is one of "a","c" or "d". range will either be a # single number or two numbers separated by a comma. # is this a cool regular expression, or what? :-) regexp {([0-9]*)(,([0-9]*))?([a-z])([0-9]*)(,([0-9]*))?} $line matchvar \ s1 x e1 op s2 x e2 if {[string length $e1] == 0} { set e1 $s1 } if {[string length $e2] == 0} { set e2 $s2 } if {[info exists s1] && [info exists s2]} { # return "$line $s1 $e1 $s2 $e2 $op" return [list $line $s1 $e1 $s2 $e2 $op] } else { fatal-error "Cannot parse output from diff:\n$line" } } ############################################################################### # Insert blank lines to match added/deleted lines in other file ############################################################################### proc add-lines {pos} { global g global w global opts # Figure out which lines we need to address... foreach [list thisdiff s1 e1 s2 e2 type] $g(pdiff,$pos) { } set size(1) [expr {$e1 - $s1}] set size(2) [expr {$e2 - $s2}] incr s1 $g(delta,1) incr s2 $g(delta,2) # Figure out what kind of diff we're dealing with switch -- $type { "a" { set lefttext " " ;# insert set righttext "+" set idx 1 set count [expr {$size(2) + 1}] incr s1 incr size(2) } "d" { set lefttext "-" ;# delete set righttext " " set idx 2 set count [expr {$size(1) + 1}] incr s2 incr size(1) } "c" { set lefttext "!" ;# change set righttext "!" ;# change if {$g(ancfileset)} { set change $g(pdiff,$g(count)) set leftBegin [lindex $change 1] set leftEnd [lindex $change 2] set rightBegin [lindex $change 3] set rightEnd [lindex $change 4] set changeLeft 0 set changeRight 0 for {set i $leftBegin} {$i <= $leftEnd} {incr i} { if {[info exists g(diff3l$i)]} { set changeLeft 1 break } } if {$changeLeft} { for {set i $rightBegin} {$i <= $rightEnd} {incr i} { if {[info exists g(diff3r$i)]} { set changeRight 1 break } } } if {$changeLeft && $changeRight} { set lefttext "?" ;# overlap set righttext "?" ;# overlap set g(overlap$pos) 1 } } set idx [expr {$size(1) < $size(2) ? 1 : 2}] set count [expr {abs($size(1) - $size(2))}] incr size(1) incr size(2) } } # Put plus signs in left info column if {$idx == 1} { set textWidget $w(LeftText) set infoWidget $w(LeftInfo) set cbWidget $w(LeftCB) # set blank "++++++\n" set blank " \n" } else { set textWidget $w(RightText) set infoWidget $w(RightInfo) set cbWidget $w(RightCB) set blank " \n" } # Insert blank lines to match other window set line [expr {$s1 + $size($idx)}] for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} { $textWidget insert $line.0 "\n" $infoWidget insert $line.0 $blank $cbWidget insert $line.0 "\n" } incr size($idx) $count set e1 [expr {$s1 + $size(1) - 1}] set e2 [expr {$s2 + $size(2) - 1}] incr g(delta,$idx) $count # Insert change bars or text to show what has changed. $w(RightCB) configure -state normal $w(LeftCB) configure -state normal for {set i $s1} {$i <= $e1} {incr i} { $w(LeftCB) insert $i.0 $lefttext $w(RightCB) insert $i.0 $righttext } # Save the diff block in window coordinates set g(scrdiff,$g(count)) [list $thisdiff $s1 $e1 $s2 $e2 $type] set g(scrinline,$pos) 0 if {$opts(showinline1) || $opts(showinline2)} { if {$type == "c"} { set numlines [max [expr {$e1-$s1+1}] [expr {$e2-$s2+1}]] for {set i 0} {$i < $numlines} {incr i} { set l1 [expr $s1+$i] set l2 [expr $s2+$i] if {$opts(showinline1)} { find-inline-diff-byte $pos $l1 $l2 [$w(LeftText) get \ $l1.0 $l1.end] [$w(RightText) get $l2.0 $l2.end] } else { find-inline-diff-ratcliff $pos $l1 $l2 [$w(LeftText) get \ $l1.0 $l1.end] [$w(RightText) get $l2.0 $l2.end] } } } } } ############################################################################### # Add a tag to a region. ############################################################################### proc add-tag {wgt tag start end type new {exact 0}} { global g $wgt tag add $tag $start.0 [expr {$end + 1}].0 } proc add-inline-tag {wgt tag line startcol endcol} { $wgt tag add $tag $line.$startcol $line.$endcol } ############################################################################### # Change the tag for a diff region. # 'pos' is the index in the diff array # If 'oldtag' is present, first remove it from the region # If 'setpos' is non-zero, make sure the region is visible. # Returns the diff expression. ############################################################################### proc set-tag {pos newtag {oldtag ""} {setpos 0}} { global g opts global w # Figure out which lines we need to address... if {![info exists g(scrdiff,$pos)]} { return } foreach {thisdiff s1 e1 s2 e2 dt} $g(scrdiff,$pos) { } # Remove old tag if {"$oldtag" != ""} { set e1next "[expr {$e1 + 1}].0" set e2next "[expr {$e2 + 1}].0" $w(LeftText) tag remove $oldtag $s1.0 $e1next $w(LeftInfo) tag remove $oldtag $s1.0 $e1next $w(RightText) tag remove $oldtag $s2.0 $e2next $w(RightInfo) tag remove $oldtag $s2.0 $e2next $w(LeftCB) tag remove $oldtag $s1.0 $e1next $w(RightCB) tag remove $oldtag $s2.0 $e2next catch { set lines [diff-size $pos $g(merge$pos)] $w(mergeText) tag remove $oldtag mark$pos "mark${pos}+${lines}lines" } } switch -- $dt { "d" { set coltag deltag set rcbtag " " set lcbtag "-" } "a" { set coltag instag set rcbtag "+" set lcbtag " " } "c" { set coltag chgtag set rcbtag "!" set lcbtag "!" } } if {[info exists g(overlap$pos)]} { set coltag overlaptag set rcbtag "?" set lcbtag "?" } # Add new tag if {$opts(tagtext)} { add-tag $w(LeftText) $newtag $s1 $e1 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightText) $newtag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightText) $coltag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 } if {$opts(tagcbs)} { if {$opts(colorcbs)} { add-tag $w(LeftCB) $lcbtag $s1 $e1 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightCB) $rcbtag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 } else { add-tag $w(LeftCB) $newtag $s1 $e1 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightCB) $newtag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightCB) $coltag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 } } if {$opts(tagln)} { add-tag $w(LeftInfo) $newtag $s1 $e1 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightInfo) $newtag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 add-tag $w(RightInfo) $coltag $s2 $e2 $dt 1 } catch { set lines [diff-size $pos $g(merge$pos)] $w(mergeText) tag add $newtag mark$pos "mark${pos}+${lines}lines" } # Move the view on both text widgets so that the new region is # visible. if {$setpos} { if {$opts(autocenter)} { center } else { $w(LeftText) see $s1.0 $w(RightText) see $s2.0 $w(LeftText) mark set insert $s1.0 $w(RightText) mark set insert $s2.0 if {$g(showmerge)} { $w(mergeText) see mark$pos } } } # make sure the sel tag has the highest priority foreach window [list LeftText RightText LeftCB RightCB LeftInfo RightInfo] { $w($window) tag raise sel $w($window) tag raise inlinetag } return $thisdiff } ############################################################################### # moves to the diff nearest the insertion cursor or the mouse click, # depending on $mode (which should be either "xy" or "mark") ############################################################################### proc moveNearest {window mode args} { switch -- $mode { "xy" { set x [lindex $args 0] set y [lindex $args 1] set index [$window index @$x,$y] set line [expr {int($index)}] set diff [find-diff $line] } "mark" { set index [$window index [lindex $args 0]] set line [expr {int($index)}] set diff [find-diff $line] } } # ok, we have an index move [lindex $diff 0] 0 1 } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### proc moveTo {window value} { global w global g # we know that the value is prefixed by the nunber/index of # the diff the user wants. So, just grab that out of the string regexp {([0-9]+) *:} $value matchVar index move $index 0 1 } ############################################################################### # this is called when the user scrolls the map thumb interactively. ############################################################################### proc map-seek {y} { global g global w set yview [expr {(double($y) / double($g(mapheight)))}] # Show text corresponding to map; $w(RightText) yview moveto $yview } ############################################################################### # Move the "current" diff indicator (i.e. go to the next or previous diff # region if "relative" is 1; go to an absolute diff number if "relative" # is 0). ############################################################################### proc move {value {relative 1} {setpos 1}} { #debug-info "move $value $relative $setpos" global g global w if {$value == "first"} { set value 1 set relative 0 } if {$value == "last"} { set value $g(count) set relative 0 } # Remove old 'curr' tag set-tag $g(pos) difftag currtag # Bump 'pos' (one way or the other). if {$relative} { set g(pos) [expr {$g(pos) + $value}] } else { set g(pos) $value } # Range check 'pos'. set g(pos) [max $g(pos) 1] set g(pos) [min $g(pos) $g(count)] # Set new 'curr' tag set g(currdiff) [set-tag $g(pos) currtag "" $setpos] # update the buttons.. #debug-info " ...update-display from move" update-display } proc update-display {} { #debug-info "update-display" global g global w #debug-info " init_OK $g(initOK)" #debug-info " started $g(started)" #if {!$g(started)} return if {!$g(initOK)} { # disable darn near everything foreach b [list rediff find prevDiff firstDiff nextDiff lastDiff \ centerDiffs mergeChoice1 mergeChoice2 mergeChoice12 mergeChoice21] { $w(${b}_im) configure -state disabled $w(${b}_tx) configure -state disabled } foreach menu [list $w(popupMenu) $w(viewMenu)] { $menu entryconfigure "Previous*" -state disabled $menu entryconfigure "First*" -state disabled $menu entryconfigure "Next*" -state disabled $menu entryconfigure "Last*" -state disabled $menu entryconfigure "Center*" -state disabled } $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find..." -state disabled $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find Nearest*" -state disabled $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Edit*" -state disabled $w(editMenu) entryconfigure "Find*" -state disabled $w(editMenu) entryconfigure "Edit File 1" -state disabled $w(editMenu) entryconfigure "Edit File 2" -state disabled $w(fileMenu) entryconfigure "Write*" -state disabled $w(fileMenu) entryconfigure "Recompute*" -state disabled $w(mergeMenu) entryconfigure "Show*" -state disabled $w(mergeMenu) entryconfigure "Write*" -state disabled $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Mark*" -state disabled $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Clear*" -state disabled } else { # these are always enabled, assuming we have properly # diffed a couple of files $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find..." -state normal $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Find Nearest*" -state normal $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Edit*" -state normal foreach b [list rediff find prevDiff firstDiff nextDiff lastDiff \ centerDiffs] { $w(${b}_im) configure -state normal $w(${b}_tx) configure -state normal } foreach b [list mergeChoice1 mergeChoice2 mergeChoice12 mergeChoice21] { $w(${b}_im) configure -state normal $w(${b}_tx) configure -state normal } $w(editMenu) entryconfigure "Find*" -state normal $w(editMenu) entryconfigure "Edit File 1" -state normal $w(editMenu) entryconfigure "Edit File 2" -state normal $w(fileMenu) entryconfigure "Write*" -state normal $w(fileMenu) entryconfigure "Recompute*" -state normal $w(mergeMenu) entryconfigure "Show*" -state normal $w(mergeMenu) entryconfigure "Write*" -state normal $w(find_im) configure -state normal $w(find_tx) configure -state normal # Hmmm.... on my Mac the combobox flashes if we don't add this # check. Is this a bug in AquaTk, or in my combobox... :-| if {[$w(combo) cget -state] != "normal"} { $w(combo) configure -state normal } } # Update the toggles. if {$g(count)} { set g(toggle) $g(merge$g(pos)) } # update the status line set g(statusCurrent) "$g(pos) of $g(count)" show-info $g(statusCurrent) # update the combobox. We don't want its command to fire, so # we'll disable it temporarily $w(combo) configure -commandstate "disabled" set i [expr {$g(pos) - 1}] $w(combo) configure -value [lindex [$w(combo) list get 0 end] $i] $w(combo) selection clear $w(combo) configure -commandstate "normal" # update the widgets if {$g(pos) <= 1} { foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(prevDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(firstDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled } $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Previous*" -state disabled $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "First*" -state disabled $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Previous*" -state disabled $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "First*" -state disabled } else { foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(prevDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(firstDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state normal } $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Previous*" -state normal $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "First*" -state normal $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Previous*" -state normal $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "First*" -state normal } if {$g(pos) >= $g(count)} { foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(nextDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(lastDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled } $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Next*" -state disabled $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Last*" -state disabled $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Next*" -state disabled $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Last*" -state disabled } else { foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(nextDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(lastDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state normal } $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Next*" -state normal $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Last*" -state normal $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Next*" -state normal $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Last*" -state normal } if {$g(count) > 0} { $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Center*" -state normal $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Center*" -state normal $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Mark*" -state normal foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(centerDiffs_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(mergeChoice1_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(mergeChoice2_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(mergeChoice12_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(mergeChoice21_$buttonpref) configure -state normal } catch { $w(mergeChoiceLabel) configure -state normal } } else { foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(centerDiffs_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(mergeChoice1_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(mergeChoice2_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(mergeChoice12_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(mergeChoice21_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled } catch { $w(mergeChoiceLabel) configure -state disabled } $w(popupMenu) entryconfigure "Center*" -state disabled $w(viewMenu) entryconfigure "Center*" -state disabled $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Mark*" -state disabled } # the mark clear button should only be enabled if there is # presently a mark at the current diff record set widget $w(toolbar).mark$g(pos) if {[winfo exists $widget]} { $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Clear*" -state normal $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Mark*" -state disabled foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(markClear_$buttonpref) configure -state normal $w(markSet_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled } } else { $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Clear*" -state disabled $w(markMenu) entryconfigure "Mark*" -state normal foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(markClear_$buttonpref) configure -state disabled $w(markSet_$buttonpref) configure -state normal } } } ############################################################################### # Center the top line of the CDR in each window. ############################################################################### proc center {} { global g global w if {! [info exists g(scrdiff,$g(pos))]} {return} #scan $g(scrdiff,$g(pos)) "%s %d %d %d %d %s" dummy s1 e1 s2 e2 dt foreach {dummy s1 e1 s2 e2 dt} $g(scrdiff,$g(pos)) { } # Window requested height in pixels set opix [winfo reqheight $w(LeftText)] # Window requested lines set olin [$w(LeftText) cget -height] # Current window height in pixels set npix [winfo height $w(LeftText)] # Visible lines set winlines [expr {$npix * $olin / $opix}] # Lines in diff set diffsize [max [expr {$e1 - $s1 + 1}] [expr {$e2 - $s2 + 1}]] if {$diffsize < $winlines} { set h [expr {($winlines - $diffsize) / 2}] } else { set h 2 } set o [expr {$s1 - $h}] if {$o < 0} { set o 0 } set n [expr {$s2 - $h}] if {$n < 0} { set n 0 } $w(LeftText) mark set insert $s1.0 $w(RightText) mark set insert $s2.0 $w(LeftText) yview $o $w(RightText) yview $n if {$g(showmerge)} { merge-center } } ############################################################################### # Change the state on all of the diff-sensitive buttons. ############################################################################### proc buttons {{newstate "normal"}} { global w $w(combo) configure -state $newstate foreach buttonpref {im tx} { $w(prevDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state $newstate $w(nextDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state $newstate $w(firstDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state $newstate $w(lastDiff_$buttonpref) configure -state $newstate $w(centerDiffs_$buttonpref) configure -state $newstate } } ############################################################################### # Wipe the slate clean... ############################################################################### proc wipe {} { debug-info "wipe" global g set g(pos) 0 set g(count) 0 set g(diff) "" set g(currdiff) "" set g(delta,1) 0 set g(delta,2) 0 } ############################################################################### # Wipe all data and all windows ############################################################################### proc wipe-window {} { debug-info "wipe-window" global g global w wipe foreach mod {Left Right} { $w(${mod}Text) configure -state normal $w(${mod}Text) tag remove difftag 1.0 end $w(${mod}Text) tag remove currtag 1.0 end $w(${mod}Text) tag remove inlinetag 1.0 end $w(${mod}Text) delete 1.0 end $w(${mod}Info) configure -state normal $w(${mod}Info) delete 1.0 end $w(${mod}CB) configure -state normal $w(${mod}CB) delete 1.0 end } catch { $w(mergeText) configure -state normal $w(mergeText) delete 1.0 end eval $w(mergeText) tag delete [$w(mergeText) tag names] $w(mergeText) configure -state disabled } if {[string length $g(destroy)] > 0} { eval $g(destroy) set g(destroy) "" } $w(combo) list delete 0 end buttons disabled diffmark clearall } ############################################################################### # Mark difference regions and build up the combobox ############################################################################### proc mark-diffs {} { debug-info "mark-diffs" global g global w set numdiff [llength "$g(diff)"] set g(count) 0 # ain't this clever? We want to update the display as soon as # we've marked enough diffs to fill the display so the user will # have the impression we're fast. But, we don't want this # want this code to slow us down too much, so we'll put the # code in a variable and delete it when its no longer needed. set hack { # for now, just pick a number out of thin air. Ideally # we'd compute the number of lines that are visible and # use that, but I'm too lazy today... if {$g(count) > 25} { update idletasks set hack {} } } foreach d $g(diff) { set result [extract $d] if {$result != ""} { incr g(count) set g(merge$g(count)) 1 set g(pdiff,$g(count)) "$result" add-lines $g(count) $w(combo) list insert end [format "%-6d: %s" $g(count) $d] eval $hack } } remark-diffs return $g(count) } ############################################################################### # start a new diff from the popup dialog ############################################################################### proc do-new-diff {} { global g global finfo debug-info "do-new-diff" set g(mergefileset) 0 set g(mergefile) "" set finfo(pth,1) "" set finfo(pth,2) "" set finfo(tmp,1) 0 set finfo(tmp,2) 0 #foreach inf [lsort [array names finfo]] { debug-info " $inf: \ $finfo($inf)" } # Pop up the dialog to collect the args newDiffDialog # Put them together into a command if {[assemble-args] != 0} return foreach inf [lsort [array names finfo]] { debug-info " $inf: $finfo($inf)" } set g(disableSyncing) 1 ;# turn off syncing until things settle down # remove all evidence of previous diff #wipe-window #update idletasks watch-cursor # do the diff do-diff debug-info " move first 1 1 from do-new-diff" move first 1 1 #debug-info " ...restore-cursor from do-new-diff" restore-cursor #debug-info " ...update-display from do-new-diff" update-display catch {unset g(disableSyncing)} } ############################################################################### # Remark difference regions... ############################################################################### proc remark-diffs {} { debug-info "remark-diffs" global g global w global opts global pref # delete all known tags. foreach window [list $w(LeftText) $w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftCB) $w(RightText) \ $w(RightInfo) $w(RightCB)] { eval $window tag delete [$window tag names] } if {[winfo exists .merge]} { eval $window tag delete [$w(mergeText) tag names] } # reconfigure all the tags based on the current options # first, the common tags: foreach tag {difftag currtag inlinetag deltag instag chgtag overlaptag} { foreach win [list $w(LeftText) $w(LeftInfo) $w(LeftCB) $w(RightText) \ $w(RightInfo) $w(RightCB)] { if {[catch "$win tag configure $tag $opts($tag)"]} { do-error "Invalid settings for \"$pref($tag)\": \ \n\n'$opts($tag)' is not a valid option string." eval "$win tag configure $tag $opts($tag)" return } } } # next, changebar-specific tags foreach widget [list $w(LeftCB) $w(RightCB)] { eval $widget tag configure + $opts(+) eval $widget tag configure - $opts(-) eval $widget tag configure ! $opts(!) eval $widget tag configure ? $opts(?) } # ... and the merge text window if {[winfo exists .merge]} { foreach tag {difftag currtag} { eval $w(mergeText) tag configure $tag $opts($tag) } } # now, reapply the tags to all the diff regions for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { set-tag $i difftag # add the inline annotation for {set j 0} {$j < $g(scrinline,$i)} {incr j} { foreach {side line startcol endcol} $g(scrinline,$i,$j) { } if {$side == "l"} { add-inline-tag $w(LeftText) inlinetag $line $startcol $endcol } else { add-inline-tag $w(RightText) inlinetag $line $startcol $endcol } } } # finally, reset the current diff set-tag $g(pos) currtag "" 0 } ############################################################################### # Put up some informational text. ############################################################################### proc show-info {message} { global g set g(statusInfo) $message debug-info "show-info: $message" update idletasks } ############################################################################### # Trace output, enabled by a global variable ############################################################################### proc debug-info {message} { global g if {$g(debug)} { puts "$message" } } ############################################################################### # Compute differences (start over, basically). ############################################################################### proc rediff {} { debug-info "\nrediff" global g global opts global finfo global w buttons disabled # Read the files into their respective widgets & add line numbers. foreach mod {1 2} { if {$mod == 1} { set text $w(LeftText) } else { set text $w(RightText) } show-info "reading $finfo(pth,$mod)..." if {[catch {set hndl [open "$finfo(pth,$mod)" r]}]} { fatal-error "Failed to open file: $finfo(pth,$mod)" } $text insert 1.0 [read $hndl] close $hndl } # Diff the two files and store the summary lines into 'g(diff)'. if {$opts(ignoreblanks) == 1} { set diffcmd "$opts(diffcmd) $opts(ignoreblanksopt) {$finfo(pth,1)} \ {$finfo(pth,2)}" } else { set diffcmd "$opts(diffcmd) {$finfo(pth,1)} {$finfo(pth,2)}" } show-info "Executing \"$diffcmd\"" set result [run-command "exec $diffcmd"] set stdout [lindex $result 0] set stderr [lindex $result 1] set exitcode [lindex $result 2] set g(returnValue) $exitcode # The exit code is 0 if there are no differences and 1 if there # are differences. Any other exit code means trouble if {$exitcode < 0 || $exitcode > 1 || $stderr != ""} { do-error "diff failed:\n$stderr" } set g(diff) {} set lines [split $stdout "\n"] # If there is no output and we got this far the files are equal, # otherwise check if the first line begins with a line number. If # not there was trouble and we abort. For instance, using a binary # file results in the message "Binary files ..." etc on stdout, # exit code 1. The message may wary depending on locale. if {$lines != "" && [string match {[0-9]*} $lines] != 1} { fatal-error "diff failed:\n$stdout" } # Collect all lines containing line numbers foreach line $lines { if {[string match {[0-9]*} $line]} { lappend g(diff) $line } } if {$g(ancfileset)} { # 3-way merge - compare 1st file (left: diff3l) with ancestor if {$opts(ignoreblanks) == 1} { set diffcmd "$opts(diffcmd) $opts(ignoreblanksopt) \ {$finfo(pth,1)} {$g(ancfile)}" } else { set diffcmd "$opts(diffcmd) {$finfo(pth,1)} {$g(ancfile)}" } show-info "Executing \"$diffcmd\"" set result [run-command "exec $diffcmd"] set stdout [lindex $result 0] set stderr [lindex $result 1] set exitcode [lindex $result 2] if {$exitcode < 0 || $exitcode > 1 || $stderr != ""} { fatal-error "diff3 failed:\n$stderr" } set lines [split $stdout "\n"] set g(diff3l) {} foreach line $lines { if {[string match {[0-9]*} $line]} { if {[regexp {^[0-9]*,} $line match]} { regexp {([0-9]*),([0-9]*).*} $line matchvar s1 s2 } else { regexp {([0-9]*).*} $line matchvar s1 set s2 $s1 } lappend g(diff3l) $s1 for {set i $s1} {$i <= $s2} {incr i} { set g(diff3l$i) 1 } } } # 3-way merge - compare 2nd file (right: diff3r) with ancestor if {$opts(ignoreblanks) == 1} { set diffcmd "$opts(diffcmd) $opts(ignoreblanksopt) \ {$finfo(pth,2)} {$g(ancfile)}" } else { set diffcmd "$opts(diffcmd) {$finfo(pth,2)} {$g(ancfile)}" } show-info "Executing \"$diffcmd\"" set result [run-command "exec $diffcmd"] set stdout [lindex $result 0] set stderr [lindex $result 1] set exitcode [lindex $result 2] if {$exitcode < 0 || $exitcode > 1 || $stderr != ""} { fatal-error "diff3 failed:\n$stderr" } set lines [split $stdout "\n"] set g(diff3r) {} foreach line $lines { if {[string match {[0-9]*} $line]} { if {[regexp {^[0-9]*,} $line match]} { regexp {([0-9]*),([0-9]*).*} $line matchvar s1 s2 } else { regexp {([0-9]*).*} $line matchvar s1 set s2 $s1 } lappend g(diff3r) $s1 for {set i $s1} {$i <= $s2} {incr i} { set g(diff3r$i) 1 } } } } # Mark up the two text widgets and go to the first diff (if there is one). draw-line-numbers show-info "Marking differences..." $w(LeftInfo) configure -state normal $w(RightInfo) configure -state normal $w(LeftCB) configure -state normal $w(RightCB) configure -state normal if {[mark-diffs]} { set g(pos) 1 move 1 0 1 buttons normal } else { after idle {show-info "Files are identical"} buttons disabled } # Prevent tampering in the line number widgets. The text # widgets are already taken care of $w(LeftInfo) configure -state disabled $w(RightInfo) configure -state disabled $w(LeftCB) configure -state disabled $w(RightCB) configure -state disabled } ############################################################################### # Set the X cursor to "watch" for a window and all of its descendants. ############################################################################### proc watch-cursor {args} { debug-info "-> watch-cursor ($args)" global current global w . configure -cursor watch $w(LeftText) configure -cursor watch $w(RightText) configure -cursor watch $w(combo) configure -cursor watch update idletasks } ############################################################################### # Restore the X cursor for a window and all of its descendants. ############################################################################### proc restore-cursor {args} { debug-info "-> restore-cursor ($args)" global current global w . configure -cursor {} $w(LeftText) configure -cursor {} $w(RightText) configure -cursor {} $w(combo) configure -cursor {} show-info "" update idletasks } ############################################################################### # Check if error was thrown by us or unexpected ############################################################################### proc check-error {result output} { global g errorInfo if {$result && $output != "Fatal"} { error $result $errorInfo } } ############################################################################### # redo the current diff. Attempt to return to the same diff region, # numerically speaking. ############################################################################### proc recompute-diff {} { debug-info "recompute-diff" global g set current $g(pos) debug-info "current position $g(pos)" do-diff move $current 0 1 center } ############################################################################### # Flash the "rediff" button and then kick off a rediff. ############################################################################### proc do-diff {} { debug-info "do-diff" global g finfo map errorInfo global opts wipe-window update idletasks set result [catch { if {$g(mapheight)} { ## FIXME this could better a catch catch {$map blank} } #assemble-args rediff merge-read-file merge-add-marks # If a map exists, recreate it if {$opts(showmap)} { set g(mapheight) -1 map-resize } } output] #debug-info " result: $result outptut: $output" check-error $result $output if {$g(mergefileset)} { do-show-merge 1 } } ############################################################################### # Get things going... ############################################################################### proc main {} { debug-info "main" global w global g errorInfo global startupError global opts global waitvar set cmd_empty [commandline] debug-info " main: commandline returned $cmd_empty" if {! $cmd_empty} { assemble-args } else { newDiffDialog # If they cancel the dialog before doing any diffs, exit if {[assemble-args] != 0} { if {! [winfo exists .client]} { do-exit } # If the full UI is drawn, don't exit return } set cmd_empty 0 } wm withdraw . wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW do-exit wm title . "$g(name) $g(version)" if {![catch {set windowingsystem [tk windowingsystem]}]} { if {$windowingsystem == "x11"} { # All this nonsense is necessary to use an icon bitmap that's # not in a separate file. toplevel .icw if {[string first "color" [winfo visual .]] >= 0} { label .icw.l -image deltaGif } else { label .icw.l -image delta48 } pack .icw.l bind .icw "wm deiconify ." wm iconwindow . .icw } } set g(started) 1 wipe if {$g(windowingSystem) == "x11"} { get_cde_params } if {$g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { get_aqua_params } create-display update do-show-linenumbers do-show-map # evaluate any custom code the user has if {[info exists opts(customCode)]} { if {[catch [list uplevel \#0 $opts(customCode)] error]} { set startupError "Error in custom code: \n\n$error" } else { update } } if {$cmd_empty} { do-new-diff } move first 1 1 # this forces all of the various scrolling windows (line numbers, # change bars, etc) to get in sync. set yview [$w(RightText) yview] vscroll-sync [list $w(RightInfo) $w(LeftInfo)] 2 [lindex $yview 0] \ [lindex $yview 1] wm deiconify . update idletasks if {[info exists startupError]} { tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -title "$g(name) - Error in \ Startup File" -message $startupError } } ############################################################################### # Erase tmp files (if necessary) and destroy the application. ############################################################################### proc del-tmp {} { global g foreach f $g(tempfiles) { file delete $f } } ############################################################################### # Put up a window with formatted text ############################################################################### proc do-text-info {w title text} { global g catch "destroy $w" toplevel $w wm group $w . wm transient $w . wm title $w "$g(name) Help - $title" if {$g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { setAquaDialogStyle $w } set width 64 set height 32 frame $w.f -bd 2 -relief sunken pack $w.f -side top -fill both -expand y text $w.f.title -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0 -height 2 -wrap word \ -width 50 -background white -foreground black text $w.f.text -wrap word -setgrid true -padx 20 -highlightthickness 0 \ -bd 0 -width $width -height $height -yscroll [list $w.f.vsb set] \ -background white -foreground black scrollbar $w.f.vsb -borderwidth 1 -command [list $w.f.text yview] \ -orient vertical pack $w.f.vsb -side right -fill y -expand n pack $w.f.title -side top -fill x -expand n pack $w.f.text -side left -fill both -expand y focus $w.f.text button $w.done -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w" pack $w.done -side right -fill none -pady 5 -padx 5 put-text $w.f.title "$title" put-text $w.f.text $text $w.f.text configure -state disabled wm geometry $w ${width}x${height} update idletasks raise $w } ############################################################################### # centers window w over parent ############################################################################### proc centerWindow {w {size {}}} { update set parent . if {[llength $size] > 0} { set wWidth [lindex $size 0] set wHeight [lindex $size 1] } else { set wWidth [winfo reqwidth $w] set wHeight [winfo reqheight $w] } set pWidth [winfo reqwidth $parent] set pHeight [winfo reqheight $parent] set pX [winfo rootx $parent] set pY [winfo rooty $parent] set centerX [expr {$pX +($pWidth / 2)}] set centerY [expr {$pY +($pHeight / 2)}] set x [expr {$centerX -($wWidth / 2)}] set y [expr {$centerY -($wHeight / 2)}] if {[llength $size] > 0} { wm geometry $w "=${wWidth}x${wHeight}+${x}+${y}" } else { wm geometry $w "=+${x}+${y}" } update } ############################################################################### # The "New Diff" dialog # In order to be able to enter only one filename if it's a revision-controlled # file, the dialog now collects the arguments and sends them through the # command line parser. ############################################################################### proc newDiffDialog {} { debug-info "newDiffDialog" global g w global finfo set g(mergefile) "" set g(mergefileset) 0 set waitvar {} set w(newDiffPopup) .newDiffPopup if {[winfo exists $w(newDiffPopup)]} { debug-info " $w(newDiffPopup) already exists, just centering" } else { debug-info " creating $w(newDiffPopup)" toplevel $w(newDiffPopup) wm group $w(newDiffPopup) . # Won't start as the first window on Windows if it's transient if {[winfo exists .client]} { wm transient $w(newDiffPopup) . } wm title $w(newDiffPopup) "New Diff" if {$g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { setAquaDialogStyle $w(newDiffPopup) } wm protocol $w(newDiffPopup) WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw \ $w(newDiffPopup)} wm withdraw $w(newDiffPopup) set simple [frame $w(newDiffPopup).simple -borderwidth 2 -relief groove] label $simple.l1 -text "File 1:" label $simple.l2 -text "File 2:" entry $simple.e1 -textvariable finfo(f,1) entry $simple.e2 -textvariable finfo(f,2) label $simple.lr1 -text "-r" label $simple.lr2 -text "-r" entry $simple.er1 -textvariable finfo(revs,1) entry $simple.er2 -textvariable finfo(revs,2) set w(newDiffPopup,entry1) $simple.e1 set w(newDiffPopup,entry2) $simple.e2 # we want these buttons to be the same height as # the entry, so we'll try to force the issue... button $simple.b1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 \ -text "Browse..." -command [list newDiffBrowse "File 1" $simple.e1] button $simple.b2 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 \ -text "Browse..." -command [list newDiffBrowse "File 2" $simple.e2] # we'll use the grid geometry manager to get things lined up right... grid $simple.l1 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e grid $simple.e1 -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 4 -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid $simple.b1 -row 0 -column 5 -sticky nsew -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $simple.lr1 -row 1 -column 1 grid $simple.er1 -row 1 -column 2 grid $simple.lr2 -row 1 -column 3 grid $simple.er2 -row 1 -column 4 grid $simple.l2 -row 2 -column 0 -sticky e grid $simple.e2 -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 4 -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid $simple.b2 -row 2 -column 5 -sticky nsew -padx 4 -pady 4 grid columnconfigure $simple 0 -weight 0 set options [frame $w(newDiffPopup).options -borderwidth 2 \ -relief groove] button $options.more -text "More" -command open-more-options label $options.ml -text "Merge Output" entry $options.me -textvariable g(mergefile) label $options.al -text "Ancestor" entry $options.ae -textvariable g(ancfile) label $options.l1l -text "Label for File 1" entry $options.l1e -textvariable finfo(userlbl,1) label $options.l2l -text "Label for File 2" entry $options.l2e -textvariable finfo(userlbl,2) grid $options.more -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nw grid columnconfigure $options -0 -weight 0 # here are the buttons for this dialog... set commands [frame $w(newDiffPopup).buttons] button $commands.ok -text "Ok" -width 5 -default active -command { if {$g(mergefile) == ""} { set g(mergefileset) 0 } else { set g(mergefileset) 1 } if {$g(ancfile) == ""} { set g(ancfileset) 0 } else { set g(ancfileset) 1 } set waitvar 1 } button $commands.cancel -text "Cancel" -width 5 -default normal \ -command { wm withdraw $w(newDiffPopup); set waitvar 0 } pack $commands.ok $commands.cancel -side left -fill none -expand y \ -pady 4 catch {$commands.ok -default 1} # pack this crud in... pack $commands -side bottom -fill x -expand n pack $simple -side top -fill both -ipady 20 -ipadx 20 -padx 5 -pady 5 pack $options -side top -fill both -ipady 5 -ipadx 5 -padx 5 -pady 5 bind $w(newDiffPopup) [list $commands.ok invoke] bind $w(newDiffPopup) [list $commands.cancel invoke] } if {[winfo exists .client]} { centerWindow $w(newDiffPopup) } else { update } wm deiconify $w(newDiffPopup) raise $w(newDiffPopup) focus $w(newDiffPopup,entry1) tkwait variable waitvar wm withdraw $w(newDiffPopup) } proc open-more-options {} { global w grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.ml -row 0 -column 1 -sticky e grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.me -row 0 -column 2 -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.al -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.ae -row 1 -column 2 -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.l1l -row 2 -column 1 -sticky e grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.l1e -row 2 -column 2 -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.l2l -row 3 -column 1 -sticky e grid $w(newDiffPopup).options.l2e -row 3 -column 2 -sticky nsew -pady 4 $w(newDiffPopup).options.more configure -text "Less" \ -command close-more-options set x [winfo width $w(newDiffPopup)] set y [winfo height $w(newDiffPopup)] set yi [winfo reqheight $w(newDiffPopup).options] set newy [expr $y + $yi] if {[winfo exists .client]} { centerWindow $w(newDiffPopup) } else { update } } proc close-more-options {} { global w global finfo grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.ml grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.me grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.al grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.ae grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.l1l grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.l1e grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.l2l grid remove $w(newDiffPopup).options.l2e set g(mergefileset) "" set g(conflictset) "" set g(ancfileset) "" set g(ancfile) "" set finfo(userlbl,1) "" set finfo(userlbl,2) "" $w(newDiffPopup).options.more configure -text "More" \ -command open-more-options } ############################################################################### # File browser for the "New Diff" dialog ############################################################################### proc newDiffBrowse {title widget} { global w set foo [$widget get] set initialdir [file dirname $foo] set initialfile [file tail $foo] set filename [tk_getOpenFile -title $title -initialfile $initialfile \ -initialdir $initialdir] if {[string length $filename] > 0} { $widget delete 0 end $widget insert 0 $filename $widget selection range 0 end $widget xview end focus $widget return $filename } else { after idle {raise $w(newDiffPopup)} return {} } } ############################################################################### # all the code to handle the report writing dialog. ############################################################################### proc write-report {command args} { global g global w global report global finfo set w(reportPopup) .reportPopup switch -- $command { popup { if {![winfo exists $w(reportPopup)]} { write-report build } set report(filename) [file join [pwd] $report(filename)] write-report update centerWindow $w(reportPopup) wm deiconify $w(reportPopup) raise $w(reportPopup) } cancel { wm withdraw $w(reportPopup) } update { set stateLeft "disabled" set stateRight "disabled" if {$report(doSideLeft)} { set stateLeft "normal" } if {$report(doSideRight)} { set stateRight "normal" } $w(reportLinenumLeft) configure -state $stateLeft $w(reportCMLeft) configure -state $stateLeft $w(reportTextLeft) configure -state $stateLeft $w(reportLinenumRight) configure -state $stateRight $w(reportCMRight) configure -state $stateRight $w(reportTextRight) configure -state $stateRight } save { set leftLines [lindex [split [$w(LeftText) index end-1lines] .] 0] set rightLines [lindex [split [$w(RightText) index end-1lines] .] 0] # number of lines of the largest window... set maxlines [max $leftLines $rightLines] # probably ought to catch this, in case it fails. Maybe later... set handle [open $report(filename) w] puts $handle "$g(name) $g(version) report" # write the file names if {$report(doSideLeft) == 1 && $report(doSideRight) == 1} { puts $handle "\nFile A: $finfo(lbl,1)\nFile B: $finfo(lbl,2)\n" } elseif {$report(doSideLeft) == 1} { puts $handle "\nFile: $finfo(lbl,1)" } else { puts $handle "\nFile: $finfo(lbl,2)" } puts $handle "number of diffs: $g(count)" set acount [set ccount [set dcount 0]] for {set i 1} {$i <= $g(count)} {incr i} { foreach {line s1 e1 s2 e2 type} $g(scrdiff,$i) { } switch -- $type { "d" { incr dcount } "a" { incr acount } "c" { incr ccount } } } puts $handle [format " %6d regions were deleted" $dcount] puts $handle [format " %6d regions were added" $acount] puts $handle [format " %6d regions were changed" $ccount] puts $handle "\n" for {set i 1} {$i <= $maxlines} {incr i} { set out(Left) [set out(Right) ""] foreach side {Left Right} { if {$side == "Left" && $i > $leftLines} break if {$side == "Right" && $i > $rightLines} break if {$report(doLineNumbers$side)} { set widget $w(${side}Info) set number [string trimright [$widget get "$i.0" \ "$i.0 lineend"]] append out($side) [format "%6s " $number] } if {$report(doChangeMarkers$side)} { set widget $w(${side}CB) set data [$widget get "$i.0" "$i.1"] append out($side) "$data " } if {$report(doText$side)} { set widget $w(${side}Text) append out($side) [string trimright [$widget get \ "$i.0" "$i.0 lineend"]] } } if {$report(doSideLeft) == 1 && $report(doSideRight) == 1} { set output [format "%-90s%-90s" $out(Left) $out(Right)] } elseif {$report(doSideRight) == 1} { set output $out(Right) } elseif {$report(doSideLeft) == 1} { set output $out(Left) } else { # what a wasted effort! set output "" } puts $handle [string trimright $output] } close $handle wm withdraw $w(reportPopup) } browse { set types { {{All Files} {*}} } set path [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension "" -filetypes $types \ -initialfile $report(filename)] if {[string length $path] > 0} { set report(filename) $path } } build { catch {destroy $w(reportPopup)} toplevel $w(reportPopup) wm group $w(reportPopup) . wm transient $w(reportPopup) . wm title $w(reportPopup) "$g(name) - Generate Report" wm protocol $w(reportPopup) WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list write-report \ cancel] wm withdraw $w(reportPopup) if {$g(windowingSystem) == "aqua"} { setAquaDialogStyle $w(reportPopup) } set cf [frame $w(reportPopup).clientFrame -bd 2 -relief groove] set bf [frame $w(reportPopup).buttonFrame -bd 0] pack $cf -side top -fill both -expand y -padx 5 -pady 5 pack $bf -side bottom -fill x -expand n # buttons... set w(reportSave) $bf.save set w(reportCancel) $bf.cancel button $w(reportSave) -text "Save" -underline 0 -command \ [list write-report save] -width 6 button $w(reportCancel) -text "Cancel" -underline 0 \ -command [list write-report cancel] -width 6 pack $w(reportCancel) -side right -pady 5 -padx 5 pack $w(reportSave) -side right -pady 5 # client area. set col(Left) 0 set col(Right) 1 foreach side [list Left Right] { set choose [checkbutton $cf.choose$side] set linenum [checkbutton $cf.linenum$side] set cm [checkbutton $cf.changemarkers$side] set text [checkbutton $cf.text$side] $choose configure -text "$side Side" \ -variable report(doSide$side) -command [list write-report \ update] $linenum configure -text "Line Numbers" \ -variable report(doLineNumbers$side) $cm configure -text "Change Markers" \ -variable report(doChangeMarkers$side) $text configure -text "Text" -variable report(doText$side) grid $choose -row 0 -column $col($side) -sticky w grid $linenum -row 1 -column $col($side) -sticky w -padx 10 grid $cm -row 2 -column $col($side) -sticky w -padx 10 grid $text -row 3 -column $col($side) -sticky w -padx 10 # save the widget paths for later use... set w(reportChoose$side) $choose set w(reportLinenum$side) $linenum set w(reportCM$side) $cm set w(reportText$side) $text } # the entry, label and button for the filename will get # stuffed into a frame for convenience... frame $cf.fileFrame -bd 0 grid $cf.fileFrame -row 4 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew -padx 5 label $cf.fileFrame.l -text "File:" entry $cf.fileFrame.e -textvariable report(filename) -width 30 button $cf.fileFrame.b -text "Browse..." -pady 0 \ -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 -command \ [list write-report browse] pack $cf.fileFrame.l -side left -pady 4 pack $cf.fileFrame.b -side right -pady 4 -padx 2 pack $cf.fileFrame.e -side left -fill x -expand y -pady 4 grid rowconfigure $cf 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $cf 1 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $cf 2 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $cf 3 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $cf 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $cf 1 -weight 1 # make sure the widgets are in the proper state write-report update } } } ############################################################################### # Throw up an "about" window. ############################################################################### proc do-about {} { global g set title "About $g(name)" set text { $g(name) $g(version) $g(name) is a Tcl/Tk front-end to diff for Unix and \ Windows, and is Copyright (C) 1994-2005 by John M. Klassa. Many of the toolbar icons were created by Dean S. Jones and used with his \ permission. The icons have the following copyright: Copyright(C) 1998 by Dean S. Jones dean@gallant.com http://www.gallant.com/icons.htm http://www.javalobby.org/jfa/projects/icons/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it \ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the \ Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your \ option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT \ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or \ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License \ for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with \ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 \ Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA } set text [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $text] do-text-info .about $title $text } ############################################################################### # Throw up a "command line usage" window. ############################################################################### proc do-usage {mode} { global g debug-info "do-usage ($mode)" set usage { $g(name) may be started in any of the following ways: Interactive selection of files to compare: tkdiff Plain files: tkdiff FILE1 FILE2 Plain file with conflict markers: tkdiff -conflict FILE Source control (AccuRev, BitKeeper, CVS, Subversion, Perforce, PVCS, RCS, SCCS, ClearCase) tkdiff FILE tkdiff -rREV FILE tkdiff -rREV1 -rREV2 FILE tkdiff OLD-URL[@OLDREV] NEW-URL[@NEWREV] (Subversion) Additional optional parameters: -a ANCESTORFILE -o MERGEOUTPUTFILE -L LEFT_FILE_LABEL [-L RIGHT_FILE_LABEL] } set usage [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $usage] set text { $g(name) detects and supports RCS, CVS, Subversion and SCCS by looking for a \ directory with the same name. It detects and supports PVCS by looking \ for a vcs.cfg file. It detects and supports AccuRev, Perforce and \ ClearCase by looking for the environment variables named ACCUREV_BIN, \ P4CLIENT, and CLEARCASE_ROOT respectively. In the first form, tkdiff will present a dialog to allow you to choose the \ files to diff interactively. At present this dialog only supports a \ diff between two files that already exist. There is no way to do a diff \ against a file under souce code control (unless the previous versions \ can be found on disk via a standard file selection dialog). In the second form, at least one of the arguments must be the name of a plain \ text file. Symbolic links are acceptable, but at least one of the \ filename arguments must point to a real file rather than to a directory. In the remaining forms, REV (or REV1 and \ REV2) must be a valid revision number for FILE. \ Where AccuRev, RCS, CVS, Subversion, SCCS, PVCS or Perforce is implied \ but no revision number is specified, FILE is compared with \ the the revision most recently checked in. To merge a file with conflict markers generated by "merge", \ "cvs", or "vmrg", use \ "tkdiff -conflict FILE". The file is split into two temporary \ files which you can merge as usual (see below). For "tkdiff FILE" The CVS version has priority, followed by the \ Subversion version, followed by the SCCS version -- i.e. if a CVS \ directory is present, CVS; if not and a Subversion directory is \ present, Subversion; if not and an SCCS directory is present, SCCS is \ assumed; otherwise, if a CVS.CFG file is found, PVCS is assumed; \ otherwise RCS is assumed. If none of the above apply and the AccuRev \ environment variable ACCUREV_BIN is found, AccuRev is used. If P4CLIENT \ is found, Perforce is used. If CLEARCASE_ROOT is found, ClearCase is used. If the merge output filename is not specified, tkdiff will present a dialog \ to allow you to choose the name of the merge output file. Note further that anything with a leading dash that isn\'t recognized as a \ $g(name) option is passed through to diff. This permits you to \ temporarily alter the way diff is called, without resorting to a change \ in your preferences file. } if {$mode == "cline"} { puts $usage exit 0 } set text [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $text] append usage $text do-text-info .usage "$g(name) Usage" $usage } ############################################################################### # Throw up a help window. ############################################################################### proc do-help {} { global g set title "How to use the $g(name) GUI" set text { Layout The top row contains the File, Edit, View, Mark, Merge and Help menus. The \ second row contains the labels which identify the contents of each text \ window. Below that is a toolbar which contains\ navigation and merge selection tools. The left-most text widget displays the contents of FILE1, the most \ recently checked-in revision, REV or REV1, \ respectively (as per the startup options described in\ the "On Command Line" help). The right-most widget displays the \ contents of FILE2, FILE or REV2, \ respectively. Clicking the right mouse button over either of\ these windows will give you a context sensitive menu with actions that \ will act on the window you clicked over. For example, if you click \ right over the right hand window and select\ "Edit", the file displayed on the right hand side will be loaded into a \ text editor. At the bottom of the display is a two line window called the \ "Line Comparison" window. This will show the "current line" from the \ left and right windows, one on top of the other. The "current line"\ is defined by the line that has the blinking insertion cursor, which \ can be set by merely clicking on any line in the display. This window \ may be hidden if the View menu item\ Show Line Comparison is deselected. All difference regions (DRs) are highlighted to set them apart from the \ surrounding text. The current difference region, or \ CDR, is further set apart so that it can be\ correlated to its partner in the other text widget (that is, the CDR on \ the left matches the CDR on the right). Changing the CDR The CDR can be changed in a sequential manner by means of the Next \ and Previous buttons. The First and \ Last buttons allow you to quickly navigate to the\ first or last CDR, respectively. For random access to the DRs, use the \ dropdown listbox in the toolbar or the diff map, described below. By clicking right over a window and using the popup menu you can select \ Find Nearest Diff to find the diff record nearest the point \ where you clicked. You may also select any highlighted diff region as the current diff region by \ double-clicking on it. Operations 1. From the File menu: The New... button displays a dialog where you may choose two files \ to compare. Selecting "Ok" from the dialog will diff the two files. The \ Recompute Diffs button recomputes the\ differences between the two files whose names appear at the top of the \ $g(name) window. The Write Report... lets you \ create a report file that contains the information\ visible in the windows. Lastly, the Exit button terminates \ $g(name). 2. From the Edit menu: Copy copies the currently selected text to the system clipboard. \ Find pops up a dialog to let you search either text window \ for a specified text string. Edit File 1 and Edit File \ 2 launch an editor on the files displayed in the left- and \ right-hand panes. Preferences pops up a dialog box from \ which display (and other) options can be changed and saved. 3. From the View menu: Show Line Numbers toggles the display of line numbers in the text \ widgets. If Synchronize Scrollbars is on, the left and right \ text widgets are synchronized i.e. scrolling one\ of the windows scrolls the other. If Auto Center is on, \ pressing the Next or Prev buttons centers the new CDR automatically. \ Show Diff Map toggles the display of the diff\ map (see below) on or off. Show Merge Preview shows or hides \ the merge preview (see below). Show Line Comparison toggles \ the display of the "line comparison" window at\ the bottom of the display. 4. From the Mark menu: The Mark Current Diff creates a new toolbar button that will jump \ to the current diff region. The Clear Current Diff Mark will \ remove the toolbar mark button associated with\ the current diff region, if one exists. 5. From the Merge menu: The Show Merge Window button pops up a window with the current \ merged version of the two files. The Write Merge File button \ will allow you to save the contents of that window\ to a file. 6. From the Help menu: The About $g(name) button displays copyright and author \ information. The On GUI button generates this window. The \ On Command Line button displays help on the\ $g(name) command line options. The On Preferences button \ displays help on the user-settable preferences. 7. From the toolbar: The first tool is a dropdown list of all of the differences in a standard \ diff-type format. You may use this list to go directly to any diff \ record. The Next and Previous\ buttons take you to the "next" and "previous" DR, respectively. The \ First and Last buttons take you to the \ "first" and "last" DR. The Center button centers the\ CDRs in their respective text windows. You can set Auto \ Center in Preferences to do this automatically for you \ as you navigate through the diff records. Keyboard Navigation When a text widget has the focus, you may use the following shortcut keys: f First diff c Center current diff l Last diff n Next diff p Previous diff 1 Merge Choice 1 2 Merge Choice 2 The cursor, Home, End, PageUp and PageDown keys work as expected, adjusting \ the view in whichever text window has the focus. Note that if \ Synchronize Scrollbars is set in\ Preferences, both windows will scroll at the same time. Scrolling To scroll the text widgets independently, make sure Synchronize \ Scrollbars in Preferences is off. If it is on, \ scrolling any text widget scrolls all others. Scrolling does not\ change the current diff record (CDR). Diff Marks You can set "markers" at specific diff regions for easier navigation. To do \ this, click on the Set Mark button. It will create a new \ toolbar button that will jump back to this diff\ region. To clear a diff mark, go to that diff record and click on the \ Clear Mark button. Diff Map The diff map is a map of all the diff regions. It is shown in the middle of \ the main window if "Diff Map" on the View menu is on. The map is a \ miniature of the file's diff regions from top to\ bottom. Each diff region is rendered as a patch of color, Delete as \ red, Insert as green and Change as blue. In the case of a 3-way merge, \ overlap regions are marked in yellow. The height of each patch \ corresponds to the relative size of the diff region. A\ thumb lets you interact with the map as if it were a scrollbar. All diff regions are drawn on the map even if too small to be visible. For \ large files with small diff regions, this may result in patches \ overwriting each other. Merging To merge the two files, go through the difference regions (via "Next", \ "Prev" or whatever other means you prefer) and select "Left" or \ "Right" (next to the "Merge Choice:" label) for each. Selecting\ "Left" means that the the left-most file's version of the difference \ will be used in creating the final result; choosing "Right" means that \ the right-most file's difference will be used. Each\ choice is recorded, and can be changed arbitrarily many times. To \ commit the final, merged result to disk, choose "Write Merge File..." \ from the Merge menu. Merge Preview To see a preview of the file that would be written by "Write Merge File...", \ select "Show Merge Window" in the View menu. A separate window is shown \ containing the preview. It is updated as you\ change merge choices. It is synchronized with the other text widgets if \ "Synchronize Scrollbars" is on. Author John M. Klassa Comments Questions and comments should be sent to the TkDiff mailing list at \ tkdiff-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net. } set text [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $text] do-text-info .help $title $text } ###################################################################### # display help on the preferences ###################################################################### proc do-help-preferences {} { global g global pref customize-initLabels set title "$g(name) Preferences" set text { Overview Preferences are stored in a file in your home directory (identified by the \ environment variable HOME.) If the environment variable \ HOME is not set the platform-specific variant\ of "/" will be used. If you are on a Windows platform the file will be \ named _tkdiff.rc and will have the attribute "hidden". For \ all other platforms the file will be named\ ".tkdiffrc". You may override the name and location of this file by \ setting the environment variable TKDIFFRC to whatever \ filename you wish. Preferences are organized into three categories: General, Display and \ Appearance. General $pref(diffcmd) This is the command to run to generate a diff of the two files. Typically \ this will be "diff". When this command is run, the ignore-blanks \ options and the names of two files to be diffed will be added as the \ last to arguments on the command line. $pref(ignoreblanksopt) Arguments to send with the diff command to tell it how to ignore whitespace. \ If you are using gnu diff, "-b" or "--ignore-space-change" ignores \ changes in the amount of whitespace, while "-w" or \ "--ignore-all-space" ignores all white space. $pref(tmpdir) The name of a directory for files that are temporarily created while $g(name) \ is running. $pref(editor) The name of an external editor program to use when editing a file (ie: when \ you select "Edit" from the popup menu). If this value is blank, a \ simple editor built in to $g(name) will be used. For\ windows users you might want to set this to "notepad". Unix users may \ want to set this to "xterm -e vi" or perhaps "gnuclient". When run, the \ name of the file to edit will be appened as the\ last argument on the command line. If the supplied string contains the string "\$file", it\'s treated as a whole \ command line, where the following parameters can be used: \$file: the file of your choice \$line: the starting line of the current diff For example, in the case of NEdit or Emacs you can use "nc -line \$line \ \$file" and "emacs +\$line \$file" respectively. $pref(geometry) This defines the default size, in characters of the two text windows. The \ format should be WIDTHxHEIGHT. For example, "80x40". $pref(fancyButtons) If set, toolbar buttons will mimic the visual behavior of typical Microsoft \ Windows applications. Buttons will initially be flat until the cursor \ moves over them, at which time they will be raised. If unset, toolbar buttons will always appear raised. This feature is not supported in MacOSX. $pref(toolbarIcons) If set, the toolbar buttons will use icons instead of text labels. If unset, the toolbar buttons will use text labels instead of icons. $pref(autocenter) If set, whenever a new diff record becomes the current diff record (for \ example, when pressing the next or previous buttons), the diff record \ will be automatically centered on the screen. If unset, no automatic scrolling will occur. $pref(syncscroll) If set, scrolling either text window will result in both windows scrolling. If not set, the windows will scroll independent of each other. $pref(autoselect) If set, automatically select the nearest visible diff region when scrolling. If not set, the current diff region will not change during scrolling. This only takes effect if $pref(syncscroll) is set. Display $pref(showln) If set, line numbers will be displayed alongside each line of each file. If not set, no line numbers will appear. $pref(tagln) If set, line numbers are highlighted with the options defined in the \ Appearance section of the preferences. If not set, line numbers won\'t be highlighted. $pref(showcbs) If set, change bars will be displayed alongside each line of each file. If not set, no change bars will appear. $pref(tagcbs) If set, change indicators will be highlighted. If $pref(colorcbs) \ is set they will appear as solid colored bars that match the colors \ used in the diff map. If $pref(colorcbs)\ is not set, the change indicators will be highlighted according to the \ options defined in the Appearance section of preferences. $pref(showmap) If set, colorized, graphical "diff map" will be displayed between the two \ files, showing regions that have changed. Red is used to show deleted \ lines, green for added lines, blue for changed\ lines, and yellow for overlapping lines during a 3-way merge. If not set, the diff map will not be shown. $pref(showlineview) If set, show a window at the bottom of the display that shows the current \ line from each file, one on top of the other. This window is most \ useful to do a byte-by-byte comparison of a line that has\ changed. If not set, the window will not be shown. $pref(showinline1) If set, show inline diffs in the main window. This is useful to see what the \ actual diffs are within a large diff region. \ If not set, the inline diffs are neither computed nor shown. This is the \ simpler approach, where byte-by-byte comparisons \ are used. $pref(showinline2) If set, show inline diffs in the main window. This is useful to see what the \ actual diffs are within a large diff region. \ If not set, the inline diffs are neither computed nor shown. This approach \ is more complex, but should give more pleasing \ results for source code and written text files. This is the \ Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern matching algorithm which recursively \ finds the largest common substring, and recursively repeats on the left and \ right remainders. $pref(tagtext) If set, the file contents will be highlighted with the options defined in the \ Appearance section of the preferences. If not set, the file contents won\'t be highlighted. $pref(colorcbs) If set, the change bars will display as solid bars of color that match the \ colors used by the diff map. If not set, the change bars will display a "+" for lines that exist in only \ one file, a "-" for lines that are missing from only one file, and \ "!" for lines that are different between the two files. Appearance $pref(textopt) This is a list of Tk text widget options that are applied to each of the two \ text windows in the main display. If you have Tk installed on your \ machine these will be documented in the "Text.n" man\ page. $pref(difftag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to all diff \ regions. Use this option to make diff regions stand out from regular text. $pref(deltag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to the current \ diff region. These options have a higher priority than those for all \ diff regions. So, for example, if you set the\ forground for all diff regions to be black and set the foreground for \ the current diff region to be blue, the current diff region foreground \ color will be used. $pref(instag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to regions that \ have been inserted. These options have a higher priority than those for \ all diff regions. $pref(chgtag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to regions that \ have been changed. These options have a higher priority than those for \ all diff regions. $pref(currtag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to the current \ diff region. These tags have a higher priority than those for all diff \ regions, and a higher priority than the change,\ inserted and deleted diff regions. $pref(inlinetag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to differences \ within lines in a diff region. These tags have a higher priority than \ those for all diff regions, and a higher priority than the change,\ inserted and deleted diff regions. $pref(bytetag) This is a list of Tk text widget tag options that are applied to individual \ characters in the line view. These options do not affect the main text \ displays. $pref(tabstops) This defines the number of characters for each tabstop in the main display \ windows. The default is 8. } # since we have embedded references to the preference labels in # the text, we need to perform substitutions. Because of this, if # you edit the above text, be sure to properly escape any dollar # signs that are not meant to be treated as a variable reference set text [subst -nocommands $text] do-text-info .help-preferences $title $text } ###################################################################### # # text formatting routines derived from Klondike # Reproduced here with permission from their author. # # Copyright (C) 1993,1994 by John Heidemann # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of John Heidemann may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JOHN HEIDEMANN ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOHN HEIDEMANN BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # ###################################################################### proc put-text {tw txt} { $tw configure -font {Fixed 12} $tw configure -font -*-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-14-* $tw tag configure bld -font -*-Times-Bold-R-Normal-*-14-* $tw tag configure cmp -font -*-Courier-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-* $tw tag configure hdr -font -*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-16-* -underline 1 $tw tag configure itl -font -*-Times-Medium-I-Normal-*-14-* $tw tag configure ttl -font -*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-18-* #$tw tag configure h3 -font -*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-14-* #$tw tag configure itl -font -*-Times-Medium-I-Normal-*-14-* #$tw tag configure rev -foreground white -background black $tw mark set insert 0.0 set t $txt while {[regexp -indices {<([^@>]*)>} $t match inds] == 1} { set start [lindex $inds 0] set end [lindex $inds 1] set keyword [string range $t $start $end] set oldend [$tw index end] $tw insert end [string range $t 0 [expr {$start - 2}]] purge-all-tags $tw $oldend insert if {[string range $keyword 0 0] == "/"} { set keyword [string trimleft $keyword "/"] if {[info exists tags($keyword)] == 0} { error "end tag $keyword without beginning" } $tw tag add $keyword $tags($keyword) insert unset tags($keyword) } else { if {[info exists tags($keyword)] == 1} { error "nesting of begin tag $keyword" } set tags($keyword) [$tw index insert] } set t [string range $t [expr {$end + 2}] end] } set oldend [$tw index end] $tw insert end $t purge-all-tags $tw $oldend insert } proc purge-all-tags {w start end} { foreach tag [$w tag names $start] { $w tag remove $tag $start $end } } # Open one of the diffed files in an editor if possible proc do-edit {} { global g global opts global finfo global w if {$g(activeWindow) == $w(LeftText)} { set fileno 1 } elseif {$g(activeWindow) == $w(RightText)} { set fileno 2 } else { set fileno 1 } if {$finfo(tmp,$fileno)} { do-error "This file is not editable" } else { if {[string length [string trim $opts(editor)]] == 0} { simpleEd open $finfo(pth,$fileno) } elseif {[regexp "\\\$file" "$opts(editor)"] == 1} { set line [lindex [extract $g(currdiff)] [expr {($fileno-1) *2+1}]] set file $finfo(pth,$fileno) eval set commandline \"$opts(editor) &\" eval exec $commandline } else { eval exec $opts(editor) "{$finfo(pth,$fileno)}" & } } } ########################################################################## # platform-specific stuff ########################################################################## proc setAquaDialogStyle {toplevel} { tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $toplevel movableDBoxProc } ########################################################################## # A simple editor, from Bryan Oakley. ########################################################################## proc simpleEd {command args} { global textfont switch -- $command { open { set filename [lindex $args 0] set w .editor set count 0 while {[winfo exists ${w}$count]} { incr count 1 } set w ${w}$count toplevel $w -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken wm title $w "$filename - Simple Editor" wm group $w . menu $w.menubar $w configure -menu $w.menubar $w.menubar add cascade -label "File" -menu $w.menubar.fileMenu $w.menubar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu $w.menubar.editMenu menu $w.menubar.fileMenu menu $w.menubar.editMenu $w.menubar.fileMenu add command -label "Save" -underline 1 \ -command [list simpleEd save $filename $w] $w.menubar.fileMenu add command -label "Save As..." -underline 1 \ -command [list simpleEd saveAs $filename $w] $w.menubar.fileMenu add separator $w.menubar.fileMenu add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 \ -command [list simpleEd exit $w] $w.menubar.editMenu add command -label "Cut" -command [list event \ generate $w.text <>] $w.menubar.editMenu add command -label "Copy" -command \ [list event generate $w.text <>] $w.menubar.editMenu add command -label "Paste" -command \ [list event generate $w.text <>] text $w.text -wrap none -xscrollcommand [list $w.hsb set] \ -yscrollcommand [list $w.vsb set] -borderwidth 0 -font $textfont scrollbar $w.vsb -orient vertical -command [list $w.text yview] scrollbar $w.hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $w.text xview] grid $w.text -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $w.vsb -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $w.hsb -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 0 set fd [open $filename] $w.text insert 1.0 [read $fd] close $fd } save { set filename [lindex $args 0] set w [lindex $args 1] set fd [open $filename w] puts $fd [$w.text get 1.0 "end-1c"] close $fd } saveAs { set filename [lindex $args 0] set w [lindex $args 1] set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile $filename] if {$filename != ""} { simpleEd save $filename $w } } exit { set w [lindex $args 0] destroy $w } } } # end of simpleEd # Copyright (c) 1998-2005, Bryan Oakley # All Rights Reservered # # Bryan Oakley # oakley@bardo.clearlight.com # # combobox v2.2.2 September 22, 2002 # # a combobox / dropdown listbox (pick your favorite name) widget # written in pure tcl # # this code is freely distributable without restriction, but is # provided as-is with no warranty expressed or implied. # # thanks to the following people who provided beta test support or # patches to the code (in no particular order): # # Scott Beasley Alexandre Ferrieux Todd Helfter # Matt Gushee Laurent Duperval John Jackson # Fred Rapp Christopher Nelson # Eric Galluzzo Jean-Francois Moine # # A special thanks to Martin M. Hunt who provided several good ideas, # and always with a patch to implement them. Jean-Francois Moine, # Todd Helfter and John Jackson were also kind enough to send in some # code patches. # # ... and many others over the years. package provide combobox 2.2.2 namespace eval ::combobox { # this is the public interface namespace export combobox # these contain references to available options variable widgetOptions # these contain references to available commands and subcommands variable widgetCommands variable scanCommands variable listCommands } # ::combobox::combobox -- # # This is the command that gets exported. It creates a new # combobox widget. # # Arguments: # # w path of new widget to create # args additional option/value pairs (eg: -background white, etc.) # # Results: # # It creates the widget and sets up all of the default bindings # # Returns: # # The name of the newly create widget proc ::combobox::combobox {w args} { variable widgetOptions variable widgetCommands variable scanCommands variable listCommands # perform a one time initialization if {![info exists widgetOptions]} { Init } # build it... eval Build $w $args # set some bindings... SetBindings $w # and we are done! return $w } # ::combobox::Init -- # # Initialize the namespace variables. This should only be called # once, immediately prior to creating the first instance of the # widget # # Arguments: # # none # # Results: # # All state variables are set to their default values; all of # the option database entries will exist. # # Returns: # # empty string proc ::combobox::Init {} { variable widgetOptions variable widgetCommands variable scanCommands variable listCommands variable defaultEntryCursor array set widgetOptions [list -background \ {background Background} -bd -borderwidth -bg -background \ -borderwidth {borderWidth BorderWidth} -command \ {command Command} -commandstate {commandState State} \ -cursor {cursor Cursor} \ -disabledbackground {disabledBackground DisabledBackground} \ -disabledforeground {disabledForeground DisabledForeground} \ -dropdownwidth {dropdownWidth DropdownWidth} -editable \ {editable Editable} -fg -foreground -font \ {font Font} -foreground {foreground Foreground} \ -height {height Height} \ -highlightbackground {highlightBackground HighlightBackground} \ -highlightcolor {highlightColor HighlightColor} \ -highlightthickness {highlightThickness HighlightThickness} \ -image {image Image} -maxheight \ {maxHeight Height} -opencommand {opencommand Command} \ -relief {relief Relief} \ -selectbackground {selectBackground Foreground} \ -selectborderwidth {selectBorderWidth BorderWidth} \ -selectforeground {selectForeground Background} -state \ {state State} -takefocus {takeFocus TakeFocus} \ -textvariable {textVariable Variable} -value \ {value Value} -width {width Width} \ -xscrollcommand {xScrollCommand ScrollCommand}] set widgetCommands [list bbox cget configure curselection delete get \ icursor index insert list scan selection xview select toggle open close] set listCommands [list delete get index insert size] set scanCommands [list mark dragto] # why check for the Tk package? This lets us be sourced into # an interpreter that doesn't have Tk loaded, such as the slave # interpreter used by pkg_mkIndex. In theory it should have no # side effects when run if {[lsearch -exact [package names] "Tk"] != -1} { ################################################################## #- this initializes the option database. Kinda gross, but it works #- (I think). ################################################################## # the image used for the button... if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { image create bitmap ::combobox::bimage -data { #define down_arrow_width 12 #define down_arrow_height 12 static char down_arrow_bits[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xfc,0xf1,0xf8,0xf0,0x70,0xf0,0x20,0xf0, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00; } } } else { image create bitmap ::combobox::bimage -data { #define down_arrow_width 15 #define down_arrow_height 15 static char down_arrow_bits[] = { 0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80, 0x00,0x80,0xf8,0x8f,0xf0,0x87,0xe0,0x83, 0xc0,0x81,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80, 0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80 } } } # compute a widget name we can use to create a temporary widget set tmpWidget ".__tmp__" set count 0 while {[winfo exists $tmpWidget] == 1} { set tmpWidget ".__tmp__$count" incr count } # get the scrollbar width. Because we try to be clever and draw our # own button instead of using a tk widget, we need to know what size # button to create. This little hack tells us the width of a scroll # bar. # # NB: we need to be sure and pick a window that doesn't already # exist... scrollbar $tmpWidget set sb_width [winfo reqwidth $tmpWidget] destroy $tmpWidget # steal options from the entry widget # we want darn near all options, so we'll go ahead and do # them all. No harm done in adding the one or two that we # don't use. entry $tmpWidget foreach foo [$tmpWidget configure] { # the cursor option is special, so we'll save it in # a special way if {[lindex $foo 0] == "-cursor"} { set defaultEntryCursor [lindex $foo 4] } if {[llength $foo] == 5} { set option [lindex $foo 1] set value [lindex $foo 4] option add *Combobox.$option $value widgetDefault # these options also apply to the dropdown listbox if {[string compare $option "foreground"] == 0 || \ [string compare $option "background"] == 0 || \ [string compare $option "font"] == 0} { option add *Combobox*ComboboxListbox.$option $value \ widgetDefault } } } destroy $tmpWidget # these are unique to us... option add *Combobox.dropdownWidth {} widgetDefault option add *Combobox.openCommand {} widgetDefault option add *Combobox.cursor {} widgetDefault option add *Combobox.commandState normal widgetDefault option add *Combobox.editable 1 widgetDefault option add *Combobox.maxHeight 10 widgetDefault option add *Combobox.height 0 } # set class bindings SetClassBindings } # ::combobox::SetClassBindings -- # # Sets up the default bindings for the widget class # # this proc exists since it's The Right Thing To Do, but # I haven't had the time to figure out how to do all the # binding stuff on a class level. The main problem is that # the entry widget must have focus for the insertion cursor # to be visible. So, I either have to have the entry widget # have the Combobox bindtag, or do some fancy juggling of # events or some such. What a pain. # # Arguments: # # none # # Returns: # # empty string proc ::combobox::SetClassBindings {} { # make sure we clean up after ourselves... bind Combobox [list ::combobox::DestroyHandler %W] # this will (hopefully) close (and lose the grab on) the # listbox if the user clicks anywhere outside of it. Note # that on Windows, you can click on some other app and # the listbox will still be there, because tcl won't see # that button click set this {[::combobox::convert %W -W]} bind Combobox "$this close" bind Combobox "$this close" # this helps (but doesn't fully solve) focus issues. The general # idea is, whenever the frame gets focus it gets passed on to # the entry widget #bind Combobox {::combobox::tkTabToWindow \ #[::combobox::convert %W -W].entry} # this closes the listbox if we get hidden bind Combobox {[::combobox::convert %W -W] close} return "" } # ::combobox::SetBindings -- # # here's where we do most of the binding foo. I think there's probably # a few bindings I ought to add that I just haven't thought # about... # # I'm not convinced these are the proper bindings. Ideally all # bindings should be on "Combobox", but because of my juggling of # bindtags I'm not convinced thats what I want to do. But, it all # seems to work, its just not as robust as it could be. # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # # Returns: # # empty string proc ::combobox::SetBindings {w} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options # juggle the bindtags. The basic idea here is to associate the # widget name with the entry widget, so if a user does a bind # on the combobox it will get handled properly since it is # the entry widget that has keyboard focus. bindtags $widgets(entry) [concat $widgets(this) [bindtags $widgets(entry)]] bindtags $widgets(button) [concat $widgets(this) \ [bindtags $widgets(button)]] # override the default bindings for tab and shift-tab. The # focus procs take a widget as their only parameter and we # want to make sure the right window gets used (for shift- # tab we want it to appear as if the event was generated # on the frame rather than the entry. #bind $widgets(entry) "::combobox::tkTabToWindow \[tk_focusNext \ #$widgets(entry)\]; break" #bind $widgets(entry) \ #"::combobox::tkTabToWindow \[tk_focusPrev $widgets(this)\]; break" # this makes our "button" (which is actually a label) # do the right thing bind $widgets(button) [list $widgets(this) toggle] # this lets the autoscan of the listbox work, even if they # move the cursor over the entry widget. bind $widgets(entry) "break" bind $widgets(listbox) "::combobox::Select \ [list $widgets(this)] \[$widgets(listbox) nearest %y\]; break" bind $widgets(vsb) {continue} bind $widgets(vsb) {continue} bind $widgets(listbox) { %W selection clear 0 end %W activate @%x,%y %W selection anchor @%x,%y %W selection set @%x,%y @%x,%y # need to do a yview if the cursor goes off the top # or bottom of the window... (or do we?) } # these events need to be passed from the entry widget # to the listbox, or otherwise need some sort of special # handling. foreach event [list \ <1> ] { bind $widgets(entry) $event [list ::combobox::HandleEvent \ $widgets(this) $event] } # like the other events, needs to be passed from # the entry widget to the listbox. However, in this case we # need to add an additional parameter catch { bind $widgets(entry) [list ::combobox::HandleEvent \ $widgets(this) %D] } } # ::combobox::Build -- # # This does all of the work necessary to create the basic # combobox. # # Arguments: # # w widget name # args additional option/value pairs # # Results: # # Creates a new widget with the given name. Also creates a new # namespace patterened after the widget name, as a child namespace # to ::combobox # # Returns: # # the name of the widget proc ::combobox::Build {w args} { variable widgetOptions if {[winfo exists $w]} { error "window name \"$w\" already exists" } # create the namespace for this instance, and define a few # variables namespace eval ::combobox::$w { variable ignoreTrace 0 variable oldFocus {} variable oldGrab {} variable oldValue {} variable options variable this variable widgets set widgets(foo) foo ;# coerce into an array set options(foo) foo ;# coerce into an array unset widgets(foo) unset options(foo) } # import the widgets and options arrays into this proc so # we don't have to use fully qualified names, which is a # pain. upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options # this is our widget -- a frame of class Combobox. Naturally, # it will contain other widgets. We create it here because # we need it in order to set some default options. set widgets(this) [frame $w -class Combobox -takefocus 0] set widgets(entry) [entry $w.entry -takefocus 1] set widgets(button) [label $w.button -takefocus 0] # this defines all of the default options. We get the # values from the option database. Note that if an array # value is a list of length one it is an alias to another # option, so we just ignore it foreach name [array names widgetOptions] { if {[llength $widgetOptions($name)] == 1} continue set optName [lindex $widgetOptions($name) 0] set optClass [lindex $widgetOptions($name) 1] set value [option get $w $optName $optClass] set options($name) $value } # a couple options aren't available in earlier versions of # tcl, so we'll set them to sane values. For that matter, if # they exist but are empty, set them to sane values. if {[string length $options(-disabledforeground)] == 0} { set options(-disabledforeground) $options(-foreground) } if {[string length $options(-disabledbackground)] == 0} { set options(-disabledbackground) $options(-background) } # if -value is set to null, we'll remove it from our # local array. The assumption is, if the user sets it from # the option database, they will set it to something other # than null (since it's impossible to determine the difference # between a null value and no value at all). if {[info exists options(-value)] && [string length $options(-value)] == \ 0} { unset options(-value) } # we will later rename the frame's widget proc to be our # own custom widget proc. We need to keep track of this # new name, so we'll define and store it here... set widgets(frame) ::combobox::${w}::$w # gotta do this sooner or later. Might as well do it now pack $widgets(entry) -side left -fill both -expand yes pack $widgets(button) -side right -fill y -expand no # I should probably do this in a catch, but for now it's # good enough... What it does, obviously, is put all of # the option/values pairs into an array. Make them easier # to handle later on... array set options $args # now, the dropdown list... the same renaming nonsense # must go on here as well... set widgets(dropdown) [toplevel $w.top] set widgets(listbox) [listbox $w.top.list] set widgets(vsb) [scrollbar $w.top.vsb] pack $widgets(listbox) -side left -fill both -expand y # fine tune the widgets based on the options (and a few # arbitrary values...) # NB: we are going to use the frame to handle the relief # of the widget as a whole, so the entry widget will be # flat. This makes the button which drops down the list # to appear "inside" the entry widget. $widgets(vsb) configure -command "$widgets(listbox) yview" \ -highlightthickness 0 $widgets(button) configure -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 \ -relief raised -width [expr {[winfo reqwidth $widgets(vsb)] - 2}] $widgets(entry) configure -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -highlightthickness 0 $widgets(dropdown) configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $widgets(listbox) configure -selectmode browse \ -background [$widgets(entry) cget -bg] -yscrollcommand \ "$widgets(vsb) set" -exportselection false -borderwidth 0 # do some window management foo on the dropdown window # There seems to be some order dependency here on some platforms wm transient $widgets(dropdown) [winfo toplevel $w] wm group $widgets(dropdown) [winfo parent $w] wm resizable $widgets(dropdown) 0 0 wm overrideredirect $widgets(dropdown) 1 wm withdraw $widgets(dropdown) # this moves the original frame widget proc into our # namespace and gives it a handy name rename ::$w $widgets(frame) # now, create our widget proc. Obviously (?) it goes in # the global namespace. All combobox widgets will actually # share the same widget proc to cut down on the amount of # bloat. proc ::$w {command args} "eval ::combobox::WidgetProc $w \$command \$args" # ok, the thing exists... let's do a bit more configuration. if {[catch "::combobox::Configure [list $widgets(this)] [array get \ options]" error]} { catch {destroy $w} error "internal error: $error" } return "" } # ::combobox::HandleEvent -- # # this proc handles events from the entry widget that we want # handled specially (typically, to allow navigation of the list # even though the focus is in the entry widget) # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # event a string representing the event (not necessarily an # actual event) # args additional arguments required by particular events proc ::combobox::HandleEvent {w event args} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options upvar ::combobox::${w}::oldValue oldValue # for all of these events, if we have a special action we'll # do that and do a "return -code break" to keep additional # bindings from firing. Otherwise we'll let the event fall # on through. switch -- $event { "" { if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { set D [lindex $args 0] # the '120' number in the following expression has # it's genesis in the tk bind manpage, which suggests # that the smallest value of %D for mousewheel events # will be 120. The intent is to scroll one line at a time. $widgets(listbox) yview scroll [expr {-($D/120)}] units } } "" { # if the widget is editable, clear the selection. # this makes it more obvious what will happen if the # user presses (and helps our code know what # to do if the user presses return) if {$options(-editable)} { $widgets(listbox) see 0 $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) selection anchor 0 $widgets(listbox) activate 0 } } "" { set oldValue [$widgets(entry) get] } "" { if {![winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { # did the value change? set newValue [$widgets(entry) get] if {$oldValue != $newValue} { CallCommand $widgets(this) $newValue } } } "<1>" { set editable [::combobox::GetBoolean $options(-editable)] if {!$editable} { if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { $widgets(this) close return -code break } else { if {$options(-state) != "disabled"} { $widgets(this) open return -code break } } } } "" { if {$options(-state) != "disabled"} { $widgets(this) toggle return -code break } } "" { if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { ::combobox::Find $widgets(this) 0 return -code break } else { ::combobox::SetValue $widgets(this) [$widgets(this) get] } } "" { # $widgets(entry) delete 0 end # $widgets(entry) insert 0 $oldValue if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { $widgets(this) close return -code break } } "" { # did the value change? set newValue [$widgets(entry) get] if {$oldValue != $newValue} { CallCommand $widgets(this) $newValue } if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { ::combobox::Select $widgets(this) \ [$widgets(listbox) curselection] return -code break } } "" { $widgets(listbox) yview scroll 1 pages set index [$widgets(listbox) index @0,0] $widgets(listbox) see $index $widgets(listbox) activate $index $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) selection anchor $index $widgets(listbox) selection set $index } "" { $widgets(listbox) yview scroll -1 pages set index [$widgets(listbox) index @0,0] $widgets(listbox) activate $index $widgets(listbox) see $index $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) selection anchor $index $widgets(listbox) selection set $index } "" { if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { ::combobox::tkListboxUpDown $widgets(listbox) 1 return -code break } else { if {$options(-state) != "disabled"} { $widgets(this) open return -code break } } } "" { if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { ::combobox::tkListboxUpDown $widgets(listbox) -1 return -code break } else { if {$options(-state) != "disabled"} { $widgets(this) open return -code break } } } } return "" } # ::combobox::DestroyHandler {w} -- # # Cleans up after a combobox widget is destroyed # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # # Results: # # The namespace that was created for the widget is deleted, # and the widget proc is removed. proc ::combobox::DestroyHandler {w} { # if the widget actually being destroyed is of class Combobox, # crush the namespace and kill the proc. Get it? Crush. Kill. # Destroy. Heh. Danger Will Robinson! Oh, man! I'm so funny it # brings tears to my eyes. if {[string compare [winfo class $w] "Combobox"] == 0} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options # delete the namespace and the proc which represents # our widget namespace delete ::combobox::$w rename $w {} } return "" } # ::combobox::Find # # finds something in the listbox that matches the pattern in the # entry widget and selects it # # N.B. I'm not convinced this is working the way it ought to. It # works, but is the behavior what is expected? I've also got a gut # feeling that there's a better way to do this, but I'm too lazy to # figure it out... # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # exact boolean; if true an exact match is desired # # Returns: # # Empty string proc ::combobox::Find {w {exact 0}} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options ## *sigh* this logic is rather gross and convoluted. Surely ## there is a more simple, straight-forward way to implement ## all this. As the saying goes, I lack the time to make it ## shorter... # use what is already in the entry widget as a pattern set pattern [$widgets(entry) get] if {[string length $pattern] == 0} { # clear the current selection $widgets(listbox) see 0 $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) selection anchor 0 $widgets(listbox) activate 0 return } # we're going to be searching this list... set list [$widgets(listbox) get 0 end] # if we are doing an exact match, try to find, # well, an exact match set exactMatch -1 if {$exact} { set exactMatch [lsearch -exact $list $pattern] } # search for it. We'll try to be clever and not only # search for a match for what they typed, but a match for # something close to what they typed. We'll keep removing one # character at a time from the pattern until we find a match # of some sort. set index -1 while {$index == -1 && [string length $pattern]} { set index [lsearch -glob $list "$pattern*"] if {$index == -1} { regsub {.$} $pattern {} pattern } } # this is the item that most closely matches... set thisItem [lindex $list $index] # did we find a match? If so, do some additional munging... if {$index != -1} { # we need to find the part of the first item that is # unique WRT the second... I know there's probably a # simpler way to do this... set nextIndex [expr {$index + 1}] set nextItem [lindex $list $nextIndex] # we don't really need to do much if the next # item doesn't match our pattern... if {[string match $pattern* $nextItem]} { # ok, the next item matches our pattern, too # now the trick is to find the first character # where they *don't* match... set marker [string length $pattern] while {$marker <= [string length $pattern]} { set a [string index $thisItem $marker] set b [string index $nextItem $marker] if {[string compare $a $b] == 0} { append pattern $a incr marker } else { break } } } else { set marker [string length $pattern] } } else { set marker end set index 0 } # ok, we know the pattern and what part is unique; # update the entry widget and listbox appropriately if {$exact && $exactMatch == -1} { # this means we didn't find an exact match $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) see $index } elseif {!$exact} { # this means we found something, but it isn't an exact # match. If we find something that *is* an exact match we # don't need to do the following, since it would merely # be replacing the data in the entry widget with itself set oldstate [$widgets(entry) cget -state] $widgets(entry) configure -state normal $widgets(entry) delete 0 end $widgets(entry) insert end $thisItem $widgets(entry) selection clear $widgets(entry) selection range $marker end $widgets(listbox) activate $index $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) selection anchor $index $widgets(listbox) selection set $index $widgets(listbox) see $index $widgets(entry) configure -state $oldstate } } # ::combobox::Select -- # # selects an item from the list and sets the value of the combobox # to that value # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # index listbox index of item to be selected # # Returns: # # empty string proc ::combobox::Select {w index} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options # the catch is because I'm sloppy -- presumably, the only time # an error will be caught is if there is no selection. if {![catch {set data [$widgets(listbox) get [lindex $index 0]]}]} { ::combobox::SetValue $widgets(this) $data $widgets(listbox) selection clear 0 end $widgets(listbox) selection anchor $index $widgets(listbox) selection set $index } $widgets(entry) selection range 0 end $widgets(this) close return "" } # ::combobox::HandleScrollbar -- # # causes the scrollbar of the dropdown list to appear or disappear # based on the contents of the dropdown listbox # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # action the action to perform on the scrollbar # # Returns: # # an empty string proc ::combobox::HandleScrollbar {w {action "unknown"}} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options if {$options(-height) == 0} { set hlimit $options(-maxheight) } else { set hlimit $options(-height) } switch -- $action { "grow" { if {$hlimit > 0 && [$widgets(listbox) size] > $hlimit} { pack $widgets(vsb) -side right -fill y -expand n } } "shrink" { if {$hlimit > 0 && [$widgets(listbox) size] <= $hlimit} { pack forget $widgets(vsb) } } "crop" { # this means the window was cropped and we definitely # need a scrollbar no matter what the user wants pack $widgets(vsb) -side right -fill y -expand n } default { if {$hlimit > 0 && [$widgets(listbox) size] > $hlimit} { pack $widgets(vsb) -side right -fill y -expand n } else { pack forget $widgets(vsb) } } } return "" } # ::combobox::ComputeGeometry -- # # computes the geometry of the dropdown list based on the size of the # combobox... # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # # Returns: # # the desired geometry of the listbox proc ::combobox::ComputeGeometry {w} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options if {$options(-height) == 0 && $options(-maxheight) != "0"} { # if this is the case, count the items and see if # it exceeds our maxheight. If so, set the listbox # size to maxheight... set nitems [$widgets(listbox) size] if {$nitems > $options(-maxheight)} { # tweak the height of the listbox $widgets(listbox) configure -height $options(-maxheight) } else { # un-tweak the height of the listbox $widgets(listbox) configure -height 0 } update idletasks } # compute height and width of the dropdown list set bd [$widgets(dropdown) cget -borderwidth] set height [expr {[winfo reqheight $widgets(dropdown)] + $bd + $bd}] if {[string length $options(-dropdownwidth)] == 0 || \ $options(-dropdownwidth) == 0} { set width [winfo width $widgets(this)] } else { set m [font measure [$widgets(listbox) cget -font] "m"] set width [expr {$options(-dropdownwidth) * $m}] } # figure out where to place it on the screen, trying to take into # account we may be running under some virtual window manager set screenWidth [winfo screenwidth $widgets(this)] set screenHeight [winfo screenheight $widgets(this)] set rootx [winfo rootx $widgets(this)] set rooty [winfo rooty $widgets(this)] set vrootx [winfo vrootx $widgets(this)] set vrooty [winfo vrooty $widgets(this)] # the x coordinate is simply the rootx of our widget, adjusted for # the virtual window. We won't worry about whether the window will # be offscreen to the left or right -- we want the illusion that it # is part of the entry widget, so if part of the entry widget is off- # screen, so will the list. If you want to change the behavior, # simply change the if statement... (and be sure to update this # comment!) set x [expr {$rootx + $vrootx}] if {0} { set rightEdge [expr {$x + $width}] if {$rightEdge > $screenWidth} { set x [expr {$screenWidth - $width}] } if {$x < 0} { set x 0 } } # the y coordinate is the rooty plus vrooty offset plus # the height of the static part of the widget plus 1 for a # tiny bit of visual separation... set y [expr {$rooty + $vrooty + [winfo reqheight $widgets(this)] + 1}] set bottomEdge [expr {$y + $height}] if {$bottomEdge >= $screenHeight} { # ok. Fine. Pop it up above the entry widget isntead of # below. set y [expr {($rooty - $height - 1) + $vrooty}] if {$y < 0} { # this means it extends beyond our screen. How annoying. # Now we'll try to be real clever and either pop it up or # down, depending on which way gives us the biggest list. # then, we'll trim the list to fit and force the use of # a scrollbar # (sadly, for windows users this measurement doesn't # take into consideration the height of the taskbar, # but don't blame me -- there isn't any way to detect # it or figure out its dimensions. The same probably # applies to any window manager with some magic windows # glued to the top or bottom of the screen) if {$rooty > [expr {$screenHeight / 2}]} { # we are in the lower half of the screen -- # pop it up. Y is zero; that parts easy. The height # is simply the y coordinate of our widget, minus # a pixel for some visual separation. The y coordinate # will be the topof the screen. set y 1 set height [expr {$rooty - 1 - $y}] } else { # we are in the upper half of the screen -- # pop it down set y [expr {$rooty + $vrooty + [winfo reqheight \ $widgets(this)] + 1}] set height [expr {$screenHeight - $y}] } # force a scrollbar HandleScrollbar $widgets(this) crop } } if {$y < 0} { # hmmm. Bummer. set y 0 set height $screenheight } set geometry [format "=%dx%d+%d+%d" $width $height $x $y] return $geometry } # ::combobox::DoInternalWidgetCommand -- # # perform an internal widget command, then mung any error results # to look like it came from our megawidget. A lot of work just to # give the illusion that our megawidget is an atomic widget # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # subwidget pathname of the subwidget # command subwidget command to be executed # args arguments to the command # # Returns: # # The result of the subwidget command, or an error proc ::combobox::DoInternalWidgetCommand {w subwidget command args} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options set subcommand $command set command [concat $widgets($subwidget) $command $args] if {[catch $command result]} { # replace the subwidget name with the megawidget name regsub $widgets($subwidget) $result $widgets(this) result # replace specific instances of the subwidget command # with our megawidget command switch -- $subwidget,$subcommand { listbox,index { regsub "index" $result "list index" result } listbox,insert { regsub "insert" $result "list insert" result } listbox,delete { regsub "delete" $result "list delete" result } listbox,get { regsub "get" $result "list get" result } listbox,size { regsub "size" $result "list size" result } } error $result } else { return $result } } # ::combobox::WidgetProc -- # # This gets uses as the widgetproc for an combobox widget. # Notice where the widget is created and you'll see that the # actual widget proc merely evals this proc with all of the # arguments intact. # # Note that some widget commands are defined "inline" (ie: # within this proc), and some do most of their work in # separate procs. This is merely because sometimes it was # easier to do it one way or the other. # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # command widget subcommand # args additional arguments; varies with the subcommand # # Results: # # Performs the requested widget command proc ::combobox::WidgetProc {w command args} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options upvar ::combobox::${w}::oldFocus oldFocus upvar ::combobox::${w}::oldFocus oldGrab set command [::combobox::Canonize $w command $command] # this is just shorthand notation... set doWidgetCommand [list ::combobox::DoInternalWidgetCommand \ $widgets(this)] if {$command == "list"} { # ok, the next argument is a list command; we'll # rip it from args and append it to command to # create a unique internal command # # NB: because of the sloppy way we are doing this, # we'll also let the user enter our secret command # directly (eg: listinsert, listdelete), but we # won't document that fact set command "list-[lindex $args 0]" set args [lrange $args 1 end] } set result "" # many of these commands are just synonyms for specific # commands in one of the subwidgets. We'll get them out # of the way first, then do the custom commands. switch -- $command { bbox - delete - get - icursor - index - insert - scan - selection - xview { set result [eval $doWidgetCommand entry $command $args] } list-get { set result [eval $doWidgetCommand listbox get $args] } list-index { set result [eval $doWidgetCommand listbox index $args] } list-size { set result [eval $doWidgetCommand listbox size $args] } select { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set index [lindex $args 0] set result [Select $widgets(this) $index] } else { error "usage: $w select index" } } subwidget { set knownWidgets [list button entry listbox dropdown vsb] if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $knownWidgets } set name [lindex $args 0] if {[lsearch $knownWidgets $name] != -1} { set result $widgets($name) } else { error "unknown subwidget $name" } } curselection { set result [eval $doWidgetCommand listbox curselection] } list-insert { eval $doWidgetCommand listbox insert $args set result [HandleScrollbar $w "grow"] } list-delete { eval $doWidgetCommand listbox delete $args set result [HandleScrollbar $w "shrink"] } toggle { # ignore this command if the widget is disabled... if {$options(-state) == "disabled"} return # pops down the list if it is not, hides it # if it is... if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { set result [$widgets(this) close] } else { set result [$widgets(this) open] } } open { # if this is an editable combobox, the focus should # be set to the entry widget if {$options(-editable)} { focus $widgets(entry) $widgets(entry) select range 0 end $widgets(entry) icur end } # if we are disabled, we won't allow this to happen if {$options(-state) == "disabled"} { return 0 } # if there is a -opencommand, execute it now if {[string length $options(-opencommand)] > 0} { # hmmm... should I do a catch, or just let the normal # error handling handle any errors? For now, the latter... uplevel \#0 $options(-opencommand) } # compute the geometry of the window to pop up, and set # it, and force the window manager to take notice # (even if it is not presently visible). # # this isn't strictly necessary if the window is already # mapped, but we'll go ahead and set the geometry here # since its harmless and *may* actually reset the geometry # to something better in some weird case. set geometry [::combobox::ComputeGeometry $widgets(this)] wm geometry $widgets(dropdown) $geometry update idletasks # if we are already open, there's nothing else to do if {[winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { return 0 } # save the widget that currently has the focus; we'll restore # the focus there when we're done set oldFocus [focus] # ok, tweak the visual appearance of things and # make the list pop up $widgets(button) configure -relief sunken raise $widgets(dropdown) wm deiconify $widgets(dropdown) tkwait visibility $widgets(dropdown) focus -force $widgets(dropdown) # force focus to the entry widget so we can handle keypress # events for traversal focus -force $widgets(entry) # select something by default, but only if its an # exact match... ::combobox::Find $widgets(this) 1 # save the current grab state for the display containing # this widget. We'll restore it when we close the dropdown # list set status "none" set grab [grab current $widgets(this)] if {$grab != ""} { set status [grab status $grab] } set oldGrab [list $grab $status] unset grab status # *gasp* do a global grab!!! Mom always told me not to # do things like this, but sometimes a man's gotta do # what a man's gotta do. raise $widgets(dropdown) grab -global $widgets(this) # fake the listbox into thinking it has focus. This is # necessary to get scanning initialized properly in the # listbox. event generate $widgets(listbox) return 1 } close { # if we are already closed, don't do anything... if {![winfo ismapped $widgets(dropdown)]} { return 0 } # restore the focus and grab, but ignore any errors... # we're going to be paranoid and release the grab before # trying to set any other grab because we really really # really want to make sure the grab is released. catch {focus $oldFocus} result catch {grab release $widgets(this)} catch { set status [lindex $oldGrab 1] if {$status == "global"} { grab -global [lindex $oldGrab 0] } elseif {$status == "local"} { grab [lindex $oldGrab 0] } unset status } # hides the listbox $widgets(button) configure -relief raised wm withdraw $widgets(dropdown) # select the data in the entry widget. Not sure # why, other than observation seems to suggest that's # what windows widgets do. set editable [::combobox::GetBoolean $options(-editable)] if {$editable} { $widgets(entry) selection range 0 end $widgets(button) configure -relief raised } # magic tcl stuff (see tk.tcl in the distribution # lib directory) ::combobox::tkCancelRepeat return 1 } cget { if {[llength $args] != 1} { error "wrong # args: should be $w cget option" } set opt [::combobox::Canonize $w option [lindex $args 0]] if {$opt == "-value"} { set result [$widgets(entry) get] } else { set result $options($opt) } } configure { set result [eval ::combobox::Configure {$w} $args] } default { error "bad option \"$command\"" } } return $result } # ::combobox::Configure -- # # Implements the "configure" widget subcommand # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # args zero or more option/value pairs (or a single option) # # Results: # # Performs typcial "configure" type requests on the widget proc ::combobox::Configure {w args} { variable widgetOptions variable defaultEntryCursor upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options if {[llength $args] == 0} { # hmmm. User must be wanting all configuration information # note that if the value of an array element is of length # one it is an alias, which needs to be handled slightly # differently set results {} foreach opt [lsort [array names widgetOptions]] { if {[llength $widgetOptions($opt)] == 1} { set alias $widgetOptions($opt) set optName $widgetOptions($alias) lappend results [list $opt $optName] } else { set optName [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 0] set optClass [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 1] set default [option get $w $optName $optClass] if {[info exists options($opt)]} { lappend results [list $opt $optName $optClass $default \ $options($opt)] } else { lappend results [list $opt $optName $optClass $default ""] } } } return $results } # one argument means we are looking for configuration # information on a single option if {[llength $args] == 1} { set opt [::combobox::Canonize $w option [lindex $args 0]] set optName [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 0] set optClass [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 1] set default [option get $w $optName $optClass] set results [list $opt $optName $optClass $default $options($opt)] return $results } # if we have an odd number of values, bail. if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}] == 1} { # hmmm. An odd number of elements in args error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing" } # Great. An even number of options. Let's make sure they # are all valid before we do anything. Note that Canonize # will generate an error if it finds a bogus option; otherwise # it returns the canonical option name foreach {name value} $args { set name [::combobox::Canonize $w option $name] set opts($name) $value } # process all of the configuration options # some (actually, most) options require us to # do something, like change the attributes of # a widget or two. Here's where we do that... # # note that the handling of disabledforeground and # disabledbackground is a little wonky. First, we have # to deal with backwards compatibility (ie: tk 8.3 and below # didn't have such options for the entry widget), and # we have to deal with the fact we might want to disable # the entry widget but use the normal foreground/background # for when the combobox is not disabled, but not editable either. set updateVisual 0 foreach option [array names opts] { set newValue $opts($option) if {[info exists options($option)]} { set oldValue $options($option) } switch -- $option { -background { set updateVisual 1 set options($option) $newValue } -borderwidth { $widgets(frame) configure -borderwidth $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -command { # nothing else to do... set options($option) $newValue } -commandstate { # do some value checking... if {$newValue != "normal" && $newValue != "disabled"} { set options($option) $oldValue set message "bad state value \"$newValue\";" append message " must be normal or disabled" error $message } set options($option) $newValue } -cursor { $widgets(frame) configure -cursor $newValue $widgets(entry) configure -cursor $newValue $widgets(listbox) configure -cursor $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -disabledforeground { set updateVisual 1 set options($option) $newValue } -disabledbackground { set updateVisual 1 set options($option) $newValue } -dropdownwidth { set options($option) $newValue } -editable { set updateVisual 1 if {$newValue} { # it's editable... $widgets(entry) configure -state normal \ -cursor $defaultEntryCursor } else { $widgets(entry) configure -state disabled \ -cursor $options(-cursor) } set options($option) $newValue } -font { $widgets(entry) configure -font $newValue $widgets(listbox) configure -font $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -foreground { set updateVisual 1 set options($option) $newValue } -height { $widgets(listbox) configure -height $newValue HandleScrollbar $w set options($option) $newValue } -highlightbackground { $widgets(frame) configure -highlightbackground $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -highlightcolor { $widgets(frame) configure -highlightcolor $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -highlightthickness { $widgets(frame) configure -highlightthickness $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -image { if {[string length $newValue] > 0} { $widgets(button) configure -image $newValue } else { $widgets(button) configure -image ::combobox::bimage } set options($option) $newValue } -maxheight { # ComputeGeometry may dork with the actual height # of the listbox, so let's undork it $widgets(listbox) configure -height $options(-height) HandleScrollbar $w set options($option) $newValue } -opencommand { # nothing else to do... set options($option) $newValue } -relief { $widgets(frame) configure -relief $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -selectbackground { $widgets(entry) configure -selectbackground $newValue $widgets(listbox) configure -selectbackground $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -selectborderwidth { $widgets(entry) configure -selectborderwidth $newValue $widgets(listbox) configure -selectborderwidth $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -selectforeground { $widgets(entry) configure -selectforeground $newValue $widgets(listbox) configure -selectforeground $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -state { if {$newValue == "normal"} { set updateVisual 1 # it's enabled set editable [::combobox::GetBoolean $options(-editable)] if {$editable} { $widgets(entry) configure -state normal $widgets(entry) configure -takefocus 1 } # note that $widgets(button) is actually a label, # not a button. And being able to disable labels # wasn't possible until tk 8.3. (makes me wonder # why I chose to use a label, but that answer is # lost to antiquity) if {[info patchlevel] >= 8.3} { $widgets(button) configure -state normal } } elseif {$newValue == "disabled"} { set updateVisual 1 # it's disabled $widgets(entry) configure -state disabled $widgets(entry) configure -takefocus 0 # note that $widgets(button) is actually a label, # not a button. And being able to disable labels # wasn't possible until tk 8.3. (makes me wonder # why I chose to use a label, but that answer is # lost to antiquity) if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} { $widgets(button) configure -state disabled } } else { set options($option) $oldValue set message "bad state value \"$newValue\";" append message " must be normal or disabled" error $message } set options($option) $newValue } -takefocus { $widgets(entry) configure -takefocus $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -textvariable { $widgets(entry) configure -textvariable $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -value { ::combobox::SetValue $widgets(this) $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -width { $widgets(entry) configure -width $newValue $widgets(listbox) configure -width $newValue set options($option) $newValue } -xscrollcommand { $widgets(entry) configure -xscrollcommand $newValue set options($option) $newValue } } if {$updateVisual} { UpdateVisualAttributes $w } } } # ::combobox::UpdateVisualAttributes -- # # sets the visual attributes (foreground, background mostly) # based on the current state of the widget (normal/disabled, # editable/non-editable) # # why a proc for such a simple thing? Well, in addition to the # various states of the widget, we also have to consider the # version of tk being used -- versions from 8.4 and beyond have # the notion of disabled foreground/background options for various # widgets. All of the permutations can get nasty, so we encapsulate # it all in one spot. # # note also that we don't handle all visual attributes here; just # the ones that depend on the state of the widget. The rest are # handled on a case by case basis # # Arguments: # w widget pathname # # Returns: # empty string proc ::combobox::UpdateVisualAttributes {w} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options if {$options(-state) == "normal"} { set foreground $options(-foreground) set background $options(-background) } elseif {$options(-state) == "disabled"} { set foreground $options(-disabledforeground) set background $options(-disabledbackground) } $widgets(entry) configure -foreground $foreground -background $background $widgets(listbox) configure -foreground $foreground -background $background $widgets(button) configure -foreground $foreground $widgets(vsb) configure -background $background -troughcolor $background $widgets(frame) configure -background $background # we need to set the disabled colors in case our widget is disabled. # We could actually check for disabled-ness, but we also need to # check whether we're enabled but not editable, in which case the # entry widget is disabled but we still want the enabled colors. It's # easier just to set everything and be done with it. if {$::tcl_version >= 8.4} { $widgets(entry) configure -disabledforeground $foreground \ -disabledbackground $background $widgets(button) configure -disabledforeground $foreground $widgets(listbox) configure -disabledforeground $foreground } } # ::combobox::SetValue -- # # sets the value of the combobox and calls the -command, # if defined # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # newValue the new value of the combobox # # Returns # # Empty string proc ::combobox::SetValue {w newValue} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options upvar ::combobox::${w}::ignoreTrace ignoreTrace upvar ::combobox::${w}::oldValue oldValue if {[info exists options(-textvariable)] && [string length \ $options(-textvariable)] > 0} { set variable ::$options(-textvariable) set $variable $newValue } else { set oldstate [$widgets(entry) cget -state] $widgets(entry) configure -state normal $widgets(entry) delete 0 end $widgets(entry) insert 0 $newValue $widgets(entry) configure -state $oldstate } # set our internal textvariable; this will cause any public # textvariable (ie: defined by the user) to be updated as # well # set ::combobox::${w}::entryTextVariable $newValue # redefine our concept of the "old value". Do it before running # any associated command so we can be sure it happens even # if the command somehow fails. set oldValue $newValue # call the associated command. The proc will handle whether or # not to actually call it, and with what args CallCommand $w $newValue return "" } # ::combobox::CallCommand -- # # calls the associated command, if any, appending the new # value to the command to be called. # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # newValue the new value of the combobox # # Returns # # empty string proc ::combobox::CallCommand {w newValue} { upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options # call the associated command, if defined and -commandstate is # set to "normal" if {$options(-commandstate) == "normal" && [string length \ $options(-command)] > 0} { set args [list $widgets(this) $newValue] uplevel \#0 $options(-command) $args } } # ::combobox::GetBoolean -- # # returns the value of a (presumably) boolean string (ie: it should # do the right thing if the string is "yes", "no", "true", 1, etc # # Arguments: # # value value to be converted # errorValue a default value to be returned in case of an error # # Returns: # # a 1 or zero, or the value of errorValue if the string isn't # a proper boolean value proc ::combobox::GetBoolean {value {errorValue 1}} { if {[catch {expr {([string trim $value]) ?1:0}} res]} { return $errorValue } else { return $res } } # ::combobox::convert -- # # public routine to convert %x, %y and %W binding substitutions. # Given an x, y and or %W value relative to a given widget, this # routine will convert the values to be relative to the combobox # widget. For example, it could be used in a binding like this: # # bind .combobox {doSomething [::combobox::convert %W -x %x]} # # Note that this procedure is *not* exported, but is intended for # public use. It is not exported because the name could easily # clash with existing commands. # # Arguments: # # w a widget path; typically the actual result of a %W # substitution in a binding. It should be either a # combobox widget or one of its subwidgets # # args should one or more of the following arguments or # pairs of arguments: # # -x will convert the value ; typically will # be the result of a %x substitution # -y will convert the value ; typically will # be the result of a %y substitution # -W (or -w) will return the name of the combobox widget # which is the parent of $w # # Returns: # # a list of the requested values. For example, a single -w will # result in a list of one items, the name of the combobox widget. # Supplying "-x 10 -y 20 -W" (in any order) will return a list of # three values: the converted x and y values, and the name of # the combobox widget. proc ::combobox::convert {w args} { set result {} if {![winfo exists $w]} { error "window \"$w\" doesn't exist" } while {[llength $args] > 0} { set option [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] switch -exact -- $option { -x { set value [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] set win $w while {[winfo class $win] != "Combobox"} { incr value [winfo x $win] set win [winfo parent $win] if {$win == "."} break } lappend result $value } -y { set value [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] set win $w while {[winfo class $win] != "Combobox"} { incr value [winfo y $win] set win [winfo parent $win] if {$win == "."} break } lappend result $value } -w - -W { set win $w while {[winfo class $win] != "Combobox"} { set win [winfo parent $win] if {$win == "."} break } lappend result $win } } } return $result } # ::combobox::Canonize -- # # takes a (possibly abbreviated) option or command name and either # returns the canonical name or an error # # Arguments: # # w widget pathname # object type of object to canonize; must be one of "command", # "option", "scan command" or "list command" # opt the option (or command) to be canonized # # Returns: # # Returns either the canonical form of an option or command, # or raises an error if the option or command is unknown or # ambiguous. proc ::combobox::Canonize {w object opt} { variable widgetOptions variable columnOptions variable widgetCommands variable listCommands variable scanCommands switch -- $object { command { if {[lsearch -exact $widgetCommands $opt] >= 0} { return $opt } # command names aren't stored in an array, and there # isn't a way to get all the matches in a list, so # we'll stuff the commands in a temporary array so # we can use [array names] set list $widgetCommands foreach element $list { set tmp($element) "" } set matches [array names tmp ${opt}*] } {list command} { if {[lsearch -exact $listCommands $opt] >= 0} { return $opt } # command names aren't stored in an array, and there # isn't a way to get all the matches in a list, so # we'll stuff the commands in a temporary array so # we can use [array names] set list $listCommands foreach element $list { set tmp($element) "" } set matches [array names tmp ${opt}*] } {scan command} { if {[lsearch -exact $scanCommands $opt] >= 0} { return $opt } # command names aren't stored in an array, and there # isn't a way to get all the matches in a list, so # we'll stuff the commands in a temporary array so # we can use [array names] set list $scanCommands foreach element $list { set tmp($element) "" } set matches [array names tmp ${opt}*] } option { if {[info exists widgetOptions($opt)] && \ [llength $widgetOptions($opt)] == 2} { return $opt } set list [array names widgetOptions] set matches [array names widgetOptions ${opt}*] } } if {[llength $matches] == 0} { set choices [HumanizeList $list] error "unknown $object \"$opt\"; must be one of $choices" } elseif {[llength $matches] == 1} { set opt [lindex $matches 0] # deal with option aliases switch -- $object { option { set opt [lindex $matches 0] if {[llength $widgetOptions($opt)] == 1} { set opt $widgetOptions($opt) } } } return $opt } else { set choices [HumanizeList $list] error "ambiguous $object \"$opt\"; must be one of $choices" } } # ::combobox::HumanizeList -- # # Returns a human-readable form of a list by separating items # by columns, but separating the last two elements with "or" # (eg: foo, bar or baz) # # Arguments: # # list a valid tcl list # # Results: # # A string which as all of the elements joined with ", " or # the word " or " proc ::combobox::HumanizeList {list} { if {[llength $list] == 1} { return [lindex $list 0] } else { set list [lsort $list] set secondToLast [expr {[llength $list] -2}] set most [lrange $list 0 $secondToLast] set last [lindex $list end] return "[join $most {, }] or $last" } } # This is some backwards-compatibility code to handle TIP 44 # (http://purl.org/tcl/tip/44.html). For all private tk commands # used by this widget, we'll make duplicates of the procs in the # combobox namespace. # # I'm not entirely convinced this is the right thing to do. I probably # shouldn't even be using the private commands. Then again, maybe the # private commands really should be public. Oh well; it works so it # must be OK... foreach command {TabToWindow CancelRepeat ListboxUpDown} { if {[llength [info commands ::combobox::tk$command]] == 1} break set tmp [info commands tk$command] set proc ::combobox::tk$command if {[llength [info commands tk$command]] == 1} { set command [namespace which [lindex $tmp 0]] proc $proc {args} "uplevel $command \$args" } else { if {[llength [info commands ::tk::$command]] == 1} { proc $proc {args} "uplevel ::tk::$command \$args" } } } # end of combobox.tcl ###################################################################### # icon image data. ###################################################################### image create bitmap delta48 -data { #define delta48_width 48 #define delta48_height 48 static char delta48_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x1b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x2e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x10, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x10, 0xa8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x08, 0xac, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x09, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x09, 0xaa, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x09, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x93, 0xae, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x92, 0x06, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x92, 0xad, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x53, 0x04, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x11, 0xac, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x12, 0x04, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x12, 0xac, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x14, 0x04, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0x0a, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x28, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0xab, 0x3a, 0xaf, 0xaa, 0x03, 0x80, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x02, 0xc0, 0xaa, 0x5a, 0xa8, 0xaa, 0x06, 0x40, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x08, 0x00, 0x0c, 0xa0, 0xaa, 0xea, 0xac, 0xaa, 0x0a, 0x30, 0x00, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00, 0x18, 0xb0, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xaa, 0x1a, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x30, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0xbe, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0xbd, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, } } image create photo deltaGif -format gif -data { R0lGODlhMAAwAOcAAAIyRsQWGJ4eIIYrK0aK4jZ2yXIkKOJ2hhpKgqZ+isJW Y1IuNpBebKJifi5qumpKUsQ0OE4ySkJiip5SXoZWXnpWahZGfp5GUideptrG yopSWtpOVnp+kiY6XiVaoIJGTphKVjxMcJ45Pso6PiFWmgYyZt5SWroeHrau tmaClu4eJsoeHlJmhts+Q3JCSi5Kepo2PpKGkiBSlqIiIuaWllY6QrQmJmJy kjp6zk6W9h5Ojx4yPh1Cc5YeIspaatoiJvJcaE5eekpihpR2gMIiItteZz6C 2nZqfuY2Pu9MVG5aYq4iIutGTqJOXkY+SuKKkgc6c4YyMkqO6cZCUgI2Vipi rV4iInI2Pq5yepIiIsIrK6ErLBpKhrY+RsozM052uhIuTsJqhrJebu5UWLRM WopWbr4iIl5mjtpCRE6G2u5eatVibqwcHjZGVoAoKr52ftoSEmo2SsYmKlaS 5pYiItZWbrpucppialKO3m5GUscqKyBGfudKUc8yMyZKeh46YiZGag42Ts46 PjZyxKcqK+JCSMpCSu7Gxh5Skp5CRtU+Px9OiUI+YropKUSC2ppOWm4eHpIp KbV/h85qcsYuLnZOYospKoZmcqlaY5ZWWnZiZuYoLl5Scm4qLlSW8jZCXpgm KIJCStpibAI2TrYuMK4pKp4yNtpaZr58hk6O5t1GSNE2N85CRopSciJKfuY+ Rgo2UuJOWj5+1CpmsLJkcn4uNi5QgEWG4ZI+RBpGgNU6PEZOcpAyNL5OWoBQ ZJJKZqpSYi5eovKWnmpaflea+CZSjjFuvU2K3couMLpkcnIqLuJaXnpyhupa Zj5Gar4uLpIuMo4uLuFLT84qKk6S7JZZZ6klJ/ZKUuJmdjZGah5WorUqKqY2 QudOUpkqK4ZabnJaegI2XiNGdspqguJGS7IaHuJeZuJaYlKS7SpGbkyK5Op0 fN5CRY5mctZESDZShtZmbhpKir4qKi5mtAIyUtpGUuBYbh5KgIJ6im5+ltIe IlpmgnpCSuIiJgY4Tv///yH5BAEKAP8ALAAAAAAwADAAAAj+AP8JHEiwoMGD CBMqXJgwFMOHEA0usIJpSMSLC10oMzCAFsaPBx/0yOJmwBuQKAXmccNmgBte WFKCrFFLgIABlkRckvmRwoByloJO4PmxUxY2lgww+kI04hVILGdAiyPDGLWm DD8M2FoOFLcLw4LJIoZVIS6c0U54AwWjQrFZUsoi1MDLUqQlS7ZYYxDiHQkc 6OQafBQtkrcA1rZ0wQQi2b0q6gQXTBTJMBxr1kpZs1FHCIlBniQLZCDCmzdr AQiV2rbtmah8izDcCiwZk6ktW2ysWL1NHqU1N7ggchBXMjDchIiY2dZIXiNk 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R0lGODlhFAAUAPMHAAAAAAB6uQCS3CWq/0i4/47U/7Hi/////729vQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAACH5BAEAAAgALAAAAAAUABQAAAT+ECGEEEIIIYRAgQAhhBBCCCGEEEQIIWAKQAghBCAAAAAA AACAmAIBQgiBUUoppRRYCiHkFIAQAoJAQgghhBBCCDkFAoSAIIQQQgghkBBCRgAIASGEgEIIIYQY ZASAEEQAAAAAAAAAMOAIACGEEEIIIQQRQgiMABBCCCGIEEIIIYQQCABBhBBCCCEECkAIIoQQQggh hBBCEBQDEEIIIYQQggghhEAxBAAAAAQAAAAAQgiUQyAhpZRSSillAAQRKIcQQgghhBBICBEAIRAG IYRAQgghhBAiAEIIgjDIEEIIIYQQUAiAEEIgjAEAgAAAAAAAACGEEARhAIQQQgghhCAPQgghhEAA CCEEEUIIIYQiADs= } image create photo nullImage image create bitmap resize -data { #define resize_width 14 #define resize_height 11 static char resize_bits[] = { 0x20, 0x01, 0x30, 0x03, 0x38, 0x07, 0x3c, 0x0f, 0x3e, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x1f, 0x3c, 0x0f, 0x38, 0x07, 0x30, 0x03, 0x20, 0x01 } } # Tooltip popups # # tooltips version 0.1 # Paul Boyer # Science Applications International Corp. # ############################## # set_tooltips gets a button's name and the tooltip string as # arguments and creates the proper bindings for entering # and leaving the button ############################## proc set_tooltips {widget name} { global g bind $widget " catch { after 500 { internal_tooltips_PopUp %W $name } } g(tooltip_id) " bind $widget "internal_tooltips_PopDown" bind $widget "internal_tooltips_PopDown" } ############################## # internal_tooltips_PopUp is used to activate the tooltip window ############################## proc internal_tooltips_PopUp {wid name} { global g # get rid of other existing tooltips catch {destroy .tooltips_wind} toplevel .tooltips_wind -class ToolTip set size_changed 0 set bg [option get .tooltips_wind background background] set fg [option get .tooltips_wind foreground foreground] # get the cursor position set X [winfo pointerx $wid] set Y [winfo pointery $wid] # add a slight offset to make tooltips fall below cursor set Y [expr {$Y + 20}] # Now pop up the new widgetLabel wm overrideredirect .tooltips_wind 1 wm geometry .tooltips_wind +$X+$Y label .tooltips_wind.l -text $name -border 2 -relief raised \ -background $bg -foreground $fg pack .tooltips_wind.l # make invisible wm withdraw .tooltips_wind update idletasks # adjust for bottom of screen if {($Y + [winfo reqheight .tooltips_wind]) > [winfo screenheight .]} { set Y [expr {$Y - [winfo reqheight .tooltips_wind] - 25}] set size_changed 1 } # adjust for right border of screen if {($X + [winfo reqwidth .tooltips_wind]) > [winfo screenwidth .]} { set X [expr {[winfo screenwidth .] - [winfo reqwidth .tooltips_wind]}] set size_changed 1 } # reset position if {$size_changed == 1} { wm geometry .tooltips_wind +$X+$Y } # make visible wm deiconify .tooltips_wind # make tooltip dissappear after 5 sec set g(tooltip_id) [after 5000 { internal_tooltips_PopDown }] } proc internal_tooltips_PopDown {} { global g after cancel $g(tooltip_id) catch {destroy .tooltips_wind} } # Most of this was stolen from the "CDE" package by D. J. Hagberg. # I dig a couple more things out of the palette. -dar proc get_cde_params {} { global w # Set defaults for all the necessary things set bg [option get . background background] set fg [option get . foreground foreground] set guifont [option get . buttonFontList buttonFontList] set txtfont [option get . FontSet FontSet] set listfont [option get . textFontList textFontList] set textbg $bg set textfg $fg # If any of these aren't set, I don't think we're in CDE after all if {![string length $fg]} { return 0 } if {![string length $bg]} { return 0 } if {![string length $guifont]} { return 0 } if {![string length $txtfont]} { return 0 } set guifont [string trimright $guifont ":"] set txtfont [string trimright $txtfont ":"] set listfont [string trimright $txtfont ":"] regsub {medium} $txtfont "bold" dlgfont # They don't tell us the slightly darker color they use for the # scrollbar backgrounds and graphics backgrounds, so we'll make # one up. set rgb_bg [winfo rgb . $bg] set shadow [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr {(9*[lindex $rgb_bg 0]) /2560}] \ [expr {(9*[lindex $rgb_bg 1]) /2560}] [expr {(9*[lindex $rgb_bg 2]) \ /2560}]] # If we can find the user's dt.resources file, we can find out the # palette and background/foreground colors set fh "" set palette "" set cur_rsrc ~/.dt/sessions/current/dt.resources set hom_rsrc ~/.dt/sessions/home/dt.resources if {[file readable $cur_rsrc] && [file readable $hom_rsrc]} { if {[file mtime $cur_rsrc] > [file mtime $hom_rsrc]} { if {[catch {open $cur_rsrc r} fh]} { set fh "" } } else { if {[catch {open $hom_rsrc r} fh]} { set fh "" } } } elseif {[file readable $cur_rsrc]} { if {[catch {open $cur_rsrc r} fh]} { set fh "" } } elseif {[file readable $hom_rsrc]} { if {[catch {open $hom_rsrc r} fh]} { set fh "" } } if {[string length $fh]} { set palf "" while {[gets $fh ln] != -1} { regexp "^\\*background:\[ \t]*(.*)\$" $ln nil textbg regexp "^\\*foreground:\[ \t]*(.*)\$" $ln nil textbg regexp "^\\*0\\*ColorPalette:\[ \t]*(.*)\$" $ln nil palette regexp "^Window.Color.Background:\[ \t]*(.*)\$" $ln nil textbg regexp "^Window.Color.Foreground:\[ \t]*(.*)\$" $ln nil textfg } catch {close $fh} # # If the *0*ColorPalette setting was found above, try to find the # indicated file in ~/.dt, $DTHOME, or /usr/dt. # if {[string length $palette]} { foreach dtdir {/usr/dt /etc/dt ~/.dt} { # This uses the last palette that we find if {[file readable [file join $dtdir palettes $palette]]} { set palf [file join $dtdir palettes $palette] } } # debug-info "Using palette $palf" if {[string length $palf]} { if {![catch {open $palf r} fh]} { gets $fh activetitle gets $fh inactivetitle gets $fh wkspc1 gets $fh textbg gets $fh guibg ;#(*.background) - default for tk under cde gets $fh menubg gets $fh wkspc4 gets $fh iconbg ;#control panel bg too close $fh option add *Entry.highlightColor $activetitle userDefault option add *selectColor $activetitle userDefault option add *Text.highlightColor $wkspc4 userDefault option add *Dialog.Background $menubg userDefault option add *Menu.Background $menubg userDefault option add *Menubutton.Background $menubg userDefault option add *Menu.activeBackground $menubg userDefault option add *Menubutton.activeBackground $menubg userDefault set w(selcolor) $activetitle } } } } else { puts stderr "Neither ~/.dt/sessions/current/dt.resources nor" puts stderr " ~/.dt/sessions/home/dt.resources was readable" puts stderr " Falling back to plain X" return 0 } #option add *Button.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Label.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Menu.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Menubutton.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Dialog.msg.font $dlgfont userDefault option add *Text.Background $textbg userDefault option add *Entry.Background $textbg userDefault option add *Text.Foreground $textfg userDefault option add *Entry.Foreground $textfg userDefault option add *Button.activeBackground $bg userDefault option add *Button.activeForeground $fg userDefault option add *Scrollbar.activeBackground $bg userDefault option add *Scrollbar.troughColor $shadow userDefault option add *Canvas.Background $shadow userDefault # These menu configs work if you use native menus. option add *Menu.borderWidth 1 userDefault option add *Menu.activeForeground $fg userDefault option add *Menubutton.activeForeground $fg userDefault # This draws a thin border around buttons #option add *highlightBackground $bg userDefault # Suppress the border option add *HighlightThickness 0 userDefault # Add it back for text and entry widgets option add *Text.highlightBackground $bg userDefault option add *Entry.highlightBackground $bg userDefault option add *Text.HighlightThickness 2 userDefault option add *Entry.HighlightThickness 1 userDefault return 1 } # Maybe this could be enhanced to get configs from themes and so on? # Right now it just sets colors so everything isn't blinding white. proc get_aqua_params {} { global w # This doesn't seem to do anything? set w(selcolor) lightsteelblue # button highlightbackground has to be the same as background # or else there are little white boxes around the button "pill" option add *background #ebebeb userDefault option add *Button.highlightBackground #ebebeb userDefault option add *Entry.HighlightThickness 2 userDefault option add *Entry.highlightBackground $w(selcolor) userDefault #option add *Canvas.background #eeeeee userDefault option add *Entry.background #ffffff userDefault option add *Text.background white userDefault } ############################################################################### # run the main proc main